RabbitMQ Executable Disappears Before Installation Begins on Windows 7 - windows-7

I've been following the documentation on the official RabbitMQ site to install it on my Windows 7 computer. Installing Erlang and setting the environment variables has been trouble-free, but using the RabbitMQ installer has not worked out.
I have tried downloading the installer from both the GitHub and Bintray links as a regular user and administrator, but it does not seem to change the following problem: each time I double-click or right-click->Run as Administrator the installer it removes itself from the computer.
I've tried looking at processes in Task Manager, the Trash Bin, All Programs, and even in Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features, but there is no sign that the installer has done it's job.

I ended up using Docker and Kitematic to run RabbitMQ image 3.6-management. The image works without any issues and appears to be a preferred option among my co-workers.


Upgrading TortoiseGit - Close Windows Explorer

There is a hotfix version of Tortoise Git and my PC refuses to install it. It keeps saying Windows Explorer is running, even when it is not showing the Task Manager.
Is there any other way I can get this upgrade to install?
I decided to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode so we can be sure that nothing is running. Yet it still would not perform the upgrade (with Administrator privileges):
I used Task Manager and I could not see gitdll.dll in the list of running processes.
1.download hotfixes
2.restart windows (don't open any apps after restart)
3.run Task Manager (from windows bar)
4.run hotfix from menu of Task Manager -- File -- Run new task
I have the same issue; I solved it by running:
listdlls64 -d "c:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin\gitdll.dll"
and used task manager to manually kill all processes that were using the dll, including explorer.exe. This seems entirely unnecessary but it's what worked for me.
Why so many processes (including LogonUI.exe, OpenWith.exe, splwow64.exe, etc.) attached to gitdll.dll, is unknown, and seems like an issue that can be solved. We know that explorer uses that dll, but you would think the installer/updater would expect that and be able to work around it.
In 2.10.x hotfixes there was a bug in the hotfix updater which was unable to offer a restart for replacing gitdll.dll during a restart cycle. A failure to replace this file caused lots of crashes (cf. https://tortoisegit.org/issue/3599).
Please download the full installer for TortoiseGit and install it (https://tortoisegit.org/download/; there might be a warning regarding a possible downgrade, this can be ignored).
The .MSI installer and newer hotfixes offer two options when installing:
Try to restart open processes - this might fail as described in https://stackoverflow.com/a/61026137/3906760 based on some third-party software.
Requiring no closing/restart of open programs but the replace the file on reboot. This should work in any case because the file is replaced before starting any programs using it.
I tried both types of installer:
And both were refusing to work. I then occurred to me that all the icons were flashing on my desktop and it was stuck. This was consistent behaviour.
So I decided to switch of my Star Dock Fences:
Right-click Desktop and select Configure Fences:
Scroll-down to the bottom of the pop-up window and un-tick Enable Fences:
Close the window.
Now I was able to install the hot-fix. Interestingly the installer was only complaining about the Windows Explorer still running and did not list Fences.
I hope this helps any others who have struggles upgrading TortoiseGit.
I have successfully installed disabling AVIR and allowing the installer to close as much as it wants

System Registry Error VB6 running as User Windows 10

I just recently upgraded to Windows 10 and ever since I have upgraded I can't get into VB6. I keep getting the System Registry error. I have googled and tried about everything and nothing seems to work. Running VB6 as Administrator is not an option, don't ask but we can't have admin to our computers we have to be logged in as users. The way we use to fix it was to trick Windows 7 log on as Admin run VB6 as Admin then switch me back to user and it worked, but this no longer works. Does anyone have any suggestions that currently have VB6 working as a user and not admin? I really don't want to resort to have to run it out of my virtual machine :( Thanks in advance!
I know it is 3 years later and I wonder what you did. and my solution may be late.
I moved VB6 Enterprise to a Windows10 machine, I did not upgrade the machine to Win10 with the IDE. However to make it work for some of my clients with Win10 machines I:
Back up all the VB6 files, folder and directories.
Using control panel in Win10, uninstall VB6 app. That's right, uninstall!
Using the original install disk, running it as an Administrator, install the program.
If the program has been updated to a later version, you need to get a copy of the latest version and copy over the one that was installed.
Or, Sweet Talk your IT guy into making you a new install disk with the latest version you are supposed to be running.
Go to the folder where the exe file is installed, Right Click on it and open the Properties, and go to the Compatibility tab.
Choose run as an administrator, and also click the Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows XP Service Pack3, or if it shows Latest version of Windows XP try that. You may need to check with your IT department.
Warning: if the VB6 program uses any non-Microsoft tools you may need to register them by hand.
I suspect this has already been worked out for you, but I put it here for anyone that may stumble across it, needing it.

Installing Cygwin on Windows 8.1

I want to install Cygwin on Windows 8.1 64bit but got no success using any variant.
I tried:
1) I downloaded fresh setup-x86_x64 from cygwin site and then tried to install from Internet but got empty mirror list.
2) The I tried manually add mirror from https://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst (this file accessible from my computer) but got "unable to get setup.ini" error.
3) then I tried to download WHOLE package manually from one of the mirrors (all mirrors normally accessible from my computer via FTP or HTTP) to setup from local package. When I downloaded all packages (about 30 Gigs) I ran setup with local package option. Package folder was scanned and I got list of categories. But there was no package in any category.
4) also I tried to run setup on my Windows 7 notebook. It got mirror list normally. Also I downloaded packages by setup program using my notebook, then transfered them to my Win 8.1 desktop, but the story was the same: I saw list of categories without packages. But on Win7 notebook I saw packages in categoies when I tried to install from the same directory.
5) Also I tried to turn off or even uninstall my firewall and antivirus software, but all results was the same.
6) I tried to run setup with administrator rights, tried to use different folders and HDD paths, tried to use x86 setup instead of x64 setup.
But nothing helped me.
Any ideas?
Define "didn't work". Post whatever error message the installer presents to you. Every little bit of information helps.
A common issue people experience while installing cygwin are outdated mirrors, i.e., websites who'd usually mirror the cygwin stack, but failed to keep it updated, which explains your issue regarding a missing/bad setup.ini file.
In any case, you most definitely would never want to actually download the entire cygwin stack, as it also includes past-, current-, and beta-versions.
As far as I know, "local installation" is a remnant of the days where one could acquire CDs containing the cygwin stack, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

inno setup install script and windows 7

any recommendations about those inno setup scripts so the compiled install run smoothly on windows 7?
Don't install anything to user-directories. Assume the installer will be run from a different account than the one that will use the installed application.
If you need to save user-specific stuff install it as a template to a shared location (ideally read-only to regular users, e.g. under {app}) and have your application copy it from there on first startup.
Don't create Quick Launch shortcuts
Oliver Giesen's suggestion is what I'm using, but it has a disadvantage... there seems to be no way to remove the {userappdata} folders for all users when uninstalling the program, meaning you can never do a clean uninstall/reinstall.
Inno Setup has full support for Windows 7. Just make sure to use the latest version of Inno Seup, preferably the Unicode edition.

Visual Studio 2005 Setup project install crashes over Terminal Server

I have a setup project created by Visual Studio 2005, and consists of both a C# .NET 2.0 project and C++ MFC project, and the C++ run time. It works properly when run from the main console, but when run over a Terminal Server session on a Windows XP target, the install fails in the following way -
When the Setup.exe is invoked, it immediately crashes before the first welcome screen is displayed. When invoked over a physical console, the setup runs normally.
I figured I could go back to a lab machine to debug, but it runs fine on a lab machine over Terminal Server.
I see other descriptions of setup problems over Terminal Server sessions, but I don't see a definite solution. Both machines have a nearly identical configuration except that the one that is failing also has the GoToMyPC Host installed.
Has anyone else seen these problems, and how can I troubleshoot this?
I had LOTS of issues with developing installers (and software in general) for terminal server. I hate that damn thing.
Anyway, VS Setup Projects are just .msi files, and run using the Windows installer framework.
This will drop a log file when it errors out, they're called MSIc183.LOG (swap the c183 for some random numbers and letters), and they go in your logged-in-user account's temp directory.
The easiest way to find that is to type %TEMP% into the windows explorer address bar - once you're there have a look for these log files, they might give you a clue.
Note - Under terminal server, sometimes the logs don't go directly into %TEMP%, but under numbered subdirectories. If you can't find any MSIXYZ.LOG files in there, look for directories called 1, 2, and so on, and look in those.
If you find a log file, but can't get any clues from it, post it here. I've looked at more than I care to thing about, so I may be able to help
Before installing, drop to a command prompt and type
Then install your software. Once the install has completed, drop back to the command prompt and type:
Alternatively, don't start the installation by a double click but instead go to Add/Remove Programs and select "install software" from there.
Good luck!
