Yocto image : getconf not found - raspberry-pi3

I built a yocto image (for rpi) but I can't use getconf command. it said command not found.
How can I add getconf to my image ?

I tried answering you on IRC but you disappeared to quickly.
$ oe-pkgdata-util find-path /usr/bin/getconf
glibc-utils: /usr/bin/getconf
Install glibc-utils.


Gimp 2.10.22 has HEIC support but won't work?

I have Gimp 2.10.22 running, which should have HEIC support according to the release notes from last October. So I would have expected that an iOS-created .heic file should open up. Unfortunately, I just get the generic "Unknown file type" error from Gimp when I try to open it there, or drag and drop into Gimp.
The release notes, as well as all the various third party announcements I've seen about the heic support fail to give an example of how to import/open the file.
So I'm stuck - how can I get Gimp to load a .heic image that was created by iOS?
Thanks to folks on the Gimp project (over at Gnome) this issue is due to my distro (Fedora 33) not supporting the heif format. So the version number is 2.10.22, but the heif/heic features are not actually present.
See the issue there.
Two simple workarounds:
Install the flatpak version of Gimp instead of the one from Fedora's repo, or
Install the libheif and gimp-heif-plugin packages from RPMFusion-free repo.
Thanks all.
For people with Fedora, installing gimp-heif-plugin will do the job:
sudo dnf install -y gimp-heif-plugin
Thanks to Daniel Jonsson to point it!
in Ubuntu use:
sudu apt-get install -y gimp-heif-plugin

Alternative to wkhtmltopdf

I need to convert html text to pdf.
Most answers here recommend to use pdfkit and wkhtmltopdf (https://wkhtmltopdf.org/).
However, me company doesn't allow me to install wkhtmltopdf (it is also blocked by admin). There was an option to build from source but it seems like google blocks it due to security reason (https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf).
Is there an alternative or workaround?
I'm very new to python and don't have programming background, appreciate every detailed explanation.
Yes you can just download it and run it directly.
I used that for a shared host (WebFaction) where I have SSH but not root access nor installation option.
cd /tmp
wget https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf/releases/download/0.12.4/wkhtmltox-0.12.4_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz
tar xvf wkhtmltox-0.12.4_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz
cd wkhtmltox/
You should be good.
Note that version 0.12.5 is out but has no linux-generic version. Therefore you may want to stick to 0.12.4 for now.
For Python, WeasyPrint would be the obvious replacement for wkhtmltopdf. Don't have a lot of experience, personally, however.
I recomend you to create a PDF on user browser with pdfmake.
Good luck!

installed texlive but am still unable to tex

The "latex" command is available, but when trying to use it on a Scientific Linux 7.2 system, I get
tcfmgr: config file `tcfmgr.map' (usually in $TEXMFMAIN/texconfig) not found (ls-R missing?).
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
(and "ls -R" works). What do I need to do?
I had done a yum install texlive.x86_64 .
I don't know about Scientific Linux, but in Ubuntu, the 'fmtutil.cnf" file is found in the 'texlive-base' package.
Try to look for a package that has a similar name...

Debian Packagemanager won't install vagrant.deb package on alpine-linux, while building docker image

I am new to docker but managed to build myself some dev-environment images ( which is awesome! ). But i wasn't quite satisfied with the filesize of the resulting image, so i tried to migrate the image from node-argon image ( based on debian-wheezy ) to alpine image. Problem is that the installation of vagrant.deb package isn't working correctly. I installed the alpine dpkg package, but get these errors:
dpkg: error: failed to open package info file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' for reading: No such file or directory
I found some threats about this topic, but were not related to alpine installation and wouldn't fix my issues. Relevant docker lines are:
FROM gliderlabs/alpine:3.3
RUN apk add --update dpkg
ADD https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/${VAGRANT_VERSION}/vagrant_${VAGRANT_VERSION}_x86_64.deb .
RUN dpkg -i vagrant_${VAGRANT_VERSION}_x86_64.deb
RUN rm vagrant_*.deb
Someone else got this working - my guess was that there maybe some build/install dependencies missing, but couldn't get it any further. Any advice would be much appriciated.
All the best, florian
In comments below the question we found out, that it is indeed possible to install the vagrant.deb using dpkg on Alpine Linux. However, it was really hackish(!) and at the end the advantage in size of the Alpine Linux didn't matter since the resulting image had a size of 2.5G =).
That's why my answer is (I said that before): Make your life easy and use a Debian or Ubuntu image if you want to install deb packages :)
For all potential Alpine-container users, please think twice if you really need a base image that is a couple of MB smaller than common GNU/Linux base images. You'll pay the price for that few MBs with having a poor shell environment (Welcome to the 80s!) and a significantly smaller amount of available packages.
If you want a minimal container then don't put a distribution into a container, put a process into a container!

how to edit existing debian package in installation cd?

ive been trying to edit a Debian installation CD,
followed tutorial on debian website
successfully extract cd, use genisoimage to recreate iso, try to install debian, no problem.
and then the problem, when i tried to edit one of the package, say i want to change a picture in a package .deb, i used this command:
extract .deb:
mkdir directoryname
cd directoryname
dpkg-deb -x pathtopackage/package_name.deb .
dpkg-deb -e pathtopackage/package_name.deb
building .deb :
dpkg-deb -b . pathtopackage/new_package_name.deb
and replaced the very same package on /pool/main debian cd directory
however after built the iso, it failed to install my edited package,
i've tried to fix md5 sum inside cd, rebuild dist/Release, still no luck.
any advice?
thanks in advance
finally did it.
first mistake
building .deb :
dpkg-deb -b . pathtopackage/new_package_name.deb
correct command:
dpkg-deb -b -Zgzip . pathtopackage/new_package_name.deb
to recreate exact package as original one
and then following the rest tutorial on https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Modify/CD,
except for debootstrap error, it can be done by following tutorial from this page
edit my debootstrap.deb, repackage, and voila, done all the works.
apparently my error was because debootstrap error from official debian page doesnt work for me.
hope this information useful for anyone
