Xamarin.Android designer is not displaying anything - xamarin

I am just started leaning the Xamarin using Visual Studio 2019. I've downloaded "Hello, Android" sample from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/get-started/hello-android/hello-android-quickstart but designer is not displaying anything.
See screenshot of Visual Studio Community 2019 here.
Please help.

Yes, it is just the case for Xamarin Previewer, it often has problems. And we apologize for the inconvenience. The xamarin development team is doing their best to address this issue and we are urging them to release the latest version as soon as possible.
Of course, you can also try other alternate tools ,e.g. LiveXAML and Xamarin live reload.
For more details, you can check:


Loading Xamarin Solution Locks Visual Studio After Update

I'm using Visual Studio Community 2015 with Xamarin, and I recently updated from Xamarin to Xamarin
After the update, when loading the Solution, the PCL and Android projects appear to finish loading but the iOS and UWP projects never finish. In case there was an issue with either one of these projects, I removed the references to them in the .sln file manually and tried loading the Solution again with no change. The Solution appeared to load the PCL and Android projects but Visual Studio still hangs.
Alongside updating Xamarin, I also updated iPhone Simulator - even though I've never used that yet - but I can't find the version.
Any advice on what to do or try?
Use Visual Studio 2017 with Xamarin instead.
Using VS2017 instead of VS2015 was the quickest fix for me. Perhaps the latest Xamarin has some incompatibilities with VS2015. It would be good to understand what exactly the issue is, so please add a comment if you know. I'm personally not going to dig into the issue because it's a non-issue for me now.
Thanks! :)

Xamarin Profiler not visible in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise

So, The question is pretty much self explanatory. I can not see Xamarin Profiler in Analyze menu of Visual Studio. Its Enterprise version of 2017. The profile is installed and I can see it in Start Menu and can open it from there.
my problem is exactly like yours;
Xamarin Profiler was available before last week in my visual studio enterprise 2017, and suddenly removed and bundle assembly to native code in android option is disappeared too.
until now I can't find its reason and a solution
do you find any solution?

How to use Xamarin profiler for VS2017 Professional edition

We are developing mobile app using xamarin.forms with VS2017 Professional edition.
Can I use Xamarin profiler with VS 2017? (as page https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/profiler/ page says it can only be used with enterprize edition).
If not what are other alternatives.
Any help is appreciated.
Xamarin Profiler doesn't work without VS Enterprise
I would suggest you check this discussion out, it will help you with what the xamarin community thinks about profiling and what tools do they usually prefer for profiling.

Where can I find the Mac Template Project for Xamarin in Visual Studio?

Since Xamarin is now free and open-source, I installed its Visual Studio integration.
Everything looks fine with one exception - I can't figure out what I need to do to create a Mac App (not an iOS app).
It's not possible to create Mac apps in Visual Studio.
See the requirements for developing for Xamarin.Mac here.
The 'official' answer from Xamarin posted on their forums is:
Right now, we have no items on our public roadmap related to
integration with Visual Studio. As you noted, developing for OS X
requires tight integration with Xcode, and you'd need to be in front
of a Mac anyway to test.
It has been an item of feedback we've received in the past, however.
Like all feedback, we'll consider it for future versions.
Right now, you can use Xamarin Studio community edition (if the
community edition license applies to you) or use your Visual Studio
Professional/Enterprise license.

TypeScript refactoring stopped working in VS 2013 RC2

I have just installed VS 2013 RC2 and TypeScript refactoring stopped working. It disappeared from context menu, and pressing Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R gives the following error message:
The key combination (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R) is bound to command (.Refactor.Rename) which is not currently available.
I have tried restarting VS, didn't help. Any ideas, workarounds?
I have submitted a bug to Microsoft. Please upvote it if you have the same issue:
Microsoft posted the following answer to my question on MS Connect. Seems that while refactor/rename was available in VS Express Edition with TypeScript 0.9, in TypeScript 1.0 it's only available from VS Pro upwards.
Posted by Microsoft on 19/05/2014 at 09:25
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Refactor/rename and NavigateTo are features that are found in the Pro+
versions of TypeScript in Visual Studio 2013. The Pro+ tools are aimed
at helping users work with larger codebases, so there is a focus on
building up tools to help support those codebases in those versions of
Visual Studio. We're working to continue to refine to make the
experience best across both Express and Pro+, with the right features
to help users who want to learn TypeScript and those who want to move
to using TypeScript in larger projects.
For me it happened because of resharper conflict. I uninstalled resharper and restarted visual studio
