Drop-down menu in NSToolbar like Mail.app - cocoa

I'd like a toolbar button with an attached dropdown menu, like the "Flag" button in the toolbar in Mail.app:
I'd hoped that making a normal NSMenuItem and adding a menu as the menuFormRepresentation would do the trick, but that menu only appears when the button goes into overflow mode.
I had also hoped that adding an NSPopupButton as a custom view would work, but that makes the whole view a menu, whereas I want the left part of the component to behave like a normal button, and the right dropdown part bring up the menu.
Is there some trick to making the NSToolbarItem show a component like this, or is this two custom views stuck together?

There's nothing magical about NSToolbar here. That's just one of the ways you can set up NSSegmentedControl, regardless of whether it appears as a toolbar item's custom view or on its own.
You can't set this up in Interface Builder (storyboard), but NSSegmentedControl has APIs for assigning menus to segments:
segmentControl.setMenu(myMenu, forSegment: 1)
segmentControl.setShowsMenuIndicator(true, forSegment: 1) // for the little arrow
You probably want to set the tracking mode to momentary, since your segment control is acting as a set of visually-connected buttons, not a choose-one-of-N selector.
When the user clicks either segment, your action method will need to use the selectedSegment to decide whether to perform the action associated with the "button" side or ignore the click (letting the menu show for the other side).


How to make a NSToolbar item toggle state

I have an NSToolbar with NSToolbarItem instances. One of the toolbar buttons is in one of two modes, depending on whether it currently operating (has been clicked) or not. I am handling this in code by changing the icon for the button to have a background rectangle when the command it represents is operational, but I can't help thinking there must be another way.
I've tried using the Selectable checkbox in XCode Interface Builder attribute inspector, and it sort of gives the result I want, except when it is selected I can't click any of the other toolbar items. I also can't see how to deselect it.
I'm a bit of a Cocoa noob so I expect the two state toggle thing is just waiting for me to find it, except so far I haven't been able to.
This seems like it would be a common thing to want to do, thing is how?

NSTabView comes with duplicate buttons in Interface Builder?

If I drag a Tab View Controller to the storyboard of an OS X application, the tab view buttons seem to misbehave. Can you help me understand what's going on?
Here's an minimal example of a fresh project, where I simply replaced the default empty View Controller with a new Tab View Controller:
The highlighted Tab View is shown as No Shadow Tab View by default, which means that the Tab View's style is Tabless in the Attributes Inspector.
There are also two Tab View Items below the Tab View in the Scene's list.
If I build & run, the result looks like this:
The tab controls are visible, but the tab view has no bezel. It seems like the tab buttons that are displayed are actually the two extra Tab View Items, not the native buttons of the Tab View itself.
If I change the Tab View's style to Top Tabs instead of the default Tabless, I get a bezel, but duplicate tab buttons:
And if I change it to Tabless With Bezel, the bezel is below the tab buttons, instead of properly sitting midway under the buttons:
I can't figure this out. Why are there two sets of tab buttons to start with (with the "real" one hidden by default)? The two extra Tab View Items seem to be completely redundant, but they can't be deleted.
Is there a way to have a tab bar with a proper bezel when using Interface Builder and a Tab View Controller?
You need to set the style of the tabViewController to "Unspecified" and setup the included tabView.

Can I change the NSSegmentedControl popup menu position?

I am using a 3 segment NSSegmentedControl for adding and removing configurations, as well as the cog "action" symbol to pop up a menu.
However, when the menu pops up it shows up as follows:
I would much prefer the popup to be displayed centered above the cog segment instead below and sticking off the bottom of my window (which is actually a preference pane).
I have created a subclass of NSSegmentedCell to override the 'action' method as described in this answer.
I would prefer to avoid private APIs if at all possible!

NSWindow's title as indicator popup button

I'm trying to make my first Cocoa app (previously I was making iOS apps) and what I wish to do for my custom view is make it's title clickable with indicator (accessory) triangle facing down.
Clicking the title would open a popup/menu with my items.
How is that doneable in Cocoa?
Rdelmar's answer is probably the easiest way to go, but may not do exactly what you might want to do (which is replace the actual title with a pop up item, instead of having a popup button under the title in the toolbar area). With respect to functionality your application will probably work just as well using the toolbar.
If, however, you truly want to replace the actual title, the means of going about this would be to set the NSWindow title text to #"" to hide it, and redraw it by sticking in your own view.
[[[theWindow contentView] superview] addSubview:theSubview];
This basically tells the superview of the main content view to add another subview (direct "translation" from the code), and you'll have to tinker with the frame of this new subview to have it be positioned where the title should be positioned (as now it's free to be placed anywhere in the window frame, including on top of the title bar, as opposed to simply inside the content view).
theSubview can be your popup button, or whatever you want, and you'll also probably have to custom draw the popup button to match the original drawing of the window title.
You can do this by adding a toolbar to your window in IB. Once, you add the toolbar, you can double click on it to open the customizer view of it. Drag a popup button into the Allowable Toolbar Items area and after it is inserted there you can drag it into the bottom area which shows the layout of the toolbar -- you can also drag out any of the default items there that you don't want.

How to require explicit dismissal of a yui popup menu?

I have a page with a couple of widgets on it, each of which, when clicked, brings up a yui popup menu: If I click on widget 1, its menu comes up. If I now click on widget 2, widget 1's menu gets a hide event, and widget 2's menu gets a show event and comes up. I'd like to change this so that, when widget 1's menu is up, it must be explicitly dismissed by a click on the page background (and/or, perhaps, another click on the widget or the escape key) before the menu attached to widget 2 is allowed to appear.
I've set up some beforeShowEvent and beforeHideEvent handlers on the menus, hoping to be able to use some method (a global variable? ick) of keeping track of when a menu is present and showing or hiding accordingly, but it's not working -- these handlers can't tell the difference between a click on the page background and a click on widget 2 (at least, not as I've done it so far). Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do? Thanks!
I think that a combination of clicktohide: false
Boolean indicating if the Menu will automatically be hidden if the user clicks outside of it. This property is only applied when the "position" configuration property is set to dynamic and is automatically applied to all submenus.
and keepopen: true
Boolean indicating if the menu should remain open when clicked.
will take care of this.
