iOS simulator lost last animation frame - xcode

For some time I have had an interesting iOS simulator issue - it constantly doesn't draw the last frame of any animation. For example:
in push animation the new view doesn't go right to the end, so I see the right border of the previous view
in dissolve animation alpha doesn't go to zero, so I still see the view with alpha near zero
if I have a button with different normal and selected images, then first tap does nothing (in fact, it does, but doesn't show), and second tap shows previous animation, i.e. what should be done at first tap, etc.
These issues are reproduced in all simulators and apps including system ones like Calendar, Settings, etc.
I have changed a simulator scale, reinstalled the simulator, reinstalled Xcode entirely - no success.
Very strange. Not sure if this related to simulator, Xcode, or macOS. Had anybody such issue?

This issue happens with the current version of NVIDIA Web Driver (378.05.05.25f03) and requires a special patch to fix. The patch is available here:
Remember, this patch is unsigned and requires kernel code signing to be disabled. There are many resources online explaining how to do that depending on the type of machine you have if you are unfamiliar with the process.
This solves the slowness, lags, delays, frame loss, etc. with the iOS simulators as well as the issue with the "Profiler" in Xcode.


My iOS simulator is rendering with glitches

I have a 2019 16-inch Macbook Pro with an i7. My iOS simulator is showing terrible behavior on Xcode 12 and 13. The rendering happens only partially. I start typing but only top part of the TextField updates. When I pull my modally presented controllers up and down, it leaves glitches and artifacts in the render whenever I release the mouse pointer from the window. Only when I drag and click something in the simulator, only then the screen updates properly.
I have tried resetting the simulator and the machine, and different versions of Xcode AND or simulator iOS and nothing helps. I also have not found too specific mentions of this issue online.
This is a known issue that was fixed in Xcode 13. It primarily affects the iPhone mini so you can workaround it by using a different simulator.

Swift UI Canvas not showing with macOS 10.15 and Xcode 11.1

Canvas does not appear in my 2-year old project even though I recently upgraded to macOS 10.15 (19A547) and Xcode 11.1 (15405). I have selected Editor menu/Canvas to show it. Simulator works fine, and building a new project shows Canvas working properly. Must I enable/select/configure other parts of my project?
Read before looking at image
Canvas is actually for SwiftUI, Also you can use the benefits of it by porting your UIKit elements into the SwiftUI preview. But sometimes for some un/known reason, canvas can not reload the view in time and it's not working.
For example:
When you work on a catalyst project and select mac as a target.
When you use a custom run script that cause a change on the xcworkspace during the build process (like auto build number increment script or etc.)
When you have a long task that triggers the watch dog event. (like recursion or massive loop)
Syntax error
Complex swift code
These are just a few of them that I faced and conformed. For more information about the issue, most of the time the canvas itself reports the issue and you can read about it with clicking on Diagnostics button above the canvas window:
But some times you can't even see this pan. Sometimes disable and enable the canvas works for that situation and sometimes restarting Xcode (or even mac) works, but some times not!
Hope it helps you save some time.

iOS Simulator drawing too big (not a window scale issue)

Firstly, thanks for your time and effort.
Just today I started having a random issue in my iOS simulator running an app from Xcode 6. No Xcode update has been installed since I last used the simulator so I don't think it is an issue with an update.
Basically, my simulator is drawing everything HUGE. Like 4x the size it should be. This happens with all simulator devices regardless of iOS version. I'm aware of the window scaling with CMD + 1, 2, 3. That is not the issue. It shows the same no matter the scale. When you click or interact with the screen squares of it flicker. This is what it looks like.
Note that it is not just the application, but also the home screen.
I should also note that this does not seem to be just the simulator. The screen saver on OSX with the words and definitions also is entirely too large. I haven't noticed it in any other application though.
I have done everything I could think of to debug the issue.
I deleted Xcode and reinstalled it with a restart in between.
I have created a new user account on my machine and ran a boilerplate app on the simulator and it displayed the same way.
I've changed my screen resolution to see if that resolves the issue.
I cleared the mysterious PRAM.
None of these solved the issue or made it better or worse.
Again, thanks for your time. It is appreciated.
For me pressing command + 2 or command + 3 when the ios simulator opens up solve the problem. Pressing the above keys do scaled down the simulator size.
Bug in 10.10.2 beta:
iOS simulator scaled bug
iOS 8 and Xcode 6 Simulator Display Out of Alignment
iOS Simulator display scaled incorrectly
I recently started and I had the same issue. You simply have to change the scale. When the iOS Simulator opens, navigate to Window and change the scale; 50% worked for me.
I changed to 14C94b, fixed this bug.
I have been to see same problem for Subline Text3

Xcode 4.5 New Simulator not displaying properly

I have just finished installed xCode 4.5 and have been trying to understand the new simulator. I want to test my app in the old screen size and new screen size. However when under the simulator I go to hardware and change the phone size to the 4 inch size, it changes the simulator to take up the full screen, has no home button, is zoomed in, and I have to scroll to navigate which is really frustrating and annoying.
From this
To this
Could someone tell me if this is meant to happen? I want to maintain the normal iPhone look with the simulator, that zoomed in scrollable simulator is terrible, looks horrible and makes debugging a pain. I am sure Apple would not allow something this poor looking to be the normal look for the simulator so I am guessing I am doing something wrong.
The other problem with it is, if I am on the home screen where I can see a list of custom apps under normal iPhone screen size, then change it to the 4 inch simulator screen size, the custom apps I installed on the simulator are not showing for some reason.
Any help would be much appreciated!!
I found I change the scale of the simulator under window and changing it to 50 or 75%. However one problem remains, why is there no home button in the iPhone 5 simulator?
What computer are you working on ? I've got a 13'' MacBook and the same thing occurred to me. Some topics say it is related to your screen resolution, and if your screen is "too small" then the simulator won't see the need in a frame representing the physical device. See Nathan Gopen's answer in XCode 4.3.1 iPad simulator. (I also noticed that the frame disappears when you re-scale standard iPhone to 75% or 50%.)
If you need the home button you can find it in Hardware > Home Button, or Shift+Cmd+H. Yeah, I know, it sucks...
This Worked for me:
Go to Simulator Menu
Go to Hardware
Click Device
Click IPhone
This will restore the iPhone Simulator frame.
What worked for me was...
Go to XCode,
Open the main XCode menu option
Click on "Open Developer Tool"
Click on "iOS Simulator"
Change to the simulator you want by going to the "Hardware" menu.
Close the simulator
Run your project again.
XCode was crashing on me when I switched to the non-retina iPad option and this was my solution.
The simulator seems to remember the last hardware option that was chosen.
I don't think it's related to the screen resolution. I'm running it on 1920x1200 and it's the same. I guess it's simply to reduce effort for Apple since it's not essential for development to have a nice looking simulator. But yes, I agree I loved to see a virtual iPhone as simulator. And it was quite easier to produce screenshots of your Apps for your website.
Zooming or scrolling is of course not required on a 1920x1200 screen.
This just happened to me and I did spend a while trying to figure this one out.
By setting the scale to 100% my issue got fixed as Cal said above.
I think this is related to retina display setting ...
When I started the iOS simulator on my macbook pro (w/rd), the iPhone frame came up. I moved the frame over to my attached monitor and it stayed as an iPhone frame. I shut xCode down.
When I restarted, the iOS simulator started up on my attached monitor and lacked the phone frame, just showing the screen. Scaling up or down did not matter.
I moved the unframed screen over to my laptop screen again, and shut down the simulator. When I started it back up, it started on the laptop screen with the phone frame.
I don't think it is related to resolution so much as retina display.
Not sure if this is long term solution, but the following steps helped me.
Go to Windows >> Scale
Select different options as per your wish (I chose 75%)

how to enable opengl es frame capture in xcode 4.3.1

Just cannot find UI for enabling the opengl es frame capture.
I know in xcode 4.2 document, the interface is in Edit Scheme as link below. But not found in 4.3 at this place.
There is no longer a check box to enable this.
You need to have the OpenGLES.framework in the Project Navigator for the camera icon to appear. (I have several apps with it included via linker settings, which is not picked up).
If it still fails, try removing it and re-adding it, and also add it to your Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries. I've found this to be pretty reliable.
Capture GPU Frame is greyed out for me when I run a simulator. It seems like it needs a real device.
