Particular image won't show in UIButton - xcode

I am trying to show the following image in a UIButton.
For some reason, the delete icon won't work here but any other image does. Is there something wrong with the image?

The button wasn't added to the target membership


Load image from URI into Button in Xamarin.Forms using FFImageLoading

Is there any way to load Image into Xamarin.Forms Button from URL?
It seems that button itself only support FileImageSource.
Sure, I can download image and then manually put it into Button, but I hope someone has done this already in reusable fashion :)
You can add Tap gesture on a image instead of button
Try putting Image control inside a frame control which will give a better view like button with drop shadow if you prefer. Plus use the Tapgesture

Custom button not displaying in Today Extension

I have some custom buttons in my host app that I'd like to use in the Today Extension.
They work just fine in the app but do not display in the widget.
The button on the left is my custom button class, the one on the right is a UIButton. If I change it to my custom class it too disappears.
Any thoughts why this might be happening?
Well, somehow I managed to get it to display but sometimes it's not drawing the whole button and sometimes it's drawing the button incorrectly.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

xcode 5 assign image inside storyboard

I haven't used xcode since version 4 and am getting back into it.
I am simply trying to add a static image inside my storyboard. I have dragged out a UiImageView, but cannot figure out where to assign the image to it. I remember I could do this in XCode 4.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can set the image for an image view in the Attributes inspector:
If you have images in your project, they'll show up in the popup.

how do you put a simple banner/image in OS X app window?

In IB, I put an Image View object in app window, and dragged a tiff from the finder into that space, turned off editing, and positioned/sized the image as a header banner. Looked fine in IB, but when built and ran, ImageView object is there only as a background filled box (without my tiff).
Could someone explain what steps I am missing or point me to an existing relevant answer?
PS: By banner I only mean a static image, nothing to do with html, nor iOS.
Have you put the image in an NSURL or CGImage variable? I haven't worked with any of the image frameworks lately but I know that the app needs to know where the image is. That's the first thing I would look at.
I didn't know you could drag an image from the Finder into an NSImageView. What I would do is add the image to the Xcode project, so that it will be added to the built app. Then the name of the image should appear in the list of choices for the image in the IB inspector for the NSImageView.

Interface Builder UIImageView not showing image, only black screen

I have a UIView in Interface Builder and set up different UIImageViews for the background images that I want displayed that are not going to move at all (thus I didn't think I needed IBOutlets for them).
However, when the view is loaded on the iPad, it shows a black screen, and none of the images are shown.
Does something need to be set in Interface Builder to show the images?
When you add the image to the Resources folder, you have to make sure that you check the correct target. In your case check the iPad target. I hope this works for you.
You do need to use IBOutlets to do this
I had a similar bug while using cocoa pods. The pod included a Default.png file that was being selected in interface builder over the file with the same name in the regular project.
