Avoid pause with screenreader - jaws-screen-reader

I want to display prices like this :
How to avoid NVDA to make pause between 299 and 90.
It says : "299" and then "90 euros".
I tried using aria-label but without a role, label is not read:
<span aria-label="299,90€">299<sub>,90€</sub></span>

Even with 299,90€ with no subscript, screen readers (I'm using JAWS at the moment), still reads a pause between the two parts. It may be a language/i18n difference in the voice synthesizer. If I format it as 299.90€, JAWS reads "299 point 90 euros".
The blog post at https://www.deque.com/blog/dont-screen-readers-read-whats-screen-part-1-punctuation-typographic-symbols/#currency has some rough information.
I know if I put a lang="fr" on the span for example, JAWS reads in French, but that's not really the desired effect for a currency value.
You can also try an approach like Screen reader is not reading the price ("$47.49") properly


Matlab Text mode subscripts too big in axis label (LaTeX interpreter)

If I have the axis label $x_\textrm{ABC}$, the ABC is way too big. I tried $x_\textrm{\scriptsize ABC}$ and $x_\textrm{\tiny ABC}$, but that prevents the LaTeX code from being interpretted (I end up seeing the raw code instead of the formatted math). How does one shrink the subscript text size when the subscript is a name that needs to be spelled in text mode?
I posted this to usenet yesterday, but no response so far.
I also tried to modify the text in Acrobat Pro, but I can't actually highlight the individual series of characters (it's the y-axis label).
Finally, I tried to modify it in inkscape, but same problem.
A respondent at the usenet link provided the answer: To use \mathrm instead of \textrm. It looks way better.

Timing effects in slides made with LaTeX

I'm trying to create a presentation with class Beamer in LaTeX. I learnt how to use command like \pause, \only and \onslide but I don't understand how to program with a specific time the effects I've inserted in the slide.
For example, I've the following piece of code
What I want is... "Dear LaTeX, show me first photo1.eps and after 5 seconds, for example, photo2.eps, on the same slide, of course", automatically, without my action.
Is it possibile to do that??? Can anyone help me??? Thank you in advance
I think you can use the \transduration command, as explained on page 142 in the beamer manual:
You can also specify how long a given slide should be shown, using the
following overlay-specification-aware command: \transduration<⟨overlay
specification⟩>{⟨number of seconds⟩} In full screen mode, show the
slide for ⟨number of seconds⟩. If zero is specified, the slide is
shown as short as possible. This can be used to create interesting
pseudo-animations. Example: \transduration<2>{1}

VGA Text display using VHDL on DE1

I am doing animation of algorithms using VHDL on Altera DE1. In this project, I have to display text to make it more informative. I am new to FPGA. But, I learned how text display works (all about allocating memory to each character and then display it). I tried to search some programs to test and see how the text display actually works. But most of them are on different boards. I wan't to understand how the actual flow is. As in, understanding just the memory and how it works is not helping me to write a complete code. Can anyone point me to right direction or explain in DEPTH how it actually works?
Thanks in advance!
If you haven't checked it out already, make sure to browse OpenCores. It looks like there are several VGA cores, some with text only and some with both text and custom graphics. You may need to register to view/download but it's free and simple.
Also many of the projects there are manufacturer-independent, making it very straightforward to integrate into your code.
What you said here is true, but the VGA controller is made out of several parts, one that creates the correct timing for the VGA signals, a memory from which the controller takes the data from and shows on the screen, a character map (the font) and a controller to read the mapping of each character and place them on the right position on the screen.
And here you have a higher level of block diagram, the previous block will replace the block markes as "Algorithm Test Pattern Generator"
You can take a look at the example on Digilinet's web site:
VGA controller reference design
Download it and modify it so it fits your need. This is just to give you an idea of the blocks necessary for what you want to do. It can be made simpler if you just want to show the same characters, or more complicated if you want to create a character based graphic controller for your design.

Which should not be included in this ZPL Code?

I am developing a Windows Mobile App that requires printing into a Zebra printer. Problem is, I do not have the printer with me here in my country since the client did not provide any.
My approach was to design a label first in ZebraDesigner2, then print out the label into a text file. Printing the label to a text file instead of a printer sends out the ZPL Code to produce the label I was trying to print. Hence, I can generate ZPL codes faster by designing a label first then seeing the ZPL code. Kinda like having a drag and drop GUI with a background XML.
Say that I have this simple label that contains this text:
Hello World!
If I print this in ZebraDesigner2 it would be written to my text file as:
^FT1,29^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDHello World!^FS
My main question is, which one do I include in my C# Code if im going to send this code to the printer via my Windows Mobile C# app? Do I include the part with ^XA until ^XZ? I believe that CT~~CD,~CC^~CT~ should not be included in my code If im not mistaken.
Late answer, but since this is getting viewed...
The CT line and first set of XA..XZ sequence sets up the modes, label length, printable area, etc.
If you remove those, it will take those settings from the label/printer settings, which is usually what you want. The printers can sense the length and width of the label.
Leaving them in can cause big problems, because if you define the printable area in your label, and then the next label type submitted does not, it will use the settings you have defined -- which can cause blank areas in the label, eg. cutoff USPS Label barcodes that are printed after your Zebra Designer custom labels.
Found this out the hard way - leave those out, and you should leave out of the remaining XA..XZ sequence the MMT, PW609, LL0406, and LS0 as well - your Hello World will not be affected.
If you really want to limit the area printed to, set up margins inside the printable area, etc, refer to the manual.
you have to look at the programmers guide before you remove anything of the code. The CT~ command for example changes the control prefix.
Search the internet or zebra.com site for "ZPL Programming guide".
So, leave the text file as is and then include that into your windows mobile application.
PS: zebra offers SDKs for label/receipt printers: http://www.zebra.com/gb/en/products-services/software/adapt-software.html
PS2: without a test printer you may get bad final results.

Splitting Ruby strings into pages

I've been thinking about this problem for a while, and not quite sure the best way to go about it.
In a rails app I have books, which have many chapters, which have many sections. Chapters are basically just containers for sections, though may contain strings of text themselves. The sections hold most of the book text.
I'm planning to build an HTML 5 ebook reader that works in a mobile browser, and I don't want the user to have to scroll down -- I want the text to break at the end of the page.
I'd assumed using split might be the way to go, but I'm not sure there's a way to break at regular intervals? Would a javascript option work better here?
I'd looked at this: Dividing text article to smaller parts with paging in Ruby on Rails but can't feasibly insert manual break marks in the text, some of which are 90,000+ words.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I think the main problem here is that the page length will depend on the device (and possibly the text size, if that is feature of your app). You should probably send large chunks that are sure to be at least say 5 pages long, at a time and then let the javascript do the paging. Rails has no access, nor should it, to the size of the display.
Text requires very little data, you shouldn't worry about transmitting more than you need or keeping too much in memory.
You may use blank line("\n" or "") as the separator.
I'd send enough of the page content down to easily fill a page and more, then use javascript on the client slide to remove sentences from the page until the scroll-bar disappears.
Resize.js is something similar I wrote a while ago. I wanted to enlarge/reduce the font size used on a screen until the screen was just full (for a dashboard monitor).. Yours would be similar, but instead of changing the font size, you are trimming off sentences.
Let me know if you can't see how to adapt this code.
Note: I would also make the javascript note the amount of text it ends up displaying, and pass that to the server in the 'next page' request, so the server knows where to start the next page from.
