How to use Xamarin profiler for VS2017 Professional edition - xamarin

We are developing mobile app using xamarin.forms with VS2017 Professional edition.
Can I use Xamarin profiler with VS 2017? (as page page says it can only be used with enterprize edition).
If not what are other alternatives.
Any help is appreciated.

Xamarin Profiler doesn't work without VS Enterprise
I would suggest you check this discussion out, it will help you with what the xamarin community thinks about profiling and what tools do they usually prefer for profiling.


Xamarin.Android designer is not displaying anything

I am just started leaning the Xamarin using Visual Studio 2019. I've downloaded "Hello, Android" sample from but designer is not displaying anything.
See screenshot of Visual Studio Community 2019 here.
Please help.
Yes, it is just the case for Xamarin Previewer, it often has problems. And we apologize for the inconvenience. The xamarin development team is doing their best to address this issue and we are urging them to release the latest version as soon as possible.
Of course, you can also try other alternate tools ,e.g. LiveXAML and Xamarin live reload.
For more details, you can check:

Xamarin Profiler not visible in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise

So, The question is pretty much self explanatory. I can not see Xamarin Profiler in Analyze menu of Visual Studio. Its Enterprise version of 2017. The profile is installed and I can see it in Start Menu and can open it from there.
my problem is exactly like yours;
Xamarin Profiler was available before last week in my visual studio enterprise 2017, and suddenly removed and bundle assembly to native code in android option is disappeared too.
until now I can't find its reason and a solution
do you find any solution?

Where can I find the Mac Template Project for Xamarin in Visual Studio?

Since Xamarin is now free and open-source, I installed its Visual Studio integration.
Everything looks fine with one exception - I can't figure out what I need to do to create a Mac App (not an iOS app).
It's not possible to create Mac apps in Visual Studio.
See the requirements for developing for Xamarin.Mac here.
The 'official' answer from Xamarin posted on their forums is:
Right now, we have no items on our public roadmap related to
integration with Visual Studio. As you noted, developing for OS X
requires tight integration with Xcode, and you'd need to be in front
of a Mac anyway to test.
It has been an item of feedback we've received in the past, however.
Like all feedback, we'll consider it for future versions.
Right now, you can use Xamarin Studio community edition (if the
community edition license applies to you) or use your Visual Studio
Professional/Enterprise license.

Is Xamarin free in Visual Studio 2015?

Currently I explore the Visual Studio 2015 RC and realized that Xamarin Studio is integrated into Visual Studio and its installer. My Question is: Is Xamarin from now on free in Visual Studio?
Updated March 31st, 2016:
We have announced that Visual Studio now includes Xamarin at no extra cost, including Community Edition, which is free for individual developers, open source projects, academic research, education, and small professional teams. There is no size restriction on the Community Edition and offers the same features as the Pro & Enterprise editions. Read more about the update here:
Be sure to browse the store on how to download and get started: and there is a nice FAQ section:
Yes, Xamarin is now free in Visual Studio
I asked the same question to Xamarin support team, they replied with following:
You can develop an app with Xamarin for commercial usage - there is no extra charge! We only require you to comply with Visual Studio's licensing terms,
which means that in companies of less than 250 employees with less than $1million USD annual revenue, you may use Visual Studio completely free (including Xamarin) for up to 5 developers.
However after you pass those barriers, you would need a Visual Studio license (which includes Xamarin).
Refer the screenshot below.
Visual Studio 2015 does include Xamarin Starter edition
Xamarin Starter is free and allows developers to build and publish simple apps with the following limitations:
Contain no more than 128k of compiled user code (IL)
Do NOT call out to native third party libraries (i.e., developers may not P/Invoke into C/C++/Objective-C/Java)
Built using Xamarin.iOS / Xamarin.Android (NOT Xamarin.Forms)
Xamarin Starter installs automatically with Visual Studio 2015, and works with VS 2012, 2013, and 2015 (including Community Editions).
When your app outgrows Starter, you will be offered the opportunity to upgrade to a paid subscription, which you can learn more about here:
Seems like now it's free for small teams and students, according to Scott Hanselman post
Visual Studio Community
A free, full-featured and extensible IDE for Windows users to create
Android and iOS apps with Xamarin, as well as Windows apps, web apps,
and cloud services.
OSS development
Small teams
Xamarin Studio Community
A free, full-featured IDE for Mac users to create Android and iOS apps
using Xamarin.
OSS development
Small teams
If you go to the Visual Studio 2015 RC cross-platform and mobile apps page, then read and scroll to the bottom, it appears that Microsoft is including Xamarin, and upon installing it you do have, as James said, the Xamarin Starter edition. In 2015 RC go to Tools, Xamarin Account to see your Xamarin license. I do not know the limitations, or any expiration date, of this Starter Xamarin Account.
Still, I don't know about you, but the Visual Studio 2015 RC "Community" edition I installed expires in less than 180 days. (Check the Help menu, go to "About...", and click on your license status to check.)
Let's say Xamarin Starter edition is free, but Visual Studio 2015 "Community" has an expiration date. So the bigger question might be whether Visual Studio 2015 "Community" will be free.
Without Xamarin though, Microsoft is offering C++ tools for cross-platform development, but scroll down to the bottom of the page and you might be surprised or confused at the download link description.
Visual studio community edition is bundled with xamarin and which is free as well.
No, it only contains a free 30 day trial. But I think there would be a package if you buy Visual Studio + Xamarin.
Xamarin is now owned by Microsoft So it completely free to use on Windows and mac as well.
Yes, Microsoft announced that xamrin is now free with VS15 and other latest versions.
Visual Studio is now including Xamarin also. You can download Xamarin Studio but this link
Make sure to get the Community Edition. it's Free to use

Where is Xamarin Starter for Visual Studio 2013 Community?

Has Xamarin released their starter edition for Visual Studio 2013 Commmunity as described in their blog (
If you read through the second point on there about the Community Edition it says: This will be available in the coming weeks.
We have double the size already, but community edition support will be coming soon.
Unfortunately I cannot find it anymore but I read something that currently only Visual Studio 2015 is supported but that there will be 2013 support. I did not try it but you can give it a try. Go to Xamarin Starter and download it. It will be the same as the "trial version" but as I read on this page it should be the starter edition as long as you don't use any features that are not included in the starter edition. Look at the store to see the differences between the different versions.
Yes, Xamarin has released both starter edition and plugin for Visual Studio 2013 Commmunity.
You could download Xamarin by the link below or from their site:
