PayPal express ActiveMerchant gateway not working - ruby

According to this, the ActiveMerchant PayPal Express Gateway is initialized like this:
paypal_options = {
password: "API_PASSWORD_HERE",
I'm definitely supplying a signature, yet I'm getting this error:
An API Certificate or API Signature is required to make requests to PayPal
The PayPal initializer looks like this (found here):
def initialize(options = {})
requires!(options, :login, :password)
headers = {'X-PP-AUTHORIZATION' => options.delete(:auth_signature), 'X-PAYPAL-MESSAGE-PROTOCOL' => 'SOAP11'} if options[:auth_signature]
options = {
:pem => pem_file,
:signature => signature,
:headers => headers || {}
if options[:pem].blank? && options[:signature].blank?
raise ArgumentError, "An API Certificate or API Signature is required to make requests to PayPal"
I don't understand what this initializer is doing with the signature and why it's not accepting it as per the example.
Here are the options I'm passing, which I've put to STDOUT:
"password" =>"***************",
"signature" =>"AVtrAKGQXoUNJFduUU0pn1dewq80AK9KYWenyFwYcduz8elS85B8T0Wc",
"allow_guest_checkout" =>true,
"login" =>"********************",
"test" =>true
Can someone help me with this please?
Note that I'm using this in JRuby, but I don't think that makes any difference in this case.
EDIT after #PiersC's comments:
I hardcoded this instead of taking them as params from Java and it worked:
options = {
login: "*************",
password: "*****************",
signature: "AVtrAKGQXoUNJFduUU0pn1dewq80AK9KYWenyFwYcduz8elS85B8T0Wc"
However this has led to another question. I've been converting the Java maps to Ruby hashes like this:
def self.convert_hash(map)
hsh = {}
map.each {|key, value| hsh[key] = value}
And this has worked on all other gateways. How do I convert the Java map correctly to the options hash in Ruby?

Your option keys are strings but should be symbols, eg. { password: '***', ... } ActiveSupport::HashWithInvalidAccess hides (obscures?) the difference between symbol keys and string keys, but if you are using a regular Hash then { 'signature' => signature } is not the same as { signature: signature }.


Ruby Strong Params: NoMethodError undefined method permit for Integer

My controller:
class V1::SendContractController < V1::BaseController
def create
bride_membership = Wedding.find(send_params[:weddingId]).bride_memberships[0]
SendBrideContractJob.perform_now(bride_membership, send_params[:contractId])
render json: { enqueuedDelivery: true }, status: :ok
def send_params
My params
Parameters: {"weddingId"=>4, "contractId"=>20, "send_contract"=>{"weddingId"=>4, "contractId"=>20}}
The error
NoMethodError (undefined method `permit' for 4:Integer):
But then when I byebug it I get what I want!
(byebug) params
<ActionController::Parameters {"weddingId"=>4, "contractId"=>20, "controller"=>"v1/send_contract", "action"=>"create", "send_contract"=>{"weddingId"=>4, "contractId"=>20}} permitted: false>
(byebug) params[:weddingId]
And I'm using axios with an interceptor to take care of formatting issues:
axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
if(config.url !== "/authentications") {
config.paramsSerializer = params => {
// Qs is already included in the Axios package
return qs.stringify(params, {
arrayFormat: "brackets",
encode: false
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${store.state.token.token}`
config.headers.common['Authorization']= `Bearer ${store.state.token.token}`
axios.defaults.headers.common['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.bella.v1+json'
config.headers.common['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.bella.v1+json'
return config
return config
I believe that require gives you the object at the key you provide to do further permit and / or require calls.
Perhaps you could try (not tested):
params.permit(:weddingId, :contractId)
Edit: there's this too: Multiple require & permit strong parameters rails 4
Refer to this documentation and question.The require ensures that a parameter is present. If it's present, returns the parameter at the given key, otherwise raises an ActionController::ParameterMissing error.
p = { "weddingId"=>4, "contractId"=>20 }
# 4
p = { "weddingId"=>nil, "contractId"=>20 }
# ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty: weddingId
If you want to make sure :weddingId is present:
def contract_params
params.permit(:contractId, :weddingId)
BTW, SendContractController is better called ContractsController.

How to create a JWT for use with Apple Music

Im trying to create a developer token that is a ES256 JWT to use for Apple Music authentication. (Here)
Im using ruby and the JWT gem but after creating the token I get a 401 error when authenticating with Apple Music
require 'jwt'
payload = {:iss => 'CapExdTeam', :iat => '1497335982', :exp => '1513112982'}
priv = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"
ecdsa_key =
token = JWT.encode payload, ecdsa_key, 'ES256', { :kid => "CapExedKid", :alg => "ES256" }
puts token
`curl -v -H 'Authorization: Bearer #{token}' ""
Im using the sample private key to simulate 429 error just for illustration purposes
I used this script and it works perfectly
Based on #DanDevine's answer, here's a more Ruby/OO approach:
require "openssl"
# Example:
# token = "...", team_id: "...", keyfile:"lib/assets/AuthKey_xxxxxxx.p8"))
# token.auth_token
# token.auth_header
module AppleMusic
class Token
attr_reader :key_id, :team_id, :keyfile
# Keyfile should be an IO type that responds to `read`
def initialize(key_id:, team_id:, keyfile:)
#key_id = key_id
#team_id = team_id
#keyfile = keyfile
def auth_token
#auth_token ||= fetch_auth_token
def auth_header
"Bearer #{auth_token}"
def fetch_auth_token
header = {
typ: "JWT", # Must be specified; not in documentation
alg: "ES256",
kid: key_id
body = {
iss: team_id,
exp: + 43_200 # 12hrs
JWT.encode(body, auth_key, 'ES256', header)
def auth_key
key =
It's now also possible in pure Swift!
You first have to create a MusicKit identifier and a private key using this guide from Apple. Then a token can be easily created using Swift-JWT from IBM in pure Swift.
It's more or less just an invocation of the SwiftJWT API:
let teamId = "yourTeamID"
let keyId = "yourKeyID"
let keyFileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath:"/pathToYour/key.p8")
struct MyClaims: Claims {
let iss: String
let iat: Date?
let exp: Date?
let myHeader = Header(kid: keyId)
let myClaims = MyClaims(iss: teamId, iat: Date(), exp: Date() + 24 * 60 * 60)
var myJWT = SwiftJWT.JWT(header: myHeader, claims: myClaims)
let token = try! myJWT.sign(using: .es256(privateKey: try! String(contentsOf: keyFileUrl).data(using: .utf8)!))
I created a simple example and a command line tool using the Swift Package Manager: SwiftJWTSample
Here's a working Ruby implementation. Call with your keyId and teamId, provide access to your private key file and go.
class AppleMusic
def initialize(keyId, teamId, options ={})
appleKeyId = keyId
appleTeamId = teamId
#validity_start =
#validity_end = + 43200 # 12 hours in seconds...
# Build up the headers
header = {
'typ' => 'JWT', # MUST BE SPECIFIED... Apple doesn't tell you this!
'alg' => 'ES256',
'kid' => appleKeyId
# Build up the payload
body = {
'iss' => appleTeamId,
'iat' => #validity_start,
'exp' => #validity_end
# This should be installed manually on the server somewhere
# TODO: Add some protection around the file's existance, set the name & location
# as some type of configuration key.
file ='lib/assets/AuthKey_xxxxxxx.p8')
key =
#auth_token = JWT.encode(body, key, 'ES256', header)
def auth_token
def auth_header
"Bearer #{#auth_token}"
def validity_start
def validity_end

Grape API and HTTP Digest Authentication

I am working on creating an API for my ruby application that authenticates users based on HTTP Digest Authentication. I decided to use the Grape API library because it makes creating an API cleaner in ruby. The Grape documentation states that you can use Digest Authentication like:
http_digest({ :realm => 'Test Api', :opaque => 'app secret' }) do |username|
# lookup the user's password here
{ 'user1' => 'password1' }[username]
The Grape implementation above is a wrapper for Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5
Now also for security i read that as of RFC 2617 you don't need to store the password as plain text in the database you store an MD5 digest of the username:realm:password and authticate against that so i created a DataMapper model:
class Key
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :username, String
property :password, String
property :active, Boolean, :default => true
property :created_at, DateTime, :default =>
property :updated_at, DateTime
Now with what I provided, I am lost as to how to connect these two and make it work.
Unfortunately, Rack::Auth::Digest::MD5 expects a plaintext password on the server side.
The Grape example code shows a hard-coded lookup of password.
You could replace { 'user1' => 'password1' }[username] with
Key.first( :username => username ).password
provided you stored plaintext passwords in the Key class. You could store these reversibly-encrypted I suppose, although that doesn't add much security unless you construct relatively complex/costly schemes for key management.
Not sure if there is a way around this that would let you store hashed passwords. MD5 isn't the most secure hashing choice (although better than nothing!). If security is an important concern for your API, you will want to look beyond digest auth - using https would help, for example.
Edit: Following a bit of to-and-fro in discussions, the following variation of Grape's example does allow you to store the MD5'd password:
auth :http_digest, { :realm => { :realm => 'Llama', :passwords_hashed => true, :opaque => "7302c32d39bbacb5ed0ace096723fd" } } do |username|
Digest::MD5.hexdigest( 'fred:Llama:654321' )
The example gives a hard-coded username:'fred', password:'654321' response. So I think your target code is something like:
auth :http_digest, { :realm => { :realm => 'Llama', :passwords_hashed => true, :opaque => "7302c32d39bbacb5ed0ace096723fd" } } do |username|
k = Key.first( :username => username )
k ? k.password : nil
And you store the result of Digest::MD5.hexdigest( "#{username}:#{realm}:#{password}" ) in each user's password property.
Note the double-level hash with :realm twice. This is a bit hacky, but at least you don't have to write your own middleware, Grape is still dealing with it. This is not a documented feature of Grape or covered with tests, so may not work in future versions.

Specify token options for OmniAuth OAuth2 based strategy

I'm creating custom strategy for API. As they're using OAuth, it's pretty simple.
require 'omniauth-oauth2'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
class Nimble < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
option :name, "nimble"
option :client_options, {
:site => "",
:authorize_url => '/oauth/authorize',
:token_url => '/oauth/token'
# option :access_token_options, {
# :mode => :query,
# :param_name => :access_token
# }
option :provider_ignores_state, true
uid { raw_info['email'] }
info do
'uid' => raw_info['email'],
'name' => raw_info['name'],
'email' => raw_info['email']
extra do
{ 'raw_info' => raw_info }
def raw_info
access_token.options[:mode] = :query
access_token.options[:param_name] = :access_token
#raw_info ||= access_token.get('/api/users/myself/', {:parse => :json}).parsed
For passing tokens, they need to use access_token parameter in URL. When I specify options in raw_info function directly, as in sample — it's OK.
When I'm trying to specify this options in access_token_options hash (like in commented section) — parameters aren't passing to token. I'm not very good in Ruby, so I didn't figure out from libraries sources — how correctly pass parameters to access_token in OmniAuth OAuth2 descendants.
I'd like to make it "right way", so access_token initialised with correct options, plese someone point me the right way.
Thank you!
I've explored several existing strategies (GitHub, 4SQ), and looks like it's normal practice to directly modify access token options.
So I'll stay with it :)

Parse WSDL file with SOAP4R

Is there any example of WSDL Parser using SOAP4R? I'm trying to list all operations of WSDL file but I can't figure it out :( Can you post me some tutorial?
Maybe that isn't answer you want, but I recommend you switch to Savon. For example, your task looks like this snippet (this example taken from github's savon page):
require "savon"
# create a client for your SOAP service
client ="")
# => [:create_user, :get_user, :get_all_users]
# execute a SOAP request to call the "getUser" action
response = client.request(:get_user) do
soap.body = { :id => 1 }
# => { :get_user_response => { :first_name => "The", :last_name => "Hoff" } }
