Azure Event Grid deploy fails due to 'cannot update during provisioning' - azure-eventgrid

We have an Event Grid with a couple of Functions attached to it as listeners. We're doing some load tests and are seeing a lot of functions fail, which means that event grid will resend those events.
However, if we try to redeploy Event Grid (using ARM), we get the following exception: 'Resource cannot be updated during provisioning'. So far, the only thing we've found that works to deploy it is to tear down the existing Event grid and deploy a fresh one, obviously not ideal. Is this a known issue, or are we doing something weird?


Your page did not fire its `load` event within `60000ms` only on Github Actions

I have Cypress tests failing only on Github CI with this error:
Your page did not fire its `load` event within `60000ms`.
I assume this is because the Cypress browser is stuck loading something Github Actions environment is blocking. Tests run fine locally. However, because I do not have access to the browser console, I cannot know what is causing the error.
Based on Cypress the service screenshot the page loaded fine, though.
How can I either
Disable load event check in my Cypress tests, as I assume this is not a real issue
Access JavaScript logs or Network tab logs though Cypress service to confirm what could be the issue in Github Actions run-time environment
This is a SvelteKit based site.
It's not currently possible to opt-out of waiting for the load event:

Dynamics CRM Error : The object cannot be updated because it is read-only when closing a Phone Call

User closes an active/open phone call and gets the error on the image.
The error message: Cannot Update Closed or Cancelled Activity is expected when some script or code piece trying to update the activity (phonecall, task, etc) but the record is marked already as completed/closed/cancelled status.
Check if any javascript is triggered on onSave, onChange, onLoad events
Check if any custom action, plugin, Workflow triggers
From the screenshot the record has unsaved changes and showing still "open" in bottom right/left corners. Quite not sure if any other pre-update plugins triggering or some other operation trying to update another activity record (which is different from this current record).

ExtJS-6 Dataview Extension Issue

I have extended a view.View to isolate just some of the events that are fired from the store (code is found at
The problem I am having is that when a record is added, it should fire a custom event for the controller to pick up; however, I am getting an error in the console
TypeError: owner.up is not a function
I am somewhat at an impasse at this point as I have attempted debugging the issue and the only thing I can come up with is that the error is occurring at the:
In the globals.AltStdView class. Can someone please advise me on what I am incorrectly doing? Thanks!!
Firstly,; is wrong. getView is supposed to be a method.
Secondly, added is already an event used by the framework for components. You should pick a different name.
Couple of Issues here,
As #Evan mentioned, me.getView is a function. So it should be me.getView().
You are firing an "added" event which is actually inbuilt event of DataView and because of this listeners of added event are throwing errors as event args different. So i renamed the event to 'recordadded'
After applying the above fixes, here is the working fiddle.

CRM online plugin fails to execute the same way as when debugged

I've just finished writing a plugin for crm online, and am now running into a curious problem.
When I run the plugin through the debugger I get the expected results, but when I let the plugin run on its own it fails to run as expected.
In this plugin, I'm listening to the create event for new queueitems and I'm checking to see if the queueitm is an email. Everything up to this point is running as expected, however when after getting an email I check to see if the email has an attachment and here's when things start deviating. Through the debugger I can see the attachment file, but on its own, the plugin can't find the attachment. This is very odd to me because I can see the email in the queue and there's definitely an attachment there.
What would cause this to happen, why does it happen and is this a common problem?
Bit of guess.
There is a timing issue, when you debug and that timing issue isn't apparent because you have artificially slowed the application down.
I'm guessing your plugin is sync, and things are happening like this.
In Execution
Email created.
Thread starts to add attachment to email.
Your plugin runs, and finds no attachment.
Thread adds attachment and finishes.
In Debugging
Email created.
Thread starts to add attachment to email.
Your plugin runs, and goes to breakpoint.
Thread adds attachment and finishes.
You inspect the property and find the attachment.
Given that the email and email attachment are separate database tables this seems like a good shout, CRM may be making the two create calls separately.
Ways to test this theory
Make your plugin async.
Add a Thread.Sleep into your code (no more than 2 minutes, a minute should be fine).
Find another place or step to register your plugin.
Stick a plugin on the email attachment create which throws an exception to see what order things happen in.
If my theory turns out to be true, the best resolution is to probably find another way to register your plugin.

Handle Incoming call crash while App Start

I have run into an Interesting scenario. Its also present here by someone on msdn forums
When I launch my application, if I lock the screen or if a call comes at that time and on resume after unlocking or disconnecting the call in respective scenarios, the application crashes throwing 0x8000ffff error. This I have observed also happens when an emailcomposetask is open from my application.
Previously I thought that it was because I was not handling Obscured and Unobscured. But now that I am handling them, still I am receiving the same case. I have observed that many other applications also crash but there are some applications like Facebook and Twitter which are able to handle it. Has any one faced this same situation? Can you please provide me a fix for this?
Am I doing anything wrong?
also note that I have changed my default loading page. Its not mainPage.xaml but xyz.xaml, where I am checking for tokens and redirecting user to mainPage automatically without any button click.
Edit : Added StackTrace
at Microsoft.Phone.Execution.NativeEmInterop.NotifyFullObscurityChanged(Boolean isObscured)
at Microsoft.Phone.Shell.PhoneApplicationService.OnFullObscurityChanged(Object sender, LockStateChangeEventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Phone.Shell.Interop.ShellPageManager.ShellPageCallback_OnLockStateChange(Object source, LockStateChangeEventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Phone.Shell.Interop.ShellPageCallback.FireOnLockStateChange(Boolean fLocked)`
This mainly happens because of the code in OnNavigatedTo() and Page_Loaded() event handlers. Place break points and check for the issues in those two methods.
When an app is resumed in the cases you mentioned, these two methods are called in the same order.
Hope this solves your problem.
Update based on your comments:
There you are. You are clearing the entire Navigation history, and hence it dont know where to go now(even the current page is removed).
My suggestion is, Move your back history removal code from OnNavigated to the Page_Loaded event.
