Complexity of solving a Diophantine equation with potential solutions - algorithm

Say I have an equation, given as
13x + 5y = M, where M is given each time.
Evidently this is a diophantine equation and could take a long time to solve depending on the case. However, a reading told me that if we have a set of unique integer "possible solutions" of size k for X and Y stored in a Binary search tree (meaning the correct values for X and Y are contained in there somewhere), we can compute the solution pair (x, y) to the equation in O(k) time.
Now, I'm stuck on this logic because I do not see how storing elements in this data structure helps us or prevents us from having to plug in each of the k elements for X or Y, solve for the other variable, and check if the data structure contains that variable. The only thing I can think of would be somehow keeping two pointers to move along the tree, but that doesn't seem feasible.
Could someone explain the reasoning behind this logic?

Solving linear Diophantine equations (which is what you seem to be thinking of) is trivial and requires nothing more than the extended Euclidian algorithm. On the other hand, the successful resolution of Hilbert's tenth problem implies that there is no algorithm which is able to solve arbitrary Diophantine equations.
There is a vast gap between linear and arbitrary. Perhaps you can focus your question on the type of equation you are interested in.


Fast solution of linear equations starting from approximate solution

In a problem I'm working on, there is a need to solve Ax=b where A is a n x n square matrix (typically n = a few thousand), and b and x are vectors of size n. The trick is, it is necessary to do this many (billions) of times, where A and b change only very slightly in between successive calculations.
Is there a way to reuse an existing approximate solution for x (or perhaps inverse of A) from the previous calculation instead of solving the equations from scratch?
I'd also be interested in a way to get x to within some (defined) accuracy (eg error in any element of x < 0.001), rather than an exact solution (again, reusing the previous calculations).
You could use the Sherman–Morrison formula to incrementally update the inverse of matrix A.
To speed up the matrix multiplications, you could use a suitable matrix multiplication algorithm or a library tuned for high-performance computing. The classic matrix multiplication has complexity O(n³). Strassen-type algorithms have O(n^2.8) and better.
A similiar question without real answer was asked here.

Complexity measurement of NP-complete

For example, the set-cover decision problem is known to be a NP-complete problem. The input of this problems is a universe U, a family S of subsets of U, and an integer k ().
One thing that I'm confused with is that if we let k=1, then obviously the problem can be solved in time |S|, by simply checking each element in S. More generally, when k is a constant, the problem can be solved in polynomial time of |S|. In such a way, the time complexity becomes exponentially high only when k also increases with |S|, like |S|/2, |S|/3...
So here're my questions:
My current understanding is that the time complexity measurement of a NP-complete problem is measured in terms of the WORST case. Can anybody please tell me if the understanding is right?
I saw somebody proved that another problem is NP-hard by showing that a set-covering desicion problem with input <U,S,|U|/3> can be reduced to that problem. I'm just wondering why did he only prove for <U,S,|U|/3>, instead of <U,S,ARBITRARY k>?? Is such a proof reliable?
Many thanks!
Time complexity is measured as a function of the input instance size. The input instance size can be measured in bits. The input instance size increases as any of the inputs U, S, and k increase. So the question that one is trying to answer is how much more time does it take to solve the problem of instance size for example 2n bits vs the problem of instance size n.
So simply the size of the whole input instance has to increase and in this particular case it means increasing the size of U and/or S and/or k.
To answer your two questions:
Yes, the worst case time complexity is used: you are looking for the hardest problem of input size n and you correctly noticed that the problem (of the same size) probably becomes harder as you increase more parameters than just one.
It would be better to see the proof you are referring to but the thinking probably goes like:
I give a polynomial reduction of the set-covering decision problem instance of size n to my problem's instance of size m. If the size of the set-covering decision problem's input instance increases to 2n then the result of the reduction will be my problem's instance of size 2m because there is a direct correspondence between the input size of U, S, and k and the input size of my problem.
So all set-covering decision problem instances of size n map to my problem instances of size m. Thus if I am looking for the hardest instance of the set-covering decision problem using this reduction I will find the hardest instance of my problem of size m.
From the proof in your linked paper:
Proof. We reduce an arbitrary 3-cover problem instance—in which we are
given a universe U, a family S of subsets of U, such that each subset
contains 3 elements, and we are asked whether we can (exactly) cover
all of U using |U|/3 elements of S—to a game with homogeneous
resources and schedules of size 3.
As you correctly say, they need to convert all instances of the set-cover problem to their problem. But they are using a reduction from a different problem: the Exact 3-cover problem that is proven to be NP-complete in "Computers and intractability - MR Garey, DS Johnson, 1979".
The Exact 3-Cover problem is like the set cover decision problem but with |U| = 3t and S is a set of 3-element subsets of U.

Is linear-time reduction symmetric?

If a problem X reduces to a problem Y is the opposite reduction also possible? Say
X = Given an array tell if all elements are distinct
Y = Sort an array using comparison sort
Now, X reduces to Y in linear time i.e. if I can solve Y, I can solve X in linear time. Is the reverse always true? Can I solve Y, given I can solve X? If so, how?
By reduction I mean the following:
Problem X linear reduces to problem Y if X can be solved with:
a) Linear number of standard computational steps.
b) Constant calls to subroutine for Y.
Given the example above:
You can determine if all elements are distinct in O(N) if you back them up with a hash table. Which allows you to check existence in O(1) + the overhead of the hash function (which generally doesn't matter). IF you are doing a non-comparison based sort:
sorting algorithm list
Specialized sort that is linear:
For simplicity, assume you're sorting a list of natural numbers. The sorting method is illustrated using uncooked rods of spaghetti:
For each number x in the list, obtain a rod of length x. (One practical way of choosing the unit is to let the largest number m in your list correspond to one full rod of spaghetti. In this case, the full rod equals m spaghetti units. To get a rod of length x, simply break a rod in two so that one piece is of length x units; discard the other piece.)
Once you have all your spaghetti rods, take them loosely in your fist and lower them to the table, so that they all stand upright, resting on the table surface. Now, for each rod, lower your other hand from above until it meets with a rod--this one is clearly the longest! Remove this rod and insert it into the front of the (initially empty) output list (or equivalently, place it in the last unused slot of the output array). Repeat until all rods have been removed.
So given a very specialized case of your problem, your statement would hold. This will not hold in the general case though, which seems to be more what you are after. It is very similar to when people think they have solved TSP, but have instead created a constrained version of the general problem that is solvable using a special algorithm.
Suppose I can solve a problem A in constant time O(1) but problem B has a best case exponential time solution O(2^n). It is likely that I can come up with an insanely complex way of solving problem A in O(2^n) ("reducing" problem A to B) as well but if the answer to your question was "YES", I should then be able to make all exceedingly difficult problems solvable in O(1). Surely, that cannot be the case!
Assuming I understand what you mean by reduction, let's say that I have a problem that I can solve in O(N) using an array of key/value pairs, that being the problem of looking something up from a list. I can solve the same problem in O(1) by using a Dictionary.
Does that mean I can go back to my first technique, and use it to solve the same problem in O(1)?
I don't think so.

Finding pair of big-small points from a set of points in a 2D plane

The following is an interview question which I've tried hard to solve. The required bound is to be less than O(n^2). Here is the problem:
You are given with a set of points S = (x1,y1)....(xn,yn). The points
are co-ordinates on the XY plane. A point (xa,ya) is said to be
greater than point (xb,yb) if and only if xa > xb and ya > yb.
The objective is the find all pairs of points p1 = (xa,ya) and p2 = (xb,yb) from the set S such that p1 > p2.
Input S = (1,2),(2,1),(3,4)
Answer: {(3,4),(1,2)} , {(3,4),(2,1)}
I can only come up with an O(n^2) solution that involves checking each point with other. If there is a better approach, please help me.
I am not sure you can do it.
Example Case: Let the points be (1,1), (2,2) ... (n,n).
There are O(n^2) such points and outputting them itself takes O(n^2) time.
I am assuming you actually want to count such pairs.
Sort descendingly by x in O(n log n). Now we have reduced the problem to a single dimension: for each position k we need to count how many numbers before it are larger than the number at position k. This is equivalent to counting inversions, a problem that has been answered many times on this site, including by me, for example here.
The easiest way to get O(n log n) for that problem is by using the merge sort algorithm, if you want to think about it yourself before clicking that link. Other ways include using binary indexed trees (fenwick trees) or binary search trees. The fastest in practice is probably by using binary indexed trees, because they only involve bitwise operations.
If you want to print the pairs, you cannot do better than O(n^2) in the worst case. I would be interested in an output-sensitive O(num_pairs) algorithm too however.
Why don't you just sort the list of points by X, and Y as a secondary index? (O(nlogn))
Then you can just give a "lazy" indicator that shows for each point that all the points on its right are bigger than it.
If you want to find them ALL, it will take O(n^2) anyway, because there's O(n^2) pairs.
Think of a sorted list, the first one is smallest, so there's n-1 bigger points, the second one has n-2 bigger points... which adds up to about (n^2)/2 == O(n^2)

FInding a lower bound for a nlogn algorithm

The original problem was discussed in here: Algorithm to find special point k in O(n log n) time
Simply we have an algorithm that finds whether a set of points in the plane has a center of symmetry or not.
I wonder is there a way to prove a lower bound (nlogn) to this algorithm? I guess we need to use this algorithm to solve a simplier problem, such as sorting, element uniqueness, or set uniqueness, therefore we can conclude that if we can solve e.g. element uniqueness by using this algorithm, it can be at least nlogn.
It seems like the solution is something to do with element uniqueness, but i couldn't figure out a way to manipulate this into center of symmetry algorithm.
Check this paper
The idea is if we can reduce problem A to problem B, then B is no harder than A.
That said, if problem B has lower bound Ω(nlogn), then problem A is guaranteed the same lower bound.
In the paper, the author picked the following relatively approachable problem to be B: given two sets of n real numbers, we wish to decide whether or not they are identical.
It's obvious that this introduced problem has lower bound Ω(nlogn). Here's how the author reduced our problem at hand to the introduced problem (A, B denote the two real sets in the following context):
First observe that that your magical point k must be in the center.
build a lookup data structure indexed by vector position (O(nlog n))
calculate the centroid of the set of points (O(n))
for each point, calculate the vector position of its opposite and check for its existence in the lookup structure (O(log n) * n)
Appropriate lookup data structures can include basically anything that allows you to look something up efficiently by content, including balanced trees, oct-trees, hash tables, etc.
