List all Play subscriptions - google-api

Is there any API or script to get back a list of all live Google Play subscriptions for a given app? ie a data form of what's shown on the Play developer console under Subscriptions.
Stripe, for example, has an explicit list subscriptions API, but I can't find the equivalent for Play.
UPDATE: Since writing this, I've enquired to official sources and I can confirm there is indeed no API to retrieve all of your subscriptions. Certainly surprising, but that's where it stands.

As described in the documentation on the device you can use the getPurchases() method returns live subscriptions.
On the server there is the Google Developer API Purchases.subscriptions REST Object.


How to get the get API path and parameters of Google play developer API?

I have added a non-renewable subscription for one of my projects. We also started implementing the Google play developer API to get the subscription latest status from the Play Store. For that we have done the below steps as per this blog:
Linked the developer account to a new Google Cloud Project.
Enabled the Google Play Developer API for the Google Cloud Project.
Created a service account and created a key for the service account.
I have below clarifications related to this implementation:
I tried to Grant Access for the following permissions: But the corresponding checkmark is not clickable.
View financial data, orders, and cancellation survey responses
Manage orders and subscriptions
The 3rd step as per the blog is to Authorize an API key, but I didn't get a clear idea of that.
We are going to implement this API on the back end side as a corn job, do we need to generate a JWT token for accessing this API? Is this possible to call without a Token? I found 2 types of implementations from this blog, which one is easy and secure?
"Your application can complete these tasks either by using the Google APIs client library for your language or by directly interacting with the OAuth 2.0 system using HTTP."
From where we get the get API path and other details. I found a similar get API from AppStore like this. Is the play store providing a similar kind of get API?
We need the latest purchase status API and for that what parameters do we need to pass?

Is it possible to manage the Google Play Console Email List programmatically via an API?

The Google Play Email List management area in the Google Play Console allows admins to enter comma separated email addresses or upload a CSV. The Google Play Console makes an http POST to{account}
Is it possible to manage these lists via an API? The one above doesn't seem like it's intended for non-google use.
I see there is a Google Play Developer API, but I don't see anything that looks like it would allowing managing the email lists. This is the closest thing I found, which allows updating Google Groups or Google+ Communities associated with the testing trakcs, but not the email list.
Here is documentation to add beta testers to Test Flight:

Why does Google+ API method still work?

My web-app is using Google+ API method called I was notified via E-Mail that this Api is going to shutdown on March 7. I was given a list of methods used by me in that Api and this was the only method in the list.
Today it's March 11 and the method keeps working correctly. Why? Maybe I understood something wrongly?
If you check the top of a lot of the methods in the Google+ documentation you will see this
The Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated. Consider using the Google People API instead.
On some of the methods that does not appear. IMO that is because some of these endpoints never actual read from the Google+ api rather they were reading from the google people api all along and just got a plus in the name. They may at some point have read from it and were moved when they redid google contacts. The endpoint is part of the google people api and not the google plus api
is the same as
The data for both of those end points comes from google contacts.
Now again this is just my opinion i have emailed google several times and the only answer i got back is we will look into it. I would wait until April if they are still live i guess we are good.

Trigger PubSub messages on Google Sheets save actions

I am trying to automate a Google Sheet import as soon as someone has committed their changes to Google Sheet's version control (and not just edited any cell like the onEdit event seems to trigger, I need it committed).
While polling is an option, I'd rather really have Google Sheets send out a message to PubSub. Now PubSub requires the authentication JSON and such and I haven't seen any integration with Google Sheets that integrates this concept, which surprised me.
I searched on the internet for triggers in Google Sheet and some way to automate code to connect to external resources. Apparently, the Google Drive Push Notification API seems to be the way to go. I'd really like to keep everything in my Google Cloud space so I went for a Google Cloud Function with an HTTP(S) endpoint. I already started working out the Function and PubSub channel when I went back to the documentation to read up on how to send a call to the HTTP endpoint.
Bad luck. Seems you need to register the domain to prove you own it and wishing I could, I can not prove that I own So there went my plan.
It seems very not-Google like to not integrate its Cloud SDK on Google Sheets triggers since they do offer a Sheets API using Cloud Service Accounts.
So my conclusion is I have two options:
1) I am able to send an HTTP callback on a onEdit() function but only if it's my own domain and I seem to require to set up an environment just for that.
2) I would have to poll the last version of the Google Sheets commit compared to the latest version to trigger it myself.
Am I overlooking something very simple or are these my only options?
Cloud functions count as an AppEngine Standard Endpoint as described here and here, and so do not require domain verification. You can use a cloud function using a Cloud Pub/Sub trigger freely- you don't even need to explicitly set up a subscription.
Edit: I didn't understand the OPs question correctly, they want to prove their ownership of a cloud function to the Google Drive Push Notification API, not Cloud Pub/Sub push. This should be possible through HTML tag verification as described here. In whatever framework you are using for your web server, you should be able to set the appropriate HTML meta tag on the response.

Google Speech API still supported?

I just tried to register a project for use with the Google Speech API, and I couldn't see the API in the the list when I filtered it for the words "speech" or "voice". Is the API still supported?
I just found the new Web Speech API here Did this take the place of the Speech API v2?
You have to be a member of chromium-dev discussion list before you can enable the Speech API in your Google Developers Console.
Go to Chromium Dev group and click Join the list.
Go back to Google Developers Console, select your project, enter APIs & Auth / APIs. You'll now see Speech API. Click to enable it.
Go to Credentials, Create new Key, Server Key. You may optionally specify a list of IPs, for security.
You now may make queries to Google Speech API v2. Keep in mind that this is an experimental API, and limited to 50 queries per day per project.
Please read this older post..
Answered by #gui-ambros
May this help you a little...
