How do you set menuFormRepresentation for an NSToolbarItem in IB? - xcode

How do you set the menuFormRepresentation for an NSToolbarItem in Interface Builder?
I was trying to transition from programmatically constructed window toolbars to ones created entirely in IB (with an ultimate goal of easier localization).
I'm also transitioning from image-based items to view-based item to support NSButton and NSSegmentedControl items.
My first step was to just modify the existing code to create view-based toolbar items instead of image items. That works just fine.
My next step was to rip out all of the code and use just IB (Xcode 9.2) to create the toolbar and toolbar items. Most of it works, but the NSButton items don't get enabled or disabled properly.
When I wrote the code, I had to create NSMenuItem (or NSMenu) objects for each toolbar item and use that to set the item's menuFormRepresentation property. According to the documentation "Setting a Toolbar Item’s Representation", if you don't do this a view-based item (a) won't get validated automatically and (b) will not appear in the text-only version of the toolbar or the overflow menu.
I've looked everywhere in IB I can think of, but there's no outlet, property, or attribute where you can set the item's menuFormRepresentation property. I've also tried dragging and dropping a menu item on the toolbar item; nothing happens.
The documentation for "Creating a Toolbar in Interface Builder" doesn't make any mention of what to do about menuFormRepresentation, yet without it the item is functionally crippled.
Is this a huge hole in IB or am I missing something?


Drop-down menu in NSToolbar like

I'd like a toolbar button with an attached dropdown menu, like the "Flag" button in the toolbar in
I'd hoped that making a normal NSMenuItem and adding a menu as the menuFormRepresentation would do the trick, but that menu only appears when the button goes into overflow mode.
I had also hoped that adding an NSPopupButton as a custom view would work, but that makes the whole view a menu, whereas I want the left part of the component to behave like a normal button, and the right dropdown part bring up the menu.
Is there some trick to making the NSToolbarItem show a component like this, or is this two custom views stuck together?
There's nothing magical about NSToolbar here. That's just one of the ways you can set up NSSegmentedControl, regardless of whether it appears as a toolbar item's custom view or on its own.
You can't set this up in Interface Builder (storyboard), but NSSegmentedControl has APIs for assigning menus to segments:
segmentControl.setMenu(myMenu, forSegment: 1)
segmentControl.setShowsMenuIndicator(true, forSegment: 1) // for the little arrow
You probably want to set the tracking mode to momentary, since your segment control is acting as a set of visually-connected buttons, not a choose-one-of-N selector.
When the user clicks either segment, your action method will need to use the selectedSegment to decide whether to perform the action associated with the "button" side or ignore the click (letting the menu show for the other side).

How to add tooltips to NSButtonCell that is within a NSMatrix

I am currently instantiating an NSMatrix w/ NSButtonCell subclasses through IB
I use the identity inspector to change the Tool Tip property
But the tooltip doesn't show on the button cell.
If I set a tooltip on the NSMatrix object, a tooltip still doesn't show
If I add an NSButton to the same view, and add a tooltip to that, it does show
Why won't my tooltips on NSMatrix or NSButtonCell show?
I don't know why it can not be set in the Interface Builder (It seems like a long standing issue), but you can set them at least programmatically.
[self.matrix setToolTip:#"Tooltip for first item" forCell:[self.matrix cellAtRow:0 column:0]];
[self.matrix setToolTip:#"Tooltip for second item" forCell:[self.matrix cellAtRow:1 column:0]];
Careful, if in InterfaceBuilder you click the button, you can add the tooltip to the button, and the class displayed under "Custom Class", top right, is NSButton. But, if you click the button again, as you do while selecting stuff in xcode, what is selected is the NSButtonCell, which appears to have a separate tooltip. If you're not careful you add your tooltip to the NSButtonCell instead of the NSButton, and it won't show in your running application.
So, the problem may be that you have clicked the button one more time in IB, and you thought to enter the tooltip for the NSButton, but you didn't.
Personally I think it may be a bug, why would you want to add a tooltip for the button cell?

'Embed Objects In' menu items are all disabled. How to enable?

I'm following the instructions for creating a ScrollView in the book 'Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition'. I'm using Xcode 3.2.3.
I've already created a view, into which I've drawn shapes and lines.
The next task is to convert this to a NSScrollView, which according to the book should be a simple case of selecting the existing view and choosing Layout -> Embed Objects In -> Scroll View.
However whatever object I select, the items in the 'Embed Objects In' menu are all disabled.
How can I enable the Embed Objects In -> Scroll View item?
Got it. The important thing here is not to try selecting the view in the MainMenu.xib window. Select the view in the actual document window and make sure the resize handles are visible. A little fiddly, but once you get the right object selected, then the embed objects menu items become enabled.

Facing issue with internationalize MainMenu.xib for Cocoa based Mac OS X Application

I am working in a Cocoa based Mac OS X project and facing one issue with internationalize MainMenu.xib.
In the menu items, all titles are need to be internationalized programmatically. All the menu items like “cut”, ”copy”, ”paste” can be internationalized using setTitle except the undo and redo menu item title. Adding to this, after typing anything in the text fields of the project forms, the undo menu item title dynamically changed to “Undo Typing”. The same happens for “Redo” also.
I can set the titles of other menu and menuitems' title using,
[[[[NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:1] submenu]setTitle:#"Edit_Test"]
for MainMenu.xib "Edit" menu and similarly,
[[[[[NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:1] submenu]itemAtIndex:4]setTitle:#"Copy_Test"]
for NSMenuItem "Copy" which is in under "Edit" menu.
But If I use the same piece of code,
[[[[[NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:1] submenu]itemAtIndex:0]setTitle:#"Undo_Test"]
the menuItem title still remain as "Undo"
NSUndoManager provides the methods undoMenuItemTitle and redoMenuItemTitle, but NSUndoManager does not send the -setTitle: messages to the "Undo" and "Redo" menu items.
So how can I track that dynamic change in title and make that "Undo Typing" internationalized also?
Is it possible to manually get the First responder of the MainMenu.xib and from that get the undomanager object? So that i can unbind the undo action that is currently present in the first responder with the undo menu item and perform undo operation manually or is it possible to just change the title programmatically without doing all these.
Please let me know if any one had come across this problem and resolved the issue.
Make a subclass of NSUndoManager and override the undoMenuTitleForUndoActionName: method and the redoMenuTitleForUndoActionName: method. Create instances of this subclass for each document (or managed object context, or other thing) that needs an undo manager.

NSToolbar special area

I like to try to completely take over the area where the NSToolbar resides so I can put my own custom controls, views and background. The advantages of using this area are:
Any sliding panels appear below the toolbar area instead of just the title bar.
In Lion, the toolbar area comes down along with the menu bar when the mouse is at the top of the screen.
I have tried using a borderless window, and implementing my own custom views within it but unfortunately I lose the above advantages as well as having a few other minor problems.
My current method is to use the undocumented method '_toolbarView' with the NSToolbar and add my custom view into its subviews. This works fine as I can turn off toolbar customisation. Unfortunately, the size of the toolbar is initialised with the items within that toolbar. Does anyone know if I can change the size of toolbar without adding a fake ToolbarItem?
Maybe there's also a better way of doing this that I am currently unaware of.
Thanks for any suggestions and comments.
No need to use any undocumented APIs. Just create a toolbar item with a custom view:
- (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar:(NSToolbar *)toolbar itemForItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:(BOOL)flag {
NSToolbarItem *item = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier:itemIdentifier] autorelease];
[item setView:myCustomToolbarView];
You can control your custom toolbar’s size using the item’s minSize and maxSize properties (e. g. in your NSWindowDelegate’s -windowDidResize:).
Remember to also update the toolbar display mode so it doesn't show item labels:
[toolbar setDisplayMode: NSToolbarDisplayModeIconOnly];
