Connecting to MongoDB from mongo shell and Robo 3T - windows

I'm new to MongoDB and I was pulled into it when the vendor who setup our website left which means I'm learning everything from basic with a strong SQLServer DBA background.
On our Dev MongoDB V3.4.2 Windows installation, the vendor gave me a user named Monguser defined in admin with root as role and after they left I noticed Robo 3T as part of the installation.
When I try to connect via the mongo shell as below, I get an error with the message "Authentication failed". C:>mongo --username monguser --password mongold!234. I tried connecting to it via the Robo 3T and I'm able to connect via the same login/password.
Also, I was asked to create a backup of a database and I tried the following but it failed with the error Server returned error on SASL authentication step: Authentication failed for database MiningDB
C:\mongodump --username monguser --password mongold!234 --dbMiningDB
But if I run C:\mongodump --username monguser --password mongold!234 then it backs up all the databases in the installation without returning any error.
In both the cases, why am I getting the error? Any help will be deeply appreciated.

OK. From the below link I figured out that I need to include "--authenticationDatabase admin"
Referred Link


psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: password authentication failed for user

I have successfully installed postgresql and added path to my environment variable in windows 10. But the problem is when i try to run psql postgresql in command prompt it gives error saying
C:\Users\adity>psql postgres
Password for user adity:
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "adity"
I am 100% sure my password is correct I have tried reinstalling and uninstalling many time in case i missed password but every time it gives me same error. Although when i try to run from GUI it starts running. This is frustrating and I am not sure what the problem is.
The database superuser that was created during database cluster creation is very likely called postgres.
So rather than using the default, which is to use the database user whose name is the same as your current operating system user, explicitly specify the database user postgres:
psql -U postgres

Can't connect to MariaDB using JDBC, mysql utils succeed

I use JDBC and Spring Boot 2.2.2 to connect to a MariaDB instance. The login fails with this message:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: Could not
connect to
address=( : Access
denied for user 'user'#'' (using password:
When I run mysqldump -u"user" -p"password" -h dbname this works just fine !
Both the dump and the Spring Boot application are run from the same machine (the database server itself)
user and password used are identical
there are no special characters in the password or the user (only lower/uppcase characters and digits)
the jdbc connection string looks like this: jdbc:mariadb://
I already tried to use localhost instead of the server name
when I change jdbc url, user and password the same application is able log in to my development mariaDB
It seems like you are having trouble with MariaDB, not spring-boot itself.
I suggest you to follow this links:, and come back if it didn't solve your problem, with what you tried, and what didn't work.
I ran a short SHOW GRANTS; via the mysql command which is able to connect to the database. The output gave me this:
The relevant part is REQUIRE SSL: connections to that server need to be done encrypted.
When I checked the files in /etc/my.cnf.d/ I found a file containing (amongst others) these lines:
By googling a bit I found this link which describes how to set the JDBC driver to use ssl. It also explains to you why you perhaps should think twice before setting trustServerCertificate to true.
My spring.datasource.url now looks like this:
To put it short: Access denied for user doesn't tell the complete story. It makes you think that your password might be wrong but you are denied for other reasons.

Ping-Connection-Pool throws Access Denied to DB although user exist and credentials are OK

I'm trying to create a jdbc-connection-pool using payara on the console. Using ./asadmin on Payara_Server/bin/
It is Running on Linux and the credentials for the database are user=jc and password=hola123 (dummies), It is for sure this credentials work. I tried them on Mariadb.
I create a connection pool using ./asadmin on Payara, it looks like this:
./asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource
--restype javax.sql.DataSource --property user=jc:password=hola123:DatabaseName=​cinev2:ServerName=localhost:port=3306 cinePool
Now, when I try:
./asadmin ping-connection-pool
I get an error like this:
remote failure: Ping Connection Pool failed for cinePool.
Connection could not be allocated because:
Access denied for user 'jc'#'localhost' to database '​cinev2' Please check the server.log for more details.
Command ping-connection-pool failed.
What would be the causes of this Issue other than Credentials? I have checked if the credentials are right and they are, So I've no clue on the issue.
Since it works when locally connecting to the DB it probably really is an access issue.
Please check if you did all steps outlined here: Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES) after new installation on Ubuntu

postgres throws the error psql: FATAL: role "username" does not exist

Please, I need help with my postgres server. I have problems starting the server. I was using the app here a few months ago and everything was fine. Today I spent hours trying to start it yet couldn't. I then realised I had another instance of PostgreSQL installed. I uninstalled version 9.6 blocking my app.
Now after trying again, the PostgreSQL app throws the error when I use psql:
FATAL: role "username" does not exist
I didn't set the role or user but it somehow took my username and is throwing does not exist. Please, how do I start my server. I have seen someone with a similar issue here but unlike in his case, I didn't even get to start the server. not to speak of deleting the database. Please, how do I address this? Any help would be appreciated.
I also noticed he was able to execute
which psql
which returned his supposed psql path. It does not return anything in my case. Not sure how the configuration works, this is my second time using this database and it failed right away.
Thank you for your time, as answered in one of the SO question here. Running
sudo -u postgres -i
did give me access to postgres, but if you are using the postgres app like myself here . Running psql commands would not work for you as postgres is not installed globally on your machine. But running
'/Applications/'/psql -p5432
which is the exact command the postgres app execute when you attempt to start the service works great and start the service for me. You can then proceed and add the role and database your postgres app looks for by default. So in summary. Below is what worked for me.
$sudo -u postgres -i
$'/Applications/*/bin'/psql -p5432
#CREATE DATABASE postgres WITH OWNER postgres;

Connect to Postgres on Mac osX

Part of an install includes a postgres database install. The database is running and the App that uses it is connecting fine.
I want to use the postgres install for some of my own reporting needs. I've got a fair way to getting to the database but I am stumped at the last bit.
I can do a psql -h /path/to/socket but get
psql: FATAL: authentication failed for user "postgres": invalid authentication method.
I have gone in to the pg_hba.conf and the only lines not commented are:
local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
As far as I can see this should mean any local attempt at connection would be trusted and therefore OK.
I've tried with specifying different users (root, me, etc) and always get the same reply. Any ideas how I can access the server?
