How to minimize install of Qt for using PyQt on MacOS? - macos

I was trying to install PyQt on my MacOS. With SIP installed, an error occurred when python3 PyQt-gpl-5.4/ inputted:
Error: Use the --qmake argument to explicitly specify a working Qt qmake.
It seems that Qt should be installed before PyQt. There're many optional components in the installation of Qt:
-Qt 5.4
--clang 64-bit
--source components
Which components should I choose for installing qmake??

qmake is the executable that is included with any version of the qt libraries; and there is a different version of qmake for each compiler the Qt Libraries are built with/against. On a mac, and for building projects that run on OSX, you will probably want clang x64. And you will find qmake under ~/Qt/5.x/clang_64/bin It will also install qt creator (I don't think you can uncheck it), but you don't need all the extras besides that.
Building with qmake often needs XCode installed and the Command Line Tools (CLT) to use its included compiler. With Python, you probably won't need the compiler, unless you need to build some of its libraries.
Hope that helps.


Is vcpkg installing debug or release version of the library?

How can I check if vcpkg installed debug/release version of a library?
I'm on macOS Monterey but I guess this applies to other OS also.
I did vcpkg install qt5 and after a few hours it looks like it installed everything (almost).
After adding the kit from vcpkg on QtCreator, I can build/run a simple Qt based project in release mode but in debug mode it fails with:
vcpkg install both versions. Qt IDE integration however works only for release builds unless you are allowed to specify a qt.conf file to use for customized lookup. Typically IDE integrations just look for qmake without any way to customize it... which only allows one build config to work in vcpkg

Run or use GCC without install

Can I use GCC for e.g GCC4.0.3 without installation
In my macOS I have installed Clang xcode , and GCC from Homebrew
In my Linux they are installed as well
But I want to use GCC (Specially older version) besides most updated version
Like NVM that manage Node version and it lets you install many nodejs with different version on your system
I want to use GCC4 specially for science and compiling Old FORTRAN to make my Source codes run and see the results
In new OS both macOS and Linux when you install gcc it will install most updated and that is not useful for old fortran or old codes.
So In my solution i think its better to use gcc without install or even install gcc to custom directory folder and copy the codes in that directory and compile them but not to install as wide system and make incompatibility with default GCC and CLANG on system
Thanks in advance

Qt Creator on MacOS: pkg-config dependencies can't be found

I already tried all the solutions here, but I continue to get the following error when I issue the command "Run qmake" on my project from Qt Creator on Qt 5.6.1:
Project ERROR: grpc++ development package not found
... Yet, on the console, qmake && make clean && make successfully builds the project with no errors.
which qmake returns /usr/local/bin/qmake and qmake --version returns
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.6.1 in /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.6.1-1/lib
Here is my environment:
macOS Sierra
Qt SDK 5.7 (to get the latest version of Qt Creator)
Homebrew installed Qt 5.6.1 (I need 5.6.x specifically for ABI compatibility)
Dependencies grpc++, libsndfile, protobuf all installed via Homebrew in /usr/local and the .pc files are in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
When I open up a new terminal and type pkg-config --cflags --libs grpc++, I get the correct result back with no error message.
I'm trying to build this software, of which I am the primary author/maintainer:
See the .pro file for details of how I'm telling it to use pkg-config.
I've tried the launchd.conf hack from here (and rebooted the Mac after updating it).
I've tried the /etc/paths.d/local hack from the same question, to no avail.
My .pro file has QT_CONFIG -= no-pkg-config.
I tried setting the env var PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig explicitly in the "Manage Kits" GUI of Qt Creator for the Qt 5.6.1 toolchain that I'm using, but it didn't change the errant behaviour.
Are there any other ways I can attempt to diagnose the problem, or can you spot an error in my .pro file, or is there a better solution to this problem than what I've attempted thus far?
I'm asking this as a new question because the solutions in that other question don't work, so I may very well be having a completely different problem despite extremely similar symptoms.
Turns out the PATH variable in Qt Creator wasn't picking up /usr/local/bin. Adding it manually to the project config fixed my issue.

Qt libraries on Mac

I'm developing a c++ program that uses the qt libraries, specifically the QtCore library. In the makefile I need to refer to the location of the directory that contains the libraries that I use. (I do not use QtCreator). I'm running on OSX 10.10.15.
I installed qt thru brew install qt5, all files are in /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.5.0/ but I cannot find neither libQtCore.a nor libQtCore.dyn
I also installed Qt thru the installer on the website but still couldn't find the libraries.
On OS X Qt installed as set of frameworks by default.

QT- Installation in Windows 7

I have a c++ project that requires me to install QT when i build that project a dialog box that wants me to type in the qmake command.
I found somewhere that one needs to use
In the tools options but since i have downloaded QT libraries 4.8.4 i am not able to find the
Which library i must install to get this also i had tried to install
Qt libraries 4.8.4 for Windows (minGW 4.4, 317 MB) from the QT webportal
when i try to run it prompted that
There is a problem with your MinQW instalation
w32api not found in c:\MinGW\bin\
Do you still want to continue? Yes
If you are using Qt libraries compiled with MinGW, you will need a MinGW installation to compile and link against Qt libs. Just download and extract MinGW somewhere and add its path to your environment variable PATH. Then you will need to introduce that compiler to your Qt Creator installation. Go to "Tools -> Options -> Build & Run" and in toolchainn tab add your new MinGW installation.
I will suggest MinGW-builds from
