How to Install pip on Solaris 10? - python-2.6

I am new to python learning.I need to install pip on python2.6. From pip website, I downloaded "pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl" package but by which command I will install it.
I also tried the following option but not succeeded.
bash-3.2# apt install python-pip
apt: invalid flag: install

From OpenCSW:
pkgadd -d
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i py_pip
/usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWpy-pip # list files
Don't forget to install python27 as well.


Install python 3.6 in Ubuntu

I'm running some Python script in my bitbucket pipeline.
where it's running in Ubuntu version 16.04.
following is my script.
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y && apt-get update
apt-get -y install python3.6
apt-get -y install python3-pip
pip3 install tq1
pip3 install zstd
When trying to print
python3 -V
it's returning
Python 3.5.2.
Why it's not Python 3.6.x ?
Please note I must need Python 3.6 to run tq1.
It's a script on your device, right? Can't you just edit the lines?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install python3.6 python3-pip
pip3 install tq1 zstd
Also, you don't need a script to install those. They're just bash commands. You can just type them line-by-line into the terminal...
Check the image on your pipeline, because if you install python 3.6 in one step and execute the python3 -V command in another, it will take the version of the image, not the one from the previous step, since they are in a different container, it would be helpful if you show us the rest of the pipeline

Python 3.6: how to install rubberband?

I want to use this function, and I'm trying to install rubberband using pip as the following: pip install rubberband
But, it raises the following error: "Failed building wheel for rubberband"
And I can't use Python 3.5 in my project. So, how to install rubberband?
P.S. My OS is Windows 10, and I have python 3.6 on it.
The docs you pointed to are the docs for the project pyrubberband, not rubberband. So install it with pip install pyrubberband.
As for rubberband: you probably need a C/C++ compiler to install it.
Upd. pyrubberband is a Python wrapper for rubberband. You need to install it, see
To make a long story short, this is how I installed the rubberband python package.
apt update
apt-get install libsndfile-dev
apt-get install librubberband-dev
python3 -m pip install numpy (required for rubberband)
Note that the -dev postfix is required to get the header files that are later required for the python rubberband package to be able to compile the package.
Later, pip install rubberband failed on transform is not a member of std.
To solve that, I did the following:
python3 -m pip download rubberband
tar -xf rubberband-1.0.2.tar.gz
edit rubberband-1.0.2/src/numpy.cpp - add #include <algorithm> at the top of the file.
cd rubberband-1.0.2 and then run python3 -m pip install . or better yet python bdist_wheel --universal to create a whl file to add to your docker dependencies.
If you ran through this and using macOS, brew for everything works
$ brew install rubberband
Works like charm
Install "rubberband-cli" Package on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y rubberband-cli

configure: error: cannot find libz

Building Mesos 1.3.0 from sources on linux-mint release 18.2 I get the following message:
configure: error: cannot find libz
When I try to search packages starts with libz* I get many packages names starting with libz. Which one is the right package I should install it?
Try installing zlib1g-dev. It's listed in the documentation
Linux Mint 18.2 is based on Ubuntu 16.04.
So, you should follow instructions for Ubuntu
# Update the packages.
$ sudo apt-get update
# Install a few utility tools.
$ sudo apt-get install -y tar wget git
# Install the latest OpenJDK.
$ sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk
# Install autotools (Only necessary if building from git repository).
$ sudo apt-get install -y autoconf libtool
# Install other Mesos dependencies.
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential python-dev python-six python-virtualenv libcurl4-nss-dev libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules maven libapr1-dev libsvn-dev zlib1g-dev

I cannot install aws cli on mac os with pip - awscli: command not found

I tried to follow this tutorial.
This is what I did in the console:
pip3 install --user --upgrade awscli
after that, when I write:
pip3 --version
I'm getting:
pip 9.0.1 from /Users/user/Library/Python/3.4/lib/python/site-packages (python 3.4)
then I wrote:
pip3 install --user --upgrade awscli
this command downloaded awscli and automatically added this:
# Setting PATH for Python 3.4
# The orginal version is saved in .profile.pysave
export PATH
to my .profile
Later on, just to be sure, I wrote:
source ~/.profile
and then when I type:
user$ aws
-bash: aws: command not found
I restarted the terminal with no luck also.
What's the problem here?
Here are the two steps to install AWS cli on mac OSX
Offical version
brew install awscli
Development version
brew install awscli --HEAD
When "pip3 install" is called with the "--user" option, it installs the aws executable in a user-specific location. This can be one of many possible locations, but the best way to find out where is with this command:
python3 -m site --user-base
On my system, this returned:
This directory has a "bin" subdirectory, and that is where the "aws" executable was located.
I figured this out from following:
pip3 install --help
Simple do these three steps:
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
brew install awscli should work
This is what worked for me, I experienced permission issues and had to create a local Frameworks folder first before running brew install. using macOS High Sierra
sudo mkdir /usr/local/Frameworks
sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local/Frameworks
brew install awscli
To answer the original question about installing using pip:
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo easy_install nose
sudo easy_install tornado
sudo easy_install six
sudo pip install --ignore-installed awscli
worked for me on Mojave
I had similar error, when trying to install awscli. I was following steps mentioned here by amazon []
I use anaconda, so when I was using pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user
it installs awscli in /Users/username/.local/lib/python3.6/
So, I used following to update awscli to anaconda-
conda install -c conda-forge awscli
I have used the following commands to install awscli :
$ curl "" -o ""
$ unzip
$ ./awscli-bundle/install -b ~/bin/aws
check version using : /Users/xxx/bin/aws --version
configure using : /Users/xxx/bin/aws configure
Was facing a similar issue. Resolved it by installing python 3.9 using brew install.
brew install python#3.9
Then reinstall awscli
I followed the below steps and it works for MacOS 10.11
curl "" -o ""
Unzip the package.
And instead of given command:
'sudo /usr/local/bin/python2.7 awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws'
which is broken due to pip, I think, I used the below command and it worked for me.
python3.6 ./awscli-bundle/install -b ~/bin/aws

How to install pip in CentOS 7?

CentOS 7 EPEL now includes Python 3.4: yum install python34
However, when I try that, even though Python 3.4 installs successfully, it doesn't appear to install pip. Which is weird, because pip should be included by default with Python 3.4. which pip3 doesn't find anything, nor does which pip.
How do I access pip from the Python 3.4 package in CentOS 7 EPEL release?
The easiest way I've found to install pip3 (for python3.x packages) on CentOS 7 is:
$ sudo yum install python34-setuptools
$ sudo easy_install-3.4 pip
You'll need to have the EPEL repository enabled before hand, of course.
You should now be able to run commands like the following to install packages for python3.x:
$ pip3 install foo
curl | python3.4
Or if you don't have curl for some reason:
After this you should be able to run
$ pip3
The CentOS 7 yum package for python34 does include the ensurepip module, but for some reason is missing the setuptools and pip files that should be a part of that module. To fix, download the latest wheels from PyPI into the module's _bundled directory (/lib64/python3.4/ensurepip/_bundled/):
then edit to match the downloaded versions:
_PIP_VERSION = "7.1.2"
after which python3.4 -m ensurepip works as intended. Ensurepip is invoked automatically every time you create a virtual environment, for example:
pyvenv-3.4 py3
source py3/bin/activate
Hopefully RH will fix the broken Python3.4 yum package so that manual patching isn't needed.
Update: The python34 bug mentioned below has finally been fixed. It is a perfectly fine choice now.
Rather than using broken EPEL python34 packages, you can enable the IUS repo and have it work properly.
pip inside virtual environments
The main python34u and python35u IUS packages include the pyvenv tool (/usr/bin/pyvenv-3.4 or /usr/bin/pyvenv-3.5) that includes bundled wheels of pip and setuptools for bootstrapping virtual environments.
global pip
The python34u-pip and python35u-pip IUS packages include /usr/bin/pip3.4 and /usr/bin/pip3.5 respectively. These work just fine to install packages to the system site-packages directory.
yum install python34-pip
pip3.4 install foo
You will likely need the EPEL repositories installed:
yum install -y epel-release
Update 2019
I tried easy_install at first but it doesn't install packages in a clean and intuitive way. Also when it comes time to remove packages it left a lot of artifacts that needed to be cleaned up.
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install python34-pip
pip install package
Was the solution that worked for me, it installs "pip3" as pip on the system. It also uses standard rpm structure so it clean in its removal. I am not sure what process you would need to take if you want both python2 and python3 package manager on your system.
Below are the steps I followed to install python34 and pip
yum update -y
yum -y install yum-utils
yum -y groupinstall development
yum -y install
yum makecache
yum -y install python34u python34u-pip
python3.6 -v
echo "alias python=/usr/bin/python3.4" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
pip3 install --upgrade pip
# if yum install python34u-pip doesnt work, try
curl | python
There is a easy way of doing this by just using easy_install (A Setuptools to package python librarie).
Before doing this check whether you have python installed into your Centos machine (at least 2.x).
Steps to install pip.
So lets do install easy_install,
sudo yum install python-setuptools python-setuptools-devel
Now lets do pip with easy_install,
sudo easy_install pip
That's Great. Now you have pip :)
Figure out what version of python3 you have installed:
yum search pip
and then install the best match. Use reqoquery to find name of resulting pip3.e.g
repoquery -l python36u-pip
tells me to use pip3.6 instead of pip3
On CentOS 7, the pip version is pip3.4 and is located here:
