My iOS simulator is rendering with glitches - xcode

I have a 2019 16-inch Macbook Pro with an i7. My iOS simulator is showing terrible behavior on Xcode 12 and 13. The rendering happens only partially. I start typing but only top part of the TextField updates. When I pull my modally presented controllers up and down, it leaves glitches and artifacts in the render whenever I release the mouse pointer from the window. Only when I drag and click something in the simulator, only then the screen updates properly.
I have tried resetting the simulator and the machine, and different versions of Xcode AND or simulator iOS and nothing helps. I also have not found too specific mentions of this issue online.

This is a known issue that was fixed in Xcode 13. It primarily affects the iPhone mini so you can workaround it by using a different simulator.


Xcode 12.3 iOS 14.3 simulators Yellow Dock / yellow translucent issues

Today I downloaded the release of Xcode 12.3, and I went running the iOS 14.3 simulators and it seems like there is a graphic glitch that all translucent views are yellow, dock included.
I redownloaded iOS 14.2 and those seem fine. It just seems really odd. I've submitted feedback, but I was curious if anyone else has seen this?
I'm on macOS v10.15.7 (Catalina) and am curious of if it's just Catalina or also macOS v11 (Big Sur).
Xcode 12.4 RC has announced fix.
iOS simulated devices no longer display an incorrect yellow tint in translucent UI elements. Certain GPUs may continue to display the tint with some tvOS simulators. (71203015)
I think it is a bug related to the discrete GPU.
In addition, this bug causes the background of the on-screen keyboard to be almost RGB(0,0,0). Experienced on MBP 2017 with Catalina.
Workaround I - Using integrated GPU
In the simulator, set menu File → GPU Selection → Prefer Integrated GPU to work around this bug.
Restart the simulator.
This was tested on a MacBook Pro with Catalina and Big Sur. As comments suggest that it won't work on iMac.
Workaround II - Reduce transparency
In the simulated device (e.g. iPhone), Settings → Accessibility → Display & Text Size → turn on Reduce Transparency.
Notice that it can only reduce the previous 'solid' yellow to 'fairly light'.
I find this workaround, as the discrete GPU can be used, is more suitable for testing the UI logic than the previous solution.
This was tested on a MacBook Pro with Catalina. Might work on iMac.
Are you using a MacBook Pro? I had the same bug.
I solved in the following ways.
Step 1: Unplug all cables, including the charging cable
Step 2: Restart the iOS simulator
Best way around it (what I've done), is to download the 14.2 Simulator pack from within Xcode.
Open Xcode->Preferences
Tap Components
Tap the 14.2 Simulator pack and Xcode is going to start installing it.
It's a workaround till they fix that miserable error.
It is Xcode 12.3 bug! you can see that sometimes in the code interface builder too:
It is not critical but If you really care about it, download and use the previous Xcode from here
Nothe that you can't build for iOS 14.3 if you choose to use Xcode 12.2.
More description
Xcode always have unknown issues at the release point. Some of them are critical like this with 54K views! and some are not like this issue with about 5K views in only 13 days.
My suggestion is to always have 2 Xcodes at the same time until you are sure about Xcode bugs!
Happened to me as well, while I was charging my MacBook Pro 2016. I closed my Xcode, disconnected my charger from the Macbook and run it again. The problem was fixed.
One thing to point out/confirm: Seems the issue is limited to the simulator. The issue does not persist when sideloading the project to iPhone.

Simulator under iOS 13.3 (Xcode 11.3.1) not functioning properly

When using the simulator under Xcode 11.3.1 and iPhones simulating iOS 13.3, the simulation does not behave correctly. It works correctly under simulator iOS 12.1.
I get no messages that I don't also get under the iOS 12.1 simulator launch.
The behavior should be when a user starts the app for the first time, he is redirected to the signin screen. Instead it goes to the main screen (grayed out because there is no data). I can navigate manually to the signin screen and signin normally (device registers and appears on my online server) but the app should start downloading the database required to work. It just sits there (no alertview that would normally launch the download). If I relaunch the app, it again starts at the main screen, however at this point an alertview should appear that no database is present. If I manually try to start the download (in a setup screen within the app), the progress bar that normally appears does not, just a label signifying what database is suppose to download.
All of this works properly on the iOS 12.1 simulator (Xcode 10.1) of the same type (iPhone 8 Plus).
Is this an Xcode 11.3.1 bug or iOS 13.3 problem. I have customers using iOS 13.1 without any problems on actual devices. I am on a new iMac running Catalina, is it possible its a security setting to allow database download?
I was facing the same issue and I move back to Xcode 11.3. Guess it was not a stable update at all.

iOS Simulator drawing too big (not a window scale issue)

Firstly, thanks for your time and effort.
Just today I started having a random issue in my iOS simulator running an app from Xcode 6. No Xcode update has been installed since I last used the simulator so I don't think it is an issue with an update.
Basically, my simulator is drawing everything HUGE. Like 4x the size it should be. This happens with all simulator devices regardless of iOS version. I'm aware of the window scaling with CMD + 1, 2, 3. That is not the issue. It shows the same no matter the scale. When you click or interact with the screen squares of it flicker. This is what it looks like.
Note that it is not just the application, but also the home screen.
I should also note that this does not seem to be just the simulator. The screen saver on OSX with the words and definitions also is entirely too large. I haven't noticed it in any other application though.
I have done everything I could think of to debug the issue.
I deleted Xcode and reinstalled it with a restart in between.
I have created a new user account on my machine and ran a boilerplate app on the simulator and it displayed the same way.
I've changed my screen resolution to see if that resolves the issue.
I cleared the mysterious PRAM.
None of these solved the issue or made it better or worse.
Again, thanks for your time. It is appreciated.
For me pressing command + 2 or command + 3 when the ios simulator opens up solve the problem. Pressing the above keys do scaled down the simulator size.
Bug in 10.10.2 beta:
iOS simulator scaled bug
iOS 8 and Xcode 6 Simulator Display Out of Alignment
iOS Simulator display scaled incorrectly
I recently started and I had the same issue. You simply have to change the scale. When the iOS Simulator opens, navigate to Window and change the scale; 50% worked for me.
I changed to 14C94b, fixed this bug.
I have been to see same problem for Subline Text3

iOS 8 app does not show all keyboard languages

I've encountered strange issue. My app running on simulator shows only English/Emoji layout for UITextField.
BUT! The spotlight shows English/Russian/Emoji, and it's correct.
I use Xcode 6.1 and iPhone 4s iOS 8 simulator.
What's wrong?
Dupe of iOS8.1 Simulator always uses US keyboard layout despite german hardware keyboard
As mentioned there, this is a known issue and is mentioned in the Xcode 6.1 release notes.

iOS Simulator for iPad not working since upgrade to Xcode 4.3.2

A few days back I upgraded to Xcode 4.3.2 by downloading from the developer's portal and running the installation files. Since then, I am able to test apps on my devices and am also able to test them on the iOS simulator for iPhone without issues. However, the iPad simulator is not working well. A screenshot is attached.
The home button doesn't appear.
The status bar doesn't appear.
The simulator appears like a window with minimize and maximize icons (only the maximize icon is enabled) and also has a title with the version no.
Can anyone please advise, a screenshot of the simulator is present at the below location.
The Skins are missing from the iPad simulator, a solution is using the keyboard shortcuts, Cmd+Shift+H for Home, Cmd+1 / 2 / 3 to resize the window to fit on your screen to avoid scrollbars and such.
