Connect to Postgres on Mac osX - macos

Part of an install includes a postgres database install. The database is running and the App that uses it is connecting fine.
I want to use the postgres install for some of my own reporting needs. I've got a fair way to getting to the database but I am stumped at the last bit.
I can do a psql -h /path/to/socket but get
psql: FATAL: authentication failed for user "postgres": invalid authentication method.
I have gone in to the pg_hba.conf and the only lines not commented are:
local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
As far as I can see this should mean any local attempt at connection would be trusted and therefore OK.
I've tried with specifying different users (root, me, etc) and always get the same reply. Any ideas how I can access the server?


Can't connect to MariaDB using JDBC, mysql utils succeed

I use JDBC and Spring Boot 2.2.2 to connect to a MariaDB instance. The login fails with this message:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: Could not
connect to
address=( : Access
denied for user 'user'#'' (using password:
When I run mysqldump -u"user" -p"password" -h dbname this works just fine !
Both the dump and the Spring Boot application are run from the same machine (the database server itself)
user and password used are identical
there are no special characters in the password or the user (only lower/uppcase characters and digits)
the jdbc connection string looks like this: jdbc:mariadb://
I already tried to use localhost instead of the server name
when I change jdbc url, user and password the same application is able log in to my development mariaDB
It seems like you are having trouble with MariaDB, not spring-boot itself.
I suggest you to follow this links:, and come back if it didn't solve your problem, with what you tried, and what didn't work.
I ran a short SHOW GRANTS; via the mysql command which is able to connect to the database. The output gave me this:
The relevant part is REQUIRE SSL: connections to that server need to be done encrypted.
When I checked the files in /etc/my.cnf.d/ I found a file containing (amongst others) these lines:
By googling a bit I found this link which describes how to set the JDBC driver to use ssl. It also explains to you why you perhaps should think twice before setting trustServerCertificate to true.
My spring.datasource.url now looks like this:
To put it short: Access denied for user doesn't tell the complete story. It makes you think that your password might be wrong but you are denied for other reasons.

FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host when setting up blazer gem

My application uses the blazer gem for visualizing DB queries.
During the setup I've encountered the following error:
FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "blazer", database "my_db", SSL off
My application is hosted on EngineYard and uses PostgreSQL.
How can I find and modify the pg_hba.conf on EngineYard?
I do have SSH access to EngineYard cloud.
Instance: General Purpose (M3) Large.
OS: EngineYard's Gentoo.
You can try the following steps. I've assumed that your DB name is my_db.
Connect to the instance via SSH (the link can be found on the EngineYard environment page)
Connect to the
database as superuser psql -U postgres -h localhost -d
my_db. If you don't have the password, check your database secrets here /data/my_db/current/config/database.yml
After connecting to DB identify location of hba file by typing SHOW
Quit psql by typing \q
Use previously identified path to open the hba_file file and add the missing user. E.g via vim sudo vim /db/postgresql/9.5/data/pg_hba.conf. Note the sudo command
The use should be added under # IPv4 postgres
user for 10.x with md5:
Connect to the database again
Reload the configuration via select pg_reload_conf(); command
After all steps are performed, Blazer queries should be accessible.

PostgreSQL 9.2.4 - Desire to Change the Localhost Server Password in Mavericks & Databases

Currently PostgreSQL 9.2.4 is provided in OSX Mavericks. I have used the provided PostgreSQL since running Lion Server. When I started using it I was using a password that I now realize is not very secure.
I am having trouble finding the right command to do this. The user/role (I supposed) that is provided is _postgres. This is the password I would like to change. I attempted the command below but honestly I'm not sure what it is supposed to do. I thought that this would allow me to access the role/user.
psql -U _postgres -h localhost -W
Here is what happened when I attempted to execute this command.
xxxx:~ xxxx$ psql -U _postgres -h localhost -W
Password for user _postgres:
psql: FATAL: database "_postgres" does not exist
_postgres is the user for all my databases. I would like to change the password for _postgres. I'm not sure since the databases were created by _postgres that once I change that password if the password will work for the databases or if I will have to change the database passwords also.
All the solutions dealing with this reference directories that I do not have in Mavericks. When I used Lion and Mountain Lion I was able to go to the psql directory and find postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf. I do a search on those files and do not find them.
Sidebar: I currently use PgAdmin3 for basic database maintenance. The Mac version of the software does not have an option for changing passwords that I can find. If there is another GUI software package that is more user friendly for accessing the provided PostgreSQL I would definitely like to try it. Every solution that suggests Homebrew is in the context of installing another version of PostgreSQL which is not what I want to do.
I need the correct terminal command(s) to do this or help on where to go to get the solution that will work with OS X Mavericks. The PostgreSQL documentation is a bit overwhelming and was not clear as to where to go and what to do regarding this.
Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE 4/5 6:03 pm CDT
Here are the contents in /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Data/pg_hba.conf
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 trust
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
#local replication _postgres trust
#host replication _postgres trust
#host replication _postgres ::1/128 trust

Postgresql is not allowed to be connected remotely

Could someone help take a look this weird problem? I'm still not able to connect remotely to my Postgresql.
My Steps:
Download and install the latest Postgresql to my local machine
Setup postgresql
Create a DB
Modify "pg_hba", add row "host all all md5"
Modify "postgresql.conf", make sure "listen_addresses = '*'"
Restart postgresql service
Open local PgAdmin, and connect to DB <-- Success!
From Remote desktop, do the same thing as #7 <-- Failed!
Error Message:
"Server doesn't listen"
"Could not connect to server......accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?"
I found "TCP Listening" when I type "netstat -a"
I checked firewall, it's not enabled
Can someone please help? Does anyone encounter this situation?
P.S, my os is Winserver 2008
Thanks in advance~
If you're connecting to the local machine via RDP then you'll be connecting via localhost and no firewall or LAN/WAN/NAT settings should affect pgadmin.
When you edit the pg_hba and postgresql.conf files Server 2008 doesn't usually let you edit them directly where they are. I usually copy them out edit them and then paste them back in. You'll need to authorise the paste from an Admin account.
I usually have a separate rule in "pg_hba" with "host all all md5" for local connections. Also ensure when you restart the service that it is running under the user "postgres" and not as some other user.

PostgreSQL under Lion: What's the password?

I got my new lion machine. Ran the PostgreSQL installer from the PostgreSQL site for Mac and i have no multiple apps installed. One of them is "pgAdmin". When I open it there is already one server connection available. localhost:5432
Whenever I try to connect to the server with a doubleclick the programm asks me for a password. I have no idea what to enter. It's not my admin password, it's not "postgres", it's not "localhost", it's not empty.
I just can't seem to connect to the server. Even when I check the properties of the localhost server the password field seems empty. However I'm not allowed to leave the password field empty.
Any idea what to do? I really need to setup postgres?
On my Mac OSX Lion, PostgreSQL configuration files are stored under /Library/PostgreSQL/9.0/data/
Haven't tried it on OSX, but on Ubuntu you can login as the system user 'postgres' to the default database 'postgres' without a password with
su postgres -c psql
You can then (re)set the password of the database superuser 'postgres'.
You can also edit the configuration file pg_hba.conf (don't know where it is located on a default OSX installation, on Ubuntu it is /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf) and grant access to the default database without authentication
host postgres postgres trust
After editing pg_hba.conf you must reload the configuration with
pg_ctlcluster 8.4 main reload
You can then connect with pgAdmin and (re)set the password, but don't forget to change the authentication method back to md5 again...
here's a better answer (works in OSX HighSierra): the account used is the one you're logged onto OSX with, therefore, the password is your password!
A similar question has been asked a short time ago. The steps described there should be appropriate for Lion also.
Postgresql: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
