SharePoint Accordion not loading properly - ajax

I am working on a SharePoint page, utilizing the jslink for the list web part. I have the following code written out:
(function () {
var overrideCurrentContext = {};
overrideCurrentContext.Templates = {};
overrideCurrentContext.Templates.Header = "<div class='ListAccordion'>";
overrideCurrentContext.Templates.Footer = "</div>";
overrideCurrentContext.OnPostRender = OnPostRender;
overrideCurrentContext.Templates.Item = ItemTemplate;
function ItemTemplate(ctx) {
var Title = ctx.CurrentItem["Title"];
var Body = ctx.CurrentItem["Body"];
return "<h2>" + Title + "</h2><p>" + Body + "</p><br/>";
function OnPostRender() {
$('.ListAccordion h2').click(function () {
$('.ListAccordion h2').css({
"background-color": "#0B0B61",
"cursor": "pointer",
"color": "white" ,
"border-radius" : "15px",
"padding-left" : "10px"
The problem I am having, is that my accordion view will not display until I utilize the manual refresh option, or I wait for the Asynchronous Automatic Refresh both under the AJAX option of the web part properties.
The accordion shows up perfect, until I save, or reload the page, but it works if I utilize the ajax options. Is there anything I can do to make sure the accordion shows right away when the page is first opened?
also I have the file saved in my siteassets and this is the link I am using ~site/SiteAssets/Accordions12.js

Add the following to the header of your script editor but replace the middle parts with what your file/location is
<script src="/_catalogs/masterpage/test1/jquery-1.11.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


CKEditor not editable in IE11 after ajax call

If the page is loaded the first time, the CKEditor is working right and the value of the editor can be edited. After hitting the button "ajax" which is calling the following function (cursor must be in the editor field):
function ajax_call() {
var html = "<textarea id=\"textarea\"><p>test 1</p><p>test 2</p><p>test 3</p></textarea><script type='text/javascript'>jQuery(document).ready(function() { ckEditor('textarea'); });<\/script>";
$.post("/echo/html/", { html: html }, function(data){
it isn't possible to click on the text in IE11 to edit the value. Clicking beyond the text or left of it enabels the editor again.
Looks like creation of new textarea after CKEDITOR is initiated brakes editor in IE. Though i just tried to set data directly on instance of CKEDITOR and it worked fine,rather than creating new textarea tag.
function ajax_call() {
var html = "<p>test 4</p><p>test 5</p><p>test 6</p>";
$.post("/echo/html/", { html: html }, function(data){
//jQuery('#target').html(data); <-- Removed from original
CKEDITOR.instances['textarea'].setData(data)// <-- Added
function ckEditor(id) {
CKEDITOR.replace(id, {
language : 'de',
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
Here is working example:

AngularJS directive toggle menu preventing default for other directive

So I made a directive for a toggle (drop down) menu in AngularJS. I used the directive for multiple items within the page but I have a small problem. When one item is open and I click another one I want the previous one to close. The event.preventDefault and event.stopPropagation stops the event for the previous item and doesn't close it. Any ideas on how to fix this? Is there a way to perhaps only stop the event within the scope?
app.directive('toggleMenu', function ($document) {
return {
restrict: 'CA',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var opened = false;
var button = (attrs.menuButton ? angular.element(document.getElementById(attrs.menuButton)) : element.parent());
var closeButton = (attrs.closeButton ? angular.element(document.getElementById(attrs.closeButton)) : false);
var toggleMenu = function(){
(opened ? element.fadeOut('fast') : element.fadeIn('fast'));
button.bind('click', function(event){
opened = ! opened;
element.bind('click', function(event){
if(attrs.stayOpen && != closeButton[0]){
$document.bind('click', function(){
opened = false;
And here's a Fiddle:
Button opens content and content should close when clicked outside the div. When clicked on button 2 however content 1 doesn't close.
Basic idea is that you need to share the state between all your dropdown submenus, so when one of them is shown, all others are hidden. The simpliest way of storing state (such as opened or closed) are... CSS classes!
We'll create a pair of directives - one for menu, and another for sumbenu. It is more expressive that just divs.
Here is out markup.
<submenu data-caption="Button 1">
Content 1
<submenu data-caption="Button 2">
Content 2
Look how readable is it! Say thanks to directives:
plunker.directive("menu", function(){
return {
restrict : "E",
scope : {},
transclude : true,
replace : true,
template : "<div class='menu' data-ng-transclude></div>",
controller : function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $transclude){
$scope.submenus = [];
this.addSubmenu = function (submenu) {
this.closeAllSubmenus = function (doNotTouch){
angular.forEach($scope.submenus, function(submenu){
if(submenu != doNotTouch){
plunker.directive("submenu", function(){
return {
restrict : "E",
require : "^menu",
scope : {
caption : "#"
transclude : true,
replace : true,
template : "<div class='submenu'><label>{{caption}}</label><div class='submenu-content' data-ng-transclude></div></div>",
link : function ($scope, $iElement, $iAttrs, menuController) {
$iElement.bind("click", function(event){
$scope.close = function (){
Look thar we restricted them to HTML elements (restrict : "E"). submenu requires to be nested in menu (require : "^menu"), this allows us to inject menu controller to submenu's link function. transclude and replace controls the position of original markup in compiled HTML output (replace=true means that original markup will be replaced with compiled, transclude inserts parts of original markup to compiled output).
When we've done with this, we just say to menu close all your child menus! and menu iterates over submenus, forcing them to close.
We are adding childs to menu controller in addSubmenu function. It is called in submenus link function, thus every compiled instance of submenu adds itself to menu. Now, closing all submenus is as easy as iterating over all children, this is done by closeAllSubmenus in menu controller.
Here is a full Plunker to play with.

HighChart not working when called by ajax

Hi guys i have a page which is working perfectly it contains a highchart. I want to show this page on the existing page through an ajax call. My ajax is working perfectly but the highcharts are not displaying when i make ajax call.
link of my highchart is
And My ajax script goes here
var xmlhtt
function load(str,str1)
if (xmlhtt==null)
alert ("Your browser does not support Ajax HTTP");
var url="examples/line-log-axis/index.php";
function getOutpt()
if (xmlhtt.readyState==3||xmlhtt.readyState==2||xmlhtt.readyState==1|
document.getElementById("apDiv1").innerHTML="Loading ";
if (xmlhtt.readyState==4)
function GetXmlHttpObject()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
return new XMLHttpRequest();
if (window.ActiveXObject)
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return null;
I guess because highgraphs are using Jquery thats y ajax is not running them
So what you are doing is, that you have a working chart page, and through ajax you wish to load that page into a div of another page. I don't think that will be possible, you can just do that, especially if that page has javascripts, what you are doing is just getting the generated html of the working chart page, and pasting it inside the div, this won't run the necessary javascripts for the chart generation.
Try using an iframe instead.
<iframe id="frame" />
function load(str,str1)
$('#frame').attr('src', "examples/line-log-axis/index.php?q="+str+"&q1="+str1);
series: [{
data: JSON.parse("[" + text + "]")
`text = ','`, hence a json parse error. Revisit your json building # php to correctly spit `text`

Ajax file upload is not working when used the second time

I'm using this jquery plugin ajaxFileupload in our project. My design is I have a file upload control and set the opacity to 0.01 and then using an anchor link, I trigger the file upload control click event. This works fine until I try to click the anchor link the second time which it doesn't open the file dialog box.
Here is my code.
$(".btnUpload").live("click", function () {
$(".fleAttachment").change(function () {
var reg = /^.*\.(jpg|JPG|gif|GIF|jpeg|JPEG)$/;
var vals = $(this).val(),
val = vals.length ? vals.split("\\").pop() : "";
if (reg.test(vals) == false) {
$(".lblUploadError").text("Invalid Image Type. We only accept .GIF or .JPG");
} else {
I don't see any error in the console so it makes it difficult to debug it.
$(".fleAttachment").change(function() {
$(".fleAttachment").live('change', function() {
$( document ).on( "click", ".fleAttachment", function() {
//--> Logic Here // jQuery 1.7+
at the end should work

jquery: bind click event to ajax-loaded elmente? live() won't work?

hey guys,
I have an input field that looks for matched characters on a page. This page simply lists anchor links. So when typing I constantly load() (using the jquery load() method) this page with all the links and I check for a matched set of characters. If a matched link is found it's displayed to the user. However all those links should have e.preventDefault() on them.
It simply won't work. #found is the container that shows the matched elements. All links that are clicked should have preventDefault() on them.
/*Animated scroll for anchorlinks*/
var anchor = '',
pageOffset = '',
viewOffset = 30,
scrollPos = '';
$(function() {
$("a[href*='#']").each(function() {
$(this).bind('click', function(e) {
anchor = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];
pageOffset = $("#"+anchor).offset();
scrollPos = - viewOffset;
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:scrollPos}, '500');
Well, I'm looking for all href's that contain a #. So I know those elements are anchors that jump to other elements. I don't want my page to jump, but rather scroll smoothly to this element with this specific #id.
This works fine when I use bind('click', ... for normal page-elements that have been loaded when the page is opened. It doesn't work for anchors that have been loaded via ajax! If I change the bind to live nothing does change for the ajax loaded elements - they still don't work. However normal anchors that have always been on the page are not triggering the function as well. So nothing works with live()!
When you say "it won't work" do you mean that your function is not been called or that you can not cancel out of the function? As far as I know you can not cancel out live events. With jQuery 1.4 you can use return false to cancel out live event propagation. Calling e.preventDefault() won't work.
Edit: right so this code should in principal work. What it still won't do is, it won't add the 'anchorLink' class to your new anchors. However if the clicks work then let me know and I will give you the right code to add the class too!
var anchor = '',
pageOffset = '',
viewOffset = 30,
scrollPos = '';
$(function() {
$("a[href*='#']").each(function() {
$("a").live('click', function(e) {
if ($(this).attr("href").indexOf("#") > -1) {
anchor = $(this).attr('href').split('#')[1];
pageOffset = $("#" + anchor).offset();
scrollPos = - viewOffset;
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, '500');
//nikhil: e.preventDefault() might not work, try return false here
