Outlook 2010 end users + Exchange online server allows Graph API usage? - outlook

I'm trying to connect an application I've written with an old on-premise Exchange 2010 server. Obviously this is not supported, I was wondering if Outlook 2010 end users + Exchange online server would allow the use of Microsoft Graph API?

If the Mailbox is an Office365 Mailbox (or you've configured hybrid https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/deva/2019/03/16/deep-dive-how-to-configure-exchange-on-premise-server-hybrid-integration-with-office-365-test-rest-api-calls/) then you can use the Graph API to access that Mailbox. The version of Outlook doesn't really matter as the API is strictly service side, but depending on what your actually doing client side you may find a lot client side integration pain and you would be better to upgrade the latest version of Outlook on the clients. That would give you more options when you redevelop your application as you can make use of the new Addin's platform etc.


Exchange 2016 / Non hybrid environment & MS Graph

I´m trying to get data from On-Prem Exchange Server (2016, with latest version) using MS Graph API in a non-hybrid environment.
I´ve registered the application in Azure AD, using application permissions and granted the admin consent already. After performing a http get operation it will give the following error:
Error authenticating with resource
After some research throughout the web I´ve found this article https://www.signorellidenis.com/en/graph-authenticationerror-trying-to-get-the-exchange-server-on-premises/
It seems that on Exchange side there is a missing authentication provider, so that all requests aren´t even forwarded from MS Graph to Exchange.
My questions are:
Does it work to perform requests to Exchange via MS Graph in a non-hybrid environment? There are no information in the official documentation about this issue.
Does it work without an authentication provider? Is there another way to perform requests in the environment? Or is the hybrid authentication necessary to do this?
Thank you very much in advance for any hints on this issue!
Just get a confirmation from Microsoft Support that It's not supported to make requests to pure on-premise Exchange 2016 via MS Graph.
MS Graph is designed for O365 cloud data. There is no permission to access on-premise resources.
In a hybrid environment, we can say that we use MS Graph as the interface to require the data. But it still most likely uses EWS to request data from on-premise.
The only way to access data from on-prem Exchange 2016 currently is hybrid deployments. See this document.

Integrate Online Dynamics CRM with On Premise Exchange. Is that possible

we have an in-house exchange server and we would like to integrate that with our Online Dynamics CRM application at /CompanyName/.crm.dynamics.com
We do not have any online exchange account with Microsoft yet and do not plan to add that. I went to server profiles interface within the Email Settings and tried adding both exchange and POP3-SMTP. But nothing helped. Way the settings are, I don' think Microsoft even allows setting up on premise exchange server with Online Dynamics CRM.
Is that so or am I doing something wrong
Any clue where should I start.
CRM Online only supports Exchange Online so I don't think what you want to do is possible.
Supported email service configurations for server-side synchronization

Authentication/Authorization For Self-Hosted Exchange Servers

This page states that before an application can access the API (I'm particularly interested in the Calendar API), it must be registered with Azure AD. Is this also true for organizations that may host their own Exchange servers?
Could someone provide a breakdown of what's necessary for me to get started with accessing the API to access the users' Calendar? I'm aware of the API reference, but I'm not entirely sure what's necessary to do before I can use the API.
That page is for Office365, not self hosted ones.
You can access your local/self hosted Exchange server with Exchange Web Services by using username/password, or even your local AD if you set it up correctly.
The API it is talking about is not available to on-premise Exchange Server, it is only available to Exchange Online in Office 365. This may change in the future, but currently you cannot use it in on-premise. Exchange Web Services is the way to go for on-premise.

How do I connect to multiple Exchange servers?

I'm working at a client site, and connect to their Exchange 2000 server via web mail. I have Outlook 2007 running as well connected to my companies Exchange 2007 over HTTP.
Is there any way to connect to the client's Exchange 2000 server using anything other than web mail? Ideally, Outlook 2007 would be able to do it, but I don't think that is possible. POP isn't an option, because I need calendaring.
Unfortunately, Outlook 2007 can only connect to one Exchange server per profile. To get this capability, you can upgrade to Outlook 2010. Outlook 2010 will connect to multiple Exchange servers in a single profile with no problem.
As a consultant, I have the need to connect to multiple email accounts all the time--my current profile is configured to connect to my corporate Exchange server, a client's Exchange server, two different Office 365 (Exchange Online) accounts, two different Google Apps accounts, and a Hotmail account. I love being able to easily navigate among all the different email accounts I regularly use via the native Outlook 2010 UI; I could never go back to multiple browser windows and Outlook profiles!
[I realize this is a 'stale' question, but I noticed it popped up in a search on the topic so I'm posting this answer as this information isn't reflected in any of the earlier answers.]
You can always use more than one Outlook profile.
There is a way of opening 2 Outlook instances running 2 different profiles.
Please see this link -> http://www.pcauthority.com.au/Feature/136036,server-101-access-multiple-exchange-servers-with-outlook.aspx
I dont think outlook will allow more than 1 exchange server connection. One option would be using another email clients like thunderbird to connect to the other exchange server [I haven't tried it though]. In case you need to know how to configure thnderbird to connect to exchange server, here is a link.
You can create multiple profiles in Outlook. You won't be able to open them all at the same time, but you can set outlook to ask you whihc profile to open when you start it.
this is an old link, but the process is essentially the same if dealing with 2003 or 2007.
With Exchange 2000, external access is only possible using Outlook Web Access or POP/IMAP. With Exchange 2003 and 2007 you can connect using the outlook client using RPC, but not in 2000.
On a side, you can only have 1 Exchange connection in outlook, so you would have to use multiple profiles.
Apple's Mail Client will connect to any number of Exchange servers at a time. I believe that the Open Source Evolution mail client will similarly do so.

Connecting Outlook 2007 to Domino 6.5?

Outlook (2007 now) is my favorite mail client and I would like to keep using it for both private and work emails. But with my new work, I discovered (with horror) that we have to use Lotus Domino and Lotus Notes 6.5 as client.
Is it possible to get my Lotus mails inside Outlook while maintaining my private POP mails in their existing PST ?
Here is the configuration:
Lotus Domino server version is 6.5
Outlook 2007 (fully patched) with a pst file created to handle private POP mail accounts.
MS Office Outlook Connector for IBM Lotus Domino v2.0.4007.0
EDIT: Of course, I have tried to add the account directly using Tools ==> Account Settings ==> New ==> Other ==> Lotus Notes Mail, exit Outlook and re-open it. Then I get the following error:
The set of folders cannot be opened. An unexpected error has occured.
MAPI was unable to load the information service nwnsp.dll. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured.
(This also my first question to StackOverflow so it is my way to test the return of this site.)
EDIT 1/07/2009: As I have discovered that the POP/SMTP ports were opened, I have decided to use this method to retrieve and send emails, fully aware of the disadvantage of the methods but at leas,t I am now using Outlook as client.
The best way to do it is to use Domino Access Manager for Outlook.
There is an IBM redbook that provides all the details here:
This IBM Redbook discusses IBM Lotus® Domino® Access for Microsoft® Outlook, the software solution that allows Outlook client users to easily access mail and calendar data that is stored on Lotus Domino servers.
If you want to improve the reliability and scalability of your messaging infrastructure and to add collaboration, upgrading from Microsoft Exchange to IBM Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook (DAMO) provides the solution. With DAMO, you have reliable, scalable, and secure Lotus Domino Messaging to Microsoft Outlook users without requiring users to change from the Outlook client -- users simply work with mail, calendar, and task data on Lotus Domino instead of Microsoft Exchange. Familiar Microsoft Outlook features are supported, including rich text, folders and Directory Catalog. Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook also gives Microsoft Outlook users the additional benefits of Domino Messaging features, including full text search capability for their mailbox and native support for Internet standards (SMTP/MIME and HTML).
