allure 2 cucumber JVM adapter and Cucumber 2 seem to be incompatible - maven

I'm trying to use Cucumber JVM 2 in conjunction with Allure 2 and I'm facing a trouble. When I try to run my Maven project - below error shows up:
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Couldn't load plugin class:
io.qameta.allure.cucumberjvm.AllureCucumberJvm. It does not implement
I'm trying to specify Allure plugin using CucumberOptions like so:
, glue="com/ss/cuketest/steps"
, plugin= {"io.qameta.allure.cucumberjvm.AllureCucumberJvm"}
public class SomeRunner {
AllureCucumberJvm declaration looks like below:
public class AllureCucumberJvm implements Reporter, Formatter
So the question is if the Allure's 2 Cucumber JVM adapter is compatible with Cucumber JVM 2? Or may be I should use something else?
PS: in my pom I use below dependencies:
Any help is highly appreciated.

According to Cucumber source file cucumber.api.Plugin it's now required that any plugin to implement one of below interfaces:
* <li>{#link cucumber.api.StepDefinitionReporter}</li>
* <li>{#link cucumber.api.SummaryPrinter}</li>
* <li>{#link cucumber.api.formatter.Formatter}</li>
However AllureCucumberJvm implements
instead. So writing a simple extension to AllureCucumberJvm which implements Plugin interface unsurprisingly didn't help (my tests run fine though).
I believe this should be addressed by Allure team.

Have you tried this ?
This is adaptive for cucumber-jvm2

To elaborate on Viktor Sidochenko's answer, here're the required lines in the POM file:
-Dcucumber.options="--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumber2jvm.AllureCucumber2Jvm"


Intellij is ignoring Maven settings [duplicate]

I am trying to run tests in Intellij which used to work earlier in spring boot 2.2.x. I recently upgraded to spring boot 2.3.9. When I try to run the test from Run Configurations, it doesn't run the test and throws the error:
'failed to resolve junit platform launcher 1.6.3 intellij'.
However if I run the test in cli, it works fine.
It turns out that, junit5-platform-launcher dependency needs to be added in order for Junit5 tests to run in IntelliJ.
Add this dependency explicitly in pom.xml, and it will solve the issue.
I was facing same issue "failed to resolve junit platform launcher 1.8.1" intellij.
IntellJ version: 2021.3
I found answer here and it worked, no need to add any dependency to pom.
Go to settings >> HTTP Proxy >> choose auto-detect proxy settings
For IntelliJ Idea 2021.1, I fixed a similar problem with:
Maybe an even better fix is:
<!-- -->
Found the above solution on Jetbrains issue tracker
If you have no direct internet connection but a repository manager like artifactory, idea tries to resolve junit-platform-launcher from there. Make sure u have a mirror to maven central repository (virtual repository) configured and the artifactory url to this mirror is accessible WITHOUT authentication (in the settings for the repo "Force Authentication" should be unchecked).
Check also the idea proxy settings and if needed, configure an exception for the artifactory domain.
Check your proxy settings in IntelliJ Idea settings. I turned ON the proxy and it solved the problem.
Here's the official way to do this
Maven Surefire and Maven Failsafe can run JUnit 4 based tests
alongside Jupiter tests as long as you configure test scoped
dependencies on JUnit 4 and the JUnit Vintage TestEngine
implementation similar to the following.
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

How should I perform integration testing on a SpringBoot library, that isn't an application

First up, a disclaimer, I'm not entirely happy with the architecture of what I'm about to ask about!
We have a Spring based project that produces a library as a jar. That library includes all the usual controller/service/jpa (repositories) layers you might expect but no boot application to start it all up.
The idea being various projects within our organisation can import the jar and get instant addition of a common (HTTP) API.
Unit tests work ok.
* tests are another matter.
Run in isolation by the IDE from the test/java/ hierarchy they run ok and pass.
However when running via maven as part of the build they fail.
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
We have a Boot configuration in the test hierarchy which the ITs must be using when run via the IDE, but when running the maven build it seems it can't be found to start up the application (understandably as it is in the test package tree).
The boot file we do have is intended to be no more than a test harness to run the lib, to run the ITs.
We have h2 in the Maven test scope, but it isn't wanted in the final library (that is up to the host application to provide a datasource/connection etc).
Start up the API library in an application for testing
Run the tests as part of Maven build
H2 should not end up in final jar
Symptoms when running mvn install
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
Presumably need some config somewhere in pom? Already using package.Boot in the Springboot maven plugin config.
Maybe just need to figure out the magic config to point it at the src/test/... Boot.class rather than src/main/...Boot.class
Does spring have a 'correct' way to achieve what we want (I'd go with MicroServices, but not an option because ... reasons)?
How should we go about implementing ITs against a H2 driven SpringBoot application when we don't want to include the bootable class (or H2 lib) in product jar?
Should we be creating a separate Maven module just for the ITs (with a dependency on the library module)?
Abbreviated Maven pom:
<!-- other dependencies excluded for brevity -->
<!-- file lives in test hierarchy -->
<skip>true</skip><!-- Skipping unit tests while trying to sort ITs -->
The Spring Boot config:
public class Boot extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
IT configuration:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ControllerIT
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
Number 2 lead me to looking into params of #SpringBootTest.
I ended up with ...
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
classes = ITConfig.class)
Where ITConfig is:
public class ITConfig extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
That appears to be working. Thanks for the hint.
Let me propose one way of solving this issue, there are might be others:
#SpringBootTest annotation is intended to mimic the startup of the full fledged spring boot application.
It scans the packages up to the point where it finds #SpringBootConfiguration annotataion (this annotation is placed on #SpringBootApplication already) and this way it understands that the packages down to the package in which the main class is found should be scanned (to find all the beans).
Besides that, it does many other things that spring boot application does during the start: loading configurations ( obeying the conventions of spring boot application, loading auto-configurations (stuff inside spring.factories) and so forth.
Bottom line you'll have a full-fledged spring boot application (usually microservice) loaded inside the test.
So far so good, but you say that you don't really have a spring boot application. So I see three ways:
Introduce an artificial class with #SpringBootConfiguration in the src/test/java/whatever-package-close-to-root folder (note, its in 'test', not in src/main)
Use #SpringBootTest with a parameter of "Configuration". This will mean that SpringBootTest won't use all this scanning up-and-then-down process and instead you'll instruct it to use the concrete context configuration.
Do not use #SpringBootTest annotation at all, and prefer a "usual" #ContextConfiguration - yes, you won't have the power of spring boot but as I've said above you probably won't need it. In addition these tests will be way faster, especially if you'll provide many "#Configuration" classes and will load only "relevant" parts of the library during the tests.
For example, if you test the DAO, there is no point in loading web related stuff.

Cobertura report not increasing the code coverage with Powermock

I am using Cobertura maven plugin [version 2.7] to understand the code coverage for my tests. I am using PowerMock [version 1.6.6] to mock dependent objects. But when I run mvn cobertura:cobertura and check the report, the coverage remains the same. It works fine when I do not use mocking. Is this a compatibility issue?
I tried mvn clean multiple times just to be sure that the report is newly generated.
Here is my pom.xml
<!-- Cobertura plugin for code coverage -->
Any help on this is appreciated.
Unfortunately, there's a big chance that it's impossible. I don't know how exactly Cobertura works, but I suspect that it uses same approach like a JaCoCo and modifies byte code with Java Agent.
But PowerMock reads classes from disk when loads a class, so all changes are lost.
One small change that Cobertura can modify classes during compile time. If yes, then you may try it.
Cobertura project looks abandoned, so I don't see any reason to spend time on integrating with not supported project. I'd like to focus on integration with JaCoCo and provides supporting on-fly instrumenting.

Using mvn aem-project-archetype in AEM 6.2 does not resolve the core bundle - javax.inject cannot be resolved

I'm trying to build a new project using mvn aem-project-archetype ( and on deploy the core bundle shows status as "Installed" but cannot be Active showing the error
javax.inject, version=[0.0,1) -- Cannot be resolved
I tried to add the dependencies as suggested here (
and also tried all solutions as listed here ( but they did not resolve.
Appreciate any help here.
Add Import-Package tag for "javax.inject" with version "0.0.0,*" under "org.apache.felix" plugin tag like below:
<!-- <Embed-Dependency>
</Embed-Dependency> -->
<!-- Import any version of javax.inject, to allow running on multiple versions of AEM -->
After some research here's some solutions for the above:
Comment "#Inject" in . This may not be ideal, but if you are not planning on using Sling Models, then this will work.
public class HelloWorldModel {
private SlingSettingsService settings;
//#Inject #Named("sling:resourceType") #Default(values="No resourceType")
protected String resourceType;
Use ACS's Lazybones AEM Template instead of Archetype 10 if you will be using AEM 6.1 or higher. This is the recommended template to use with AEM whihc is more sophisticated and up-to-date.
Try to sync your dependencies list with the following official sample project. In fact, it helped for me just after adding
to general pom.xml and
to its child ../core/pom.xml

Using ojdbc with SoapUI's maven plugin

I have faced a problem and I have no idea what's going on, so I decided to ask for help.
I'm using SoapUI's plugin for Maven, got this in my pom.xml:
I also have the ojdbc dependency in pom.xml, like this:
And I have a test step in groovy, like this:
import java.sql.*;
def path="jdbc:oracle:thin:#xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
def username='xxxxx'
def password='xxxxx'
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(path, username, password) /// Error here.
I have included the same ojdbc6.jar in my SoapUI's project. The same files - in Maven project and in SoapUI.
My question is:
Why am I getting java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:oracle:thin:#xxxxxxxxxx using Maven? When I run it in SoapUI everything is working properly, no errors, no exceptions... Help would be really appreciated!
You need to define the JDBC dependency in the plugin, not the project:
