Install dlib on linux - dlib

I followed the following steps to install dlib on Linux server:
cd dlib
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
make install
I got the following error:
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() AttributeError: module 'dlib' has no attribute 'get_frontal_face_detector'
Why am I getting this error?
Any help would be really appreciated.

I think you didn't bind python API correctly correctly.
python install
If you still have error, please post your code, sometime wrong file name also brings error.

maybe this will be helpful
try his script to reinstall dlib
after running install script , run in dlib folder


Getting this error message while installing solana: error: failed to run custom build command for `prost-build v0.10.1`

I'm got this error after running this command: ./scripts/ .
error: failed to run custom build command for `prost-build v0.10.1`
I'm installing solana on m1 mac
Anyone please help me with this.
The prost-build crate compilation is failing because it can't find protocol-buffer implementation, and the crate tries to compile it via cmake (which you don't have installed).
I solved it by installing protocol-buffers directly, but since there are problems with the pre-compiled binary in M1 you have to compile it locally. It's simple:
git clone
cd protobuf
brew install autoconf
brew install automake
brew install Libtool
autoreconf -i
make check
sudo make install
export PATH=/opt/usr/local/bin:$PATH
This works!!!

brew install OpenCV for macOS arm

i am using macOS arm, and install OpenCV for c++ using this command:
brew install --build-from-source OpenCV
download packages completed, and then i get this error:
==> Installing OpenCV
Error: An exception occurred within a child process:
RuntimeError: Unexpected architecture: arm64. This only works with Intel architecture.
can you help me?
This command should work as well.
brew install opencv
If this command shows any error you may share.
Clone sources
git clone
Create build directory
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ../opencv
cmake --build .

Installation of Pyside1.2.4 on Redhat Linux version6.8

I am trying to install Pyside1.2.4 on RHEL 6.8. When I run the install I get the following error message
Failed to find cmake. Please specify cmake with cmake --parameter.
Any help would be welcome
Well, it appears that you need cmake, so :
yum install cmake
would probably be a good idea.
You might need to install other packages.

h5py on Mac: hdf5.h file not found

I am building h5py on Mac, following instructions "Building against Parallel HDF5" in this link:
$ export CC=mpicc
$ python configure --mpi
$ sudo python build
I get this error:
h5py-2.5.0/h5py/api_compat.h:27:10: fatal error: 'hdf5.h' file not found
What should I do? If I need to install some dev version of HDF5, how can I do it on Mac?
I was getting this same error message yesterday, doing a general installation of HDF5 (not building against parallel). I was able to get around it by using Homebrew (a package manager for OS X that can be found here:
Once you've installed Homebrew (if you don't already have it), the command is brew install hdf5.
You can find hdf5.h lib in your Unix and set in CPATH varible
freebsd 11 example:
>> find /usr -iname "*hdf5.h*"
<< /usr/local/include/hdf5.h
>> export CPATH="/usr/local/include/"
Then you can compile that you need

Installing nyt streamtools: go-bindata: Command not found

I am trying to install nyt streamtools, the open-source project for ETL, but I can't seem to get my go environment right. I'm running Centos 6.5. Compiling from source should be easy, but I keep getting this error when I run the make command:
localhost streamtools]$ make
go get
go-bindata -pkg=server -o st/server/static_bindata.go gui/... examples/...
make: go-bindata: Command not found
make: *** [build/st] Error 127
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Added lines to ~/.bashrc:
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
source ~/.bashrc
After setting GOPATH and PATH this did the trick.
For Linux you can also use this:
sudo apt install go-bindata
Windows(from comment by #kundan-roy):
choco install go-bindata
MacOS(from comment by #okan-cetin):
brew install go-bindata
