Gradle could not find method XYZ for arguments. - gradle

a bit new to Gradle and Groovy trying to use the following task:
as folows:
task pushImageDev(type: DockerPushImage) {
imageName "xxxxxx:5000/${}-${appEnviroment}:${version}"
registryCredentials {
email = ''
url = 'xxxxxx:5000'
username = 'xxxxxx'
password = 'xxxxxx'
But I keep getting...
Could not find method registryCredentials() for arguments [build_21ymvy7kfomjn3daqwpuika10$_run_closure8$_closure18#dd69c19] on task ':pushImageDev' of type com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.DockerPushImage

I believe you can only use registryCredentials method within the docker task configuration, and not in a custom task, like
docker {
registryCredentials {
url = ''
username = '_json_key'
password = file('keyfile.json").text
If you wanted to create a custom task, you probably have to create an actual instance of DockerRegistryCredentials to pass, like
task pushImageDev(type: DockerPushImage) {
imageName "xxxxxx:5000/${}-${appEnviroment}:${version}"
registryCredentials(new DockerRegistryCredentials(...));
The reason is that registryCredentials {...} is an extension defined in DockerExtension.groovy, which does not work for custom tasks. It is not a setter for the field registryCredentials inside class DockerPushImage.
What also works is to nest a registry credentials call inside a docker call inside the custom task, though I am not sure why:
task pushImageDev(type: DockerPushImage) {
appEnviroment = 'dev'
imageName "xxxxxx/${}-${appEnviroment}:${version}"
docker {
registryCredentials {
username = "${nexusUsername}"
password = "${nexusPassword}"


How to get newly created instance id using Terraform

I am creating AWS ec2 instance(s) using auto scaling group and launch template. I would like to get instance ids of the newly launched instances. Is this possible?
For brevity purpose I have removed some code
resource "aws_launch_template" "service_launch_template" {
name_prefix = "${var.name_prefix}-lt"
image_id = var.ami_image_id
iam_instance_profile {
name = var.instance_profile
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "service_target_group" {
name = "${var.name_prefix}-tg"
target_type = "instance"
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "service_autoscaling_group" {
name = "${var.name_prefix}-asg"
max_size = var.max_instances
min_size = var.min_instances
desired_capacity = var.desired_instances
target_group_arns = [aws_lb_target_group.service_target_group.arn]
health_check_type = "ELB"
launch_template {
id =
version = aws_launch_template.service_launch_template.latest_version
depends_on = [aws_alb_listener.service_frontend_https]
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
resource "aws_alb" "service_frontend" {
name = "${var.name_prefix}-alb"
load_balancer_type = "application"
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
resource "aws_alb_listener" "service_frontend_https" {
load_balancer_arn = aws_alb.service_frontend.arn
protocol = "HTTPS"
port = "443"
This is working. But I would like to output the instance ids of the newly launched instances. From terraform documentation looks like the aws_launch_template or aws_autoscaling_group does not export the instance ids. What are my options here?
Terraform is probably completing, and exiting, before the auto-scaling group has even triggered a scale-up event and created the instances. There's no way for Terraform to know about the individual instances, since Terraform isn't managing those instances, the auto-scaling group is managing them. You would need to use another tool, like the AWS CLI, to get the instance IDs.

Create random variable in Terraform and pass it to GCE startup script

I want to run a metadata_startup_script when using Terraform to create a GCE instance.
This script is supposed to create a user and assign to this user a random password.
I know that I can create a random string in Terraform with something like:
resource "random_string" "pass" {
length = 20
And my will at some point be like:
echo myuser:${PSSWD} | chpasswd
How can I chain the random_string resource generation with the appropriate script invocation through the metadata_startup_script parameter?
Here is the google_compute_instance resource definition:
resource "google_compute_instance" "coreos-host" {
name = "my-vm"
machine_type = "n1-stantard-2"
zone = "us-central1-a"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"
size = 20
type = "pd-standard"
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config {
network_tier = "STANDARD"
metadata_startup_script = "${file("./")}"
where includes the above line setting the password non-interactively.
If you want to pass a Terraform variable into a templated file then you need to use a template.
In Terraform <0.12 you'll want to use the template_file data source like this:
resource "random_string" "pass" {
length = 20
data "template_file" "init" {
template = "${file("./")}"
vars = {
password = "${random_string.pass.result}"
resource "google_compute_instance" "coreos-host" {
name = "my-vm"
machine_type = "n1-stantard-2"
zone = "us-central1-a"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"
size = 20
type = "pd-standard"
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config {
network_tier = "STANDARD"
metadata_startup_script = "${data.template_file.startup_script.rendered}"
and change your script to be:
echo myuser:${password} | chpasswd
Note that the template uses ${} for interpolation of variables that Terraform is passing into the script. If you need to use $ anywhere else in your script then you'll need to escape it by using $$ to get a literal $ in your rendered script.
In Terraform 0.12+ there is the new templatefile function which can be used instead of the template_file data source if you'd prefer:
resource "random_string" "pass" {
length = 20
resource "google_compute_instance" "coreos-host" {
name = "my-vm"
machine_type = "n1-stantard-2"
zone = "us-central1-a"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"
size = 20
type = "pd-standard"
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config {
network_tier = "STANDARD"
metadata_startup_script = templatefile("./", {password = random_string.pass.result})
As an aside you should also notice the warning on random_string:
This resource does use a cryptographic random number generator.
Historically this resource's intended usage has been ambiguous as the original example used it in a password. For backwards compatibility it will continue to exist. For unique ids please use random_id, for sensitive random values please use random_password.
As such you should instead use the random_password resource:
resource "random_password" "password" {
length = 16
special = true
override_special = "_%#"

Fetch credentials depending on environment

I can take credentials like explained in the example taken from here -
stage('Example') {
environment {
CREDS = credentials('MY_CREDS_DEV')
steps {
sh 'echo hello'
But what I want to do is to get credentials based on some condition.
For example I have MY_CREDS_DEV and MY_CREDS_QA defined in Jenkins credentials. And I have a property ENV=dev defined in Jenkins 'Prepare an environment for the run' section.
I'd like to access credentials based on my environment, i.e. ENV property.
I tried to use CREDS = credentials('MY_CREDS_' + ${ENV}) and tried to extract strings concatenation to a separate function and call it like CREDS = credentials(concatenate(${ENV})) but I got Internal function call parameters must be strings.
So seems I can put only a string to credentials() function which basically means to hardcode it. But how can I choose which credentials to use - dev or qa?
Use CREDS = credentials('MY_CREDS_' + ENV) or CREDS = credentials("MY_CREDS_${ENV}"). ${ENV} will not become 'dev'but ${'dev'} and therefore is no string.
For completeness:
In fact - after playing aroung with the groovy console - it looks like ${ENV} will try to call a function called $ with the closure parameter {ENV} which in turn would return 'dev'. It would give the same result as ENV if you would have defined a function like:
def $(Closure closure) {
But most probably that's not what you wanted to do.
Got this working in Jenkins:2.190.2 with a little groovy. Haven't tested on earlier versions. Just happens to be the one I'm on now. Works fine with multiple stages.
pipeline {
agent {
label "xxxxx"
environment {
ROLE = getRole()
stage("write to s3 etc") {
environment {
AWS = credentials("${ROLE}")
steps {
script {
aws s3 sync build/ "s3://xxxxxxxxxxxx"
def getRole() {
def branchName = "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
if (branchName == "xxxxxx") {
return 'some_credential_string'
else {
return 'some_other_credential_string'
If you would like to use different credentials based on the condition, this could be done with the following example:
stage ("Example") {
steps {
script {
if ( params.TEST_PARAMETER == "test_value1" ) {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: env.CREDENTIALS_1, variable: 'SOME_VARIABLE')]) {
else {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: env.CREDENTIALS_2, variable: 'SOME_VARIABLE')]) {
You would need to define yourFunction in the end of your jenkinsfile. In this case, when TEST_PARAMETER is test_value1 in the job, CREDENTIALS_1 will be used from Jenkins credentials list. When TEST_PARAMETER is different, CREDENTIALS_2 credentials will be used. You could have more options by modifying this to the case loop.
Hope this helps.

URISyntaxException in gradle environment variable while testing

I have a build.gradle as follows
task setDockerHost {
group 'Docker'
description 'Gets the docker host ip from your OS'
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine './src/main/resources/scripts/', '60'
standardOutput = stdout
project.ext.set('DOCKERHOST', "$stdout")
tasks.withType(Test) {
doFirst { println "DockerHost is $project.DOCKERHOST" }
environment 'DOCKERHOST', "$project.DOCKERHOST"
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
testLogging {
events 'passed', 'skipped', 'failed', 'standardOut'
reports.html.destination = file("${reporting.baseDir}/${name}")
I define a DOCKERHOST env variable as above and want to use in my groovy test class:
class MyClass extends Specification {
RESTClient client = new RESTClient("http://"+System.getenv('DOCKERHOST')+":9090/")
In the execution my println works: DockerHost is
But when I run the this test it throws:
I already tried replacing \n, \r and spaces by "". I also try removing the protocol from the URL (aka and it tells me that the same error occurs at index 0
How can I solve this?
I didn't figure it out in which char was the problem but I was able to solve it but replacing strings like crazy:
String url = ("http://" + System.getenv('DOCKERHOST') + ":9090/").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").replace(" ", "")
RESTClient client = new RESTClient(url)
I've spent like a day trying to figure this out... hopefully for someone else will be quicker.

How to define and call custom methods in build.gradle?

As part of my project, I need to read files from a directory and do some operations all these in build script. For each file, the operation is the same(reading some SQL queries and execute it). I think its a repetitive task and better to write inside a method. Since I'm new to Gradle, I don't know how it should be. Please help.
One approach given below:
ext.myMethod = { param1, param2 ->
// Method body here
Note that this gets created for the project scope, ie. globally available for the project, which can be invoked as follows anywhere in the build script using myMethod(p1, p2) which is equivalent to project.myMethod(p1, p2)
The method can be defined under different scopes as well, such as within tasks:
task myTask {
ext.myMethod = { param1, param2 ->
// Method body here
doLast {
myMethod(p1, p2) // This will resolve 'myMethod' defined in task
If you have defined any methods in any other file *.gradle - ext.method() makes it accessible project wide. For example here is a
// ext makes method callable project wide
ext.getVersionName = { ->
try {
def branchout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'
standardOutput = branchout
def branch = branchout.toString().trim()
if (branch.equals("master")) {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--tags'
standardOutput = stdout
return stdout.toString().trim()
} else {
return branch;
catch (ignored) {
return null;
task showVersion << {
// Use inherited method
println 'VersionName: ' + getVersionName()
Without ext.method() format , the method will only be available within the *.gradle file it is declared. This is the same with properties.
You can define methods in the following way:
// Define an extra property
ext.srcDirName = 'src/java'
// Define a method
def getSrcDir(project) {
return project.file(srcDirName)
You can find more details in gradle documentation Chapter 62. Organizing Build Logic
An example with a root object containing methods.
hg.gradle file:
ext.hg = [
cloneOrPull: { source, dest, branch ->
if (!dest.isDirectory())
hg.clone(source, dest, branch)
hg.update(dest, branch)
clone: { source, dest, branch ->
exec {
commandLine 'hg', 'clone', '--noupdate', source, dest.absolutePath
pull: { dest ->
exec {
workingDir dest.absolutePath
commandLine 'hg', 'pull'
build.gradle file
apply from: 'hg.gradle'
Somehow, maybe because it's five years since the OP, but none of the
ext.someMethod = { foo ->
approaches are working for me. Instead, a simple function definition seems to be getting the job done in my gradle file:
def retrieveEnvvar(String envvar_name) {
if ( System.getenv(envvar_name) == "" ) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("\n\n\nPlease specify environment variable ${envvar_name}\n")
} else {
return System.getenv(envvar_name)
And I call it elsewhere in my script with no prefix, ie retrieveEnvvar("APP_PASSWORD")
This is 2020 so I'm using Gradle 6.1.1.
#ether_joe the top-voted answer by #InvisibleArrow above does work however you must define the method you call before you call it - i.e. earlier in the build.gradle file.
You can see an example here. I have used this approach with Gradle 6.5 and it works.
With Kotlin DSL (build.gradle.kts) you can define regular functions and use them.
It doesn't matter whether you define your function before the call site or after it.
fun generateString(): String {
return "Black Forest"
tasks.create("MyTask") {
If you want to import and use a function from another script, see this answer and this answer.
In my react-native in build.gradle
def func_abc(y){return "abc"+y;}
def x = func_abc("y");
If you want to check:
throw new GradleException("x="+x);
println "x="+x;
