Where is Qt Maintenance Tool in Homebrew - macos

I have installed Qt with Homebrew. Everything is working fine for Desktop Application Development. But I do not find Maintenance Tool. Do I need to install that separately with brew ?

It does not exist, since homebrew tries to be a package manager like they exist on linux environtments. Just like cygwin/msys2 for windows. So they provide one qt build and that's it.
You can still install the official binary distribution from Qt which contains the Maintenance Tool. You can think of the Maintenance Tool as Qt's internal package manager, that can install official Qt binaries.


Is vcpkg installing debug or release version of the library?

How can I check if vcpkg installed debug/release version of a library?
I'm on macOS Monterey but I guess this applies to other OS also.
I did vcpkg install qt5 and after a few hours it looks like it installed everything (almost).
After adding the kit from vcpkg on QtCreator, I can build/run a simple Qt based project in release mode but in debug mode it fails with:
vcpkg install both versions. Qt IDE integration however works only for release builds unless you are allowed to specify a qt.conf file to use for customized lookup. Typically IDE integrations just look for qmake without any way to customize it... which only allows one build config to work in vcpkg

Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both - Qt

Just to precise I'm a total beginner in this. I check on the internet and it seems that nothing match to this problem.
My goal is to run this github which is a facial recognition program: https://github.com/anisayari/easy_facial_recognition
So here is the error:
Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both
/Users/pierre/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/.dylibs/QtCore (0x1086267f0)
and /Users/pierre/anaconda3/lib/libQt5Core.5.9.7.dylib (0x122fc0a80).
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
From what I understand, I just have to indicate which one to use but I don't find anything about how to do it. Also, It seems to be a recurrent error on Mac.
I had this error on my Mac too. Apparently opencv's GUI tools were conflicting with the PYQT libraries that were also installed on my system in my anaconda/lib/ folder. So to give opencv just one set of GUI tools and since I wasn't sure what else was using PYQT in my lib, I chose to use the non-GUI version of opencv, aka opencv-python-headless. I previously had opencv-python-headless installed on my system, and maybe the two packages can't co-exist in the new version of OpenCV or with Catalina.
I removed opencv-python
pip uninstall opencv-python
uninstalled and reinstalled the headless version (which has no GUI tools)
pip uninstall opencv-python-headless
pip install opencv-python-headless
I don't know if it was necessary to remove then reinstall the existing headless package, but that's what I did. I wasn't sure that opencv-headless would find the PYQT in my lib but it didn't have any problems.

How to minimize install of Qt for using PyQt on MacOS?

I was trying to install PyQt on my MacOS. With SIP installed, an error occurred when python3 PyQt-gpl-5.4/configure.py inputted:
Error: Use the --qmake argument to explicitly specify a working Qt qmake.
It seems that Qt should be installed before PyQt. There're many optional components in the installation of Qt:
-Qt 5.4
--clang 64-bit
--source components
Which components should I choose for installing qmake??
qmake is the executable that is included with any version of the qt libraries; and there is a different version of qmake for each compiler the Qt Libraries are built with/against. On a mac, and for building projects that run on OSX, you will probably want clang x64. And you will find qmake under ~/Qt/5.x/clang_64/bin It will also install qt creator (I don't think you can uncheck it), but you don't need all the extras besides that.
Building with qmake often needs XCode installed and the Command Line Tools (CLT) to use its included compiler. With Python, you probably won't need the compiler, unless you need to build some of its libraries.
Hope that helps.

Porting a GTK+ App to Mac OSX

I have a GTK+ Application (ready with Autotools) which i have developed on my Linux box. Now I need to port this one to OSX.
I have successfully installed jhbuild, which in turn installed GTK+ and stuff on the Mac (10.5.8)
I just don't know what to do next. Trying to ./configure && make && make install (on my app copied to the Mac) fails since pkg-config is not installed on the Mac.
Do I really need to write a jhbuild moduleset in order to compile this app?
I need two libraries as well: libxml2 and libsoup-2.4. Will jhbuild tae care for integrating them...?!
My question now is: What is the simplest way to port a GTK+ Application to OSX and is there a tutorial or how-to on it?
I recommend installing Homebrew which is a command line package manager for mac. Once installed open terminal and run brew install pkg-config to install pkg-config then brew install gtk+ and/or brew install gtk+3 to install gtk+ 2 or 3 respectively.
After that is done you should be able to compile with your makefiles.
Are you sure that jhbuild installed GTK? Did you do
jhbuild bootstrap
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap
jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core
as instructed on the "GTK OSX Building" page? If you did this, then pkg-config is definitely installed, because those packages wouldn't have built without it.
Are you building your application from within the jhbuild environment? i.e. did you do
jhbuild shell
before trying to build your application?
Isn't using jhbuild a bit overkill ? Wouldn't a Mac OS X GTK bundle from gtk.org be enough ? I think it provides pkg-config as the Win32 version provides it. Jhbuild is interesting if you have tons of dependencies to build, or want to build GTK yourself, but from what I understand, you just want to port a GTK application...

How to compile a Windows binary in Ubuntu?

I have a Qt application that I can compile in Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and on Windows. However, I would like to avoid switching to Windows every time I want to compile the Windows version.
Is there a way I can compile a Windows Qt executable in Ubuntu with mingw32 or something?
Further, is there a way to integrate that compiler into Qt Creator?
There is a PPA (Personal Package Archive) for some people who are cross-compiling Qt and related software on Ubuntu for Windows. The PPA contains both the cross-compilers and the dependencies you will need to cross-compile Qt programs. If you look at the source packages there, I think you will be able to figure out how to configure your projects and build them.
If you most of your time spend coding with Qt on Linux (for example, Ubuntu), you may produce some experiment: install Wine, install Qt SDK for Windows with Wine and tried to build some simple project!
And if you don't like crazy things, which I wrote above, just use VirtualBox.
