installed texlive but am still unable to tex - installation

The "latex" command is available, but when trying to use it on a Scientific Linux 7.2 system, I get
tcfmgr: config file `' (usually in $TEXMFMAIN/texconfig) not found (ls-R missing?).
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
(and "ls -R" works). What do I need to do?
I had done a yum install texlive.x86_64 .

I don't know about Scientific Linux, but in Ubuntu, the 'fmtutil.cnf" file is found in the 'texlive-base' package.
Try to look for a package that has a similar name...


How to install an ELF 64-bit LSB executable on Debian?

I'm trying to install the mips-linux-gnu-gcc Toolchain on Debian 7 from a guide, which has the instructions to install it from a directory on the machine (which I already sent in) and has the following command to do so:
export PATH=toolchain/bin/path:$PATH
and the next step is to check it's version:
mips-linux-gnu-gcc --version
But the only result I have is the "command not found result", I made sure the files are inside the folder and they are, and checking the mips-linux-gnu-gcc file I have the following result:
Am I doing something wrong? I have no experience with this kind of files and I haven't found any other way to install it, so I really need help with this :/
I solved it! the problem was the directory that I was exporting to PATH, since I installed everything on the root folder I had to put /root/ at the start of the url indicated in the instruction guide.

transcrypt issue - cannot run the sample program

Followed the instructions in transcrypt "getting started" docs, I entered the examples 'hello.html' and '' in a separate directory.
Entering from the command line: "transcrypt -b -m" resuleds in the error message: "'transcrypt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."
I'm using python3.6, with transcrypt installed in: C:\program files\python36\lib\site-packages\transcrypt
Any help to activate the sample hello.html would be appreciated.
Could you try python -m transcrypt -b -m
and tell me what the console output is?
Also: are you on Windows, Linux or OsX?
Answer: Windows 10
[EDIT 1]
Looks like Transcrypt was installed under a different Python distro. Would be good to know what's going on, so please keep us informed. I also have several Python installs on my Windows 10 computer and it can be confusing indeed.
[EDIT 2]
Another possibility is manual installation (although it isn't elegant...). From the docs
Alternatively, for manual installation under Windows or Linux, follow
the steps below:
Download the Transcrypt zip and unpack it anywhere you like
Add ../Transcrypt-/transcrypt to your system path
To enable minification, additionally the Java Runtime Environment 6 or later has to be installed
Note If you install Transcrypt manually, Trancrypt is started by typing run_transcrypt rather than transcrypt. This allows a pip
installed Transcrypt and a manually installed Transcrypt to be used
side by side selectively
BTW Thanks for the suggestion on Github. We'll look into it and try to improve the docs on this point. It seems to be quite difficult to really draw up a bullet proof installation procedure for each platform.
You might also find it easier to use python3's built in virtual env, so that you install Transcrypt and other python modules only into one project folder at a time. It's much easier to use than it at first sounds.
Here's how you might do that on Windows 10.
mkdir mynewproject
cd mynewproject
py -3 -m venv myvirtualenv # installs venv files into myvirtualenv
myvirtualenv\Scripts\activate # activates the virtual env
The py -3 command uses the python windows launcher to use the latest version of python 3. The launcher is defined in Pep 397 and the docs are here.
Once the virtual environment is activated, the prompt will change to show that. After which any 'pip install' commands will install packages into 'myvirtualenv', instead of the system wide location. If you want to deactivate it, just type 'deactivate' or close the shell window. You can also just use 'python' to refer to python3 from within the virtual env. This has saved many people from madness.
In case this helps for other newbies. A few problems I encountered when setting up transcrypt.
Path issues: I had multiple versions of python, in different folders: \python26, \python27, and \Program Files\python36.
This caused all sorts of grief, despite setting the environmental path to include the python36 distro. I fixed this issue by renaming the other versions \python26x and \python27x. This left those distros intact if ever I needed to use them, but stopped the system from finding them. Thus, it only found python36
My earlier suggestion of py -3 didn't really solve the multiple distro issue completely after all.
After doing that, I reinstalled transcrypt and it seemed OK (sort of: read on)
Second issue was trying to run the sample I tried "transcrypt -b" and got a "'transcrypt' is not recognized.." message.
But this worked: python -m transcrypt -b -m
That worked because the system had finally found the correct version of python, due to the above fix.
Similarly, trying to run the sample as recommended in the docs caused a problem. run_transcrypt -b
The reason for this was that run_transcrypt resolved to "python $(dirname $0)/ $*"
But, because I had python v3.6 installed in c:\Program Files, the batch file run_transcrypt caused this output:
c:\transcrypt>python C:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\ -b
python: can't open file 'C:\Program': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Consequently, I had to place Program Files in quotes and run it this way:
"C:\Program Files"\Python36\Lib\site-packages\ -b
or else, as above: python -m transcrypt -b -m
I think, with respect, the docs should raise a warning flag here for users who have python installed in \Program Files, rather than, for example, in c:\python[x]
Third issue Changing to "play around" with the code -
I found the files in transcrypt\demos\ to be read-only. To fix this:
1: I opened the command prompt as administrator
2: I ran the attrib command to change the file attributes:
"c:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\transcrypt\demos\hello>attrib -r -s -a"
(Without doing this as administrator you get an access-denied message)
The whole exercise caused a few hours of toing and froing, but it seems that things are better now.

Xlib.h not found when building graphviz on Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

When using homebrew to install graphviz, the script gets to the point of "Making install in tkstubs" and then throws the following fatal error:
In file included from tkStubLib.c:15:
/usr/include/tk.h:78:11: fatal error: 'X11/Xlib.h' file not found
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
I have installed XQuartz as X11 has been dropped in Mountain Lion, but I'm unsure if it is installed correctly. The location of Xlib.h is:
There are also two symlinks to /opt/X11, they are:
Does this look like the correct setup to you? I've never dealt with X11 or XQuartz until yesterday.
After installing XQuartz you may add a symlink to your X11 installation folder by just entering
ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11 /usr/local/include/X11
in terminal. That will fix the problem as well without changing any ruby script.
You need to tell the tkstubs build (and possibly other bits in the package as well) to look for headers in /opt/X11/include; this is not on the standard include path.
Usually this is achieved by passing -I/opt/X11/include as an additional compiler flag, the method to do so is however dependent on the build system.
For reasonably modern configure scripts, the best approach is to pass it in the environment variable CPPFLAGS; if the package uses another build system or this doesn't work for another reason, then you need to look at the Makefile in the build directory.
You can enter in your shell before the compile/link (or brew) command:
export CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/X11/include
The export line will tell the compile/linker to look in /opt/X11/include for the X11 include files
Had the same issue and running this command on terminal
xcode-select --install
worked for me. Run this command after installing xQuartz.
If you need this to work in your CMake builds:
include_directories(AFTER "/opt/X11/include")
That worked well for me.
I got it to install by copying the x11 header file directory to the /opt/local/include directory. Probably not the best way to work around it but quick and easy.
I found this thread while trying to compile ffmpeg from source on OS X. I needed --enable-x11grab and the homebrew build does not support this option.
I had XQuartz installed already but I kept getting errors from ./configure: ERROR: Xlib not found. I thought the answers here would solve my problem, but they did not!
So, if anyone is ever in the same boat, my solution was this:
I opened up the generated config.log and found lots of errors referring to various includes and header files, including X11/Xlib.h - this is misleading. At the very bottom of the logfile was the key, pkg-config was complaining about looking for xbc.pc, and requested that it be put on the path. However, the error message that is displayed on the terminal says nothing about pkg-config or xbc!
The solution is to add to your PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Mine was nonexistent, so I just did export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig/ (the folder where I found xbc.pc).
I reran configure and everything worked like a charm!
TL;DR: check config.log - don't trust the terminal output!
Since the make file is looking for X11/xlib.h i.e., it is looking for X11 folder in the current directory, one way to solve this problem is to simply copy the /opt/X11/include/X11 directory to the directory that contains make file.

How to install DBD::Advantage

I have tried using DBD::Advantage on both Linux and Windows with no luck. The Windows version comes with what appears to be a full fledged installer, but it leaves behind the DBD-Advantage-8.10.tar.gz. Under Linux, I had done the make && make test && make install series, but regardless I get the following error on both platforms.
install_driver(Advantage) failed: Can't locate loadable object for module
DBD::Advantage in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5
/usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 ...... several other folders.
AdvantageDatabase 8.1
Perl version is 5.12.4 on Linux and 5.12.3 Strawberry Perl on Win2008.
From the [readme.txt] included with the install:
The Advantage DBI Driver is contained in the DBD-Advantage.X.XX.tar.gz file. You can extract it by running:
tar -zxvf DBD-Advantage.X.XX.tar.gz
On Windows you should be able to extract the file using a utility such as winrar
If you can't find the module in your #INC path, the install probably failed. I'd try to manually add the package via the perl ./Makefile.PL and see if that fails.
If the module is in the #INC path, it may just be a permissions issue.

Including date and time in Tex File

The latex file is giving the following error:
! LaTeX Error: File `datetime.sty' not found.
Here is the Latex code: \usepackage{datetime}
Am I missing something?
I am using Debian 3.1 Linux Machine.
I don't use Debian myself, but if I look it up, Debian contains it in the package 'texlive-latex-extra'. If you installed LaTeX via the packet-manager of debian (I think so) the command 'apt-get install texlive-latex-extra' executed as root should install you the needed file. Alternatively you can use a graphical package-manager to install the package.
If your LaTeX Distribution does not load the package automatically, you can try to install it manually according to the readme file here: Edit:
Yes, you are missing the datetime.sty file; you are probably missing the whole package too. What system are you using for managing your (La)TeX installation ? If you tell us you may get more specific advice than I can give.
You need to get the datetime package from CTAN or one of its mirrors and install it into your local texmf tree. Your LaTeX manager will do this for you. You may also be able to configure your LaTeX manager to automatically download and install packages the first time they are requested.
