Setting timeout consumer queues (spring-rabbit) - spring-boot

We are using rabbitmq and our producers and consumers were developed using spring-boot-starter-amqp (spring-rabbit 1.5.6.RELEASE),
We've had some deadlocks in our consumers in production and, when it happened, we needed restart our consumers to process new messages again. Probably this problem is happening because some messages are blocked by another transaction in one of our consumers. We started an investigation to found these deadlocks but we have a complex context and is little hard to found dead-locks problems, so I'd like ask:
There is a way to put some timeout when we process our messages in our spring-boot application to help-us to abort just one message don't bloking all messages in our consumers.
our code:
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
return container;
public MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter(Receiver receiver) {
MessageListenerAdapter listener = new MessageListenerAdapter(receiver);
listener.addQueueOrTagToMethodName(consumerQueue().getName(), "consumerListener");
return listener;
public Queue consumerQueue() {
return new Queue("some.consumer", true, false, false, null);
//method than I'd like put some timeout to process.
public String consumerListener(String message) {
//code probably causing deadlock.
Thanks for your help.

If the deadlocks are on synchronized blocks or methods, you are out of luck; they are not interruptible.
You have to solve the deadlocks.
If you can change them to use java.util.concurrent.locks.Locks instead, you use tryLock() with a timeout.
There is nothing the framework can do to help you with this problem.


MessageListener.onMessage is getting called continuously on RabbitMQ with Spring Boot

I have MessageListener.onMessage with a thread sleep. I'm simulating actual processing time the onMessage
method will take by the above mentioned Thread sleep. However what I have noticed is that it is getting called multiple times consecutively for the remaining messages till they get processed by the onMessage method. I see this as an inefficiency.
Actual message count in to queue : 1000
Output of running number for hits
Code block
class ThreadPooledMessageListener implements MessageListener {
TaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor;
AtomicInteger processedCount = new AtomicInteger();
public void onMessage(Message message) {
System.out.println("onMessage<<" + processedCount.incrementAndGet());
threadPoolTaskExecutor.execute(new MessageProcessor(message));
class MessageProcessor implements Runnable {
Message processingMessage;
public MessageProcessor(Message message) {
this.processingMessage = message;
public void run() {
System.out.println("================================"+ Thread.currentThread().getName());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
What are the possible fixes for this.
As #Gary Russell has pointed out; Issue was that I have used non-spring managed container SimpleMessageListenerContainer in my code. Fixed it with spring managed bean and defined concurrency there. Works as expected.
Fixed code segment
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer simpleMessageListenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
return container;
>I see this as an inefficiency.
It's not clear what you mean. Since you are handing off the processing of a message to another thread, the listener exits immediately and, of course, the next message is delivered.
This will risk message loss in the event of a failure.
If you are trying to achieve concurrency; it's better to set the container concurrentConsumers property and not do your own thread management in the listener. The container will manage the consumers for you.

How to put a message back in the queue using latest SpringBoot and ActiveMQ classic

I am designing a simple system where the flow is going to be like this:
Message Producer Microservice --> Active MQ --> Message Consumer Microservice --> Mongo DB
I need to design a queuing strategy in a way so that if MongoDB is down, I should not lose the message (because Message consumer will dequeue the message).
My consumer is written like this:
#JmsListener(destination = "Consumer.myconsumer.VirtualTopic.Tracking")
public void onReceiveFromQueueConsumer2(TrackingRequest trackingRequest) {
log.debug("Received tracking request from the queue by consumer 2");
How do you provide client acknowledgement?
You can use client acknowledge mode from your "Message Consumer Microservice." Since you're using a Spring JmsListener you can define the listener container using the containerFactory and then you can set the mode you want on your listener container using sessionAcknowledgeMode. See the Spring documentation for more details on what ack mode you might want to use here.
From the perspective of the ActiveMQ client you can configure redelivery semantics however you like in case of a failure. See the ActiveMQ documentation for more about that.
Alright, so I was able to solve this dilemma, here is what your config should be like (thanks to Justin for his valuable inputs):
public ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
public JmsTemplate jmsTemplate() {
JmsTemplate template = new JmsTemplate();
return template;
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory listenerCF = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return listenerCF;
public RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy() {
RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy = new RedeliveryPolicy();
redeliveryPolicy.setRedeliveryDelay(600000L); //keep trying every 10 minutes
redeliveryPolicy.setMaximumRedeliveries(-1); //Keep trying till its successfully inserted
return redeliveryPolicy;

Why import AsyncRabbitTemplate in spring-amqp

When processing the reply message with AsyncRabbitTemplate.sendAndReceive() or AsyncRabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceive() method, since the reply message is returned asynchronously with calling method, we can use message listener for reply queue to receive and process reply message, why spring-amqp framework import AsyncRabbitTemplate and RabbiteMessageFuture to process the reply message? For message listener, we can control the related consumer thread,
but for RabbitMessageFuture, the background thread can not be managed.
-------------------Added on 2017/01/06----------------------------
It's simply your choice.
Replies can come back in a different order to sends.
With the async template, the framework takes care of the correlation
for you the reply will appear in the future returned by the send
When you use your own listener, you will have to take care of the
correlation yourself.
Thank you. I know this difference.But there is still a problem. If I use message listener, I can ack the reply message manually(If my message listener
implements ChannelAwareMessageListener interface and I can get the channel instance).But when I use asyncRabbitTemplate, can I ack the reply message manually? It seems that sendAndReceive method ack the reply message automatically.
I don't understand what you mean; since you can inject the listener
container into the template, you have the same "control" either way.
It seems there is some problem in this mean.
I created a rabbitTemplate instance and simple message listener container. But when I use them to construct an asyncRabbitTemplate instance as following code:
public RabbitTemplate getRabbitTemplate()
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(getConnectionFactory());
return rabbitTemplate;
public AsyncRabbitTemplate getAsyncRabbitTemplate()
AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncRabbitTemplate =
new AsyncRabbitTemplate(getRabbitTemplate(), createReplyListenerContainer());
return asyncRabbitTemplate;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer createReplyListenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
return listenerContainer;
I found I can not send message successfully. The consumer server can not receive the message.
But when I create asyncRabbitTemplate instance with following code, I found the message can be sent and received successfully.
public AsyncRabbitTemplate getAsyncRabbitTemplate()
AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncRabbitTemplate =
new AsyncRabbitTemplate(getConnectionFactory(),
return asyncRabbitTemplate;
If there is something wrong with my source code?
I used the spring-boot-ampq 1.4.3.RELEASE.
It's simply your choice.
Replies can come back in a different order to sends.
With the async template, the framework takes care of the correlation for you - the reply will appear in the future returned by the send method.
When you use your own listener, you will have to take care of the correlation yourself.
For message listener, we can control the related consumer thread, but for RabbitMessageFuture, the background thread can not be managed.
I don't understand what you mean; since you can inject the listener container into the template, you have the same "control" either way.
public class So41481046Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);
AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncTemplate = context.getBean(AsyncRabbitTemplate.class);
RabbitConverterFuture<String> future = asyncTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("foo");
try {
String out = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
finally {
public AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncTemplate(RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
return new AsyncRabbitTemplate(rabbitTemplate, replyContainer(connectionFactory));
public Queue queue() {
return new AnonymousQueue();
public Queue replyQueue() {
return new AnonymousQueue();
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer replyContainer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
return container;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer remoteContainer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
container.setMessageListener(new MessageListenerAdapter(new Object() {
public String handleMessage(String in) {
return in.toUpperCase();
return container;

Spring handling RabbitMQ messages concurrently

I am fairly new to message-handling with Spring, so bear with me.
I would like my RabbitMQ message-handler to handle messages concurrently in several threads.
public class ConsumerService {
#RabbitListener(queues = {"q"})
public void messageHandler(#Payload M msg) {
#Import({MessageConverterConfiguration.class, ConsumerService.class})
public class ConsumerConfiguration {
private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public List<Declarable> declarations() {
return Arrays.asList(
new DirectExchange("e", true, false),
new Queue("q", true, false, false),
new Binding("q", Binding.DestinationType.QUEUE, "e", "q", null)
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory(MessageConverter contentTypeConverter, SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
In my small test there are 4 messages on queue "q". I get to process them all. That is fine. But I get to process them one by one. If I set a breakpoint in "ConsumerService.messageHandler" (essentially delaying the completion of handling a message) I would like to end up having 4 threads in that breakpoint. But I never have more than one thread. As soon as I let it run to complete handling of a message, the next message gets to be handled. What do I need to do to handle the messages concurrently?
There are two ways of achieving this
Either use a threadpool to handle messae processing at your consumer.
Or, create multiple consumer.
I saw you are using concurrentConsumers property to automatically handling of creating multiple consumers by Spring AMQP. Try setting the PrefetchCount to 1 and set MaxConcurrentConsumers also.
Most probably you already have four messages in queues and as default value of Prefetch Count is large only one consumer is consuming all the messages present on queue.
Sorry, I forgot to write that I got it working. Essentially what I have now is:
I do believe with concurrentConsumers alone it will actually eventually (under enough load) handle messages in parallel. Problem was that I had only 4 messages in my little test, and it will never bother to activate more than one consumer(-thread) for that. Setting consecutiveActiveTrigger to 1 helps here. Guess prefetchCount also has something to say. Anyway, case closed.

Spring AMQP Consumer mysteriously dropping connection to queue

We're using spring-amqp 1.5.2, with RabbitMQ version 3.5.3. All queues work fine and we have consumers listening on them with no issues, except one consumer which keeps on dropping connections mysteriously. spring-amqp auto recovers, but after a few hours the consumers are disconnected and never come back up.
The queue is declared as
public Queue analyzeTransactionsQueue(){
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("x-message-ttl", 60000);
return new Queue("analyze.txns", true, false, false, args);
Other queues are declared in a similar fashion, and have no issues.
The consumer (listener) is declared as
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory analyzeTransactionListenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, AsyncTaskExecutor asyncTaskExecutor) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
ConsumerTagStrategy consumerTagStrategy = new ConsumerTagStrategy() {
public String createConsumerTag(String queue) {
return queue;
return factory;
Again, other consumers having no issues are declared in a similar fashion.
The code after the message is received has no exceptions. Even after turning on DEBUG logging for SimpleMessageListenerContainer, there are no errors in the logs.
LogLevel=DEBUG; category=org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer; msg=Cancelling Consumer: tags=[{}], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://guest#,47), acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0;
LogLevel=DEBUG; category=org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer; msg=Idle consumer terminating: Consumer: tags=[{}], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://guest#,47), acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0;
Any ideas on why this would be happening. Have tried DEBUG logging but to no avail.
one thing I have observed is that consumer would disconnect if there's an exception during parsing and it doesn't always log the problem, depending on your logging config...
since then, I always wrap the handleDelivery method into a try catch, to get better logging and no connection drop :
consumer = new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag,
Envelope envelope,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
byte[] body) throws IOException {"processing message - content : " + new String(body, "UTF-8"));
try {
MyEvent myEvent = objectMapper.readValue(new String(body, "UTF-8"), MyEvent.class);
} catch (Exception exp) {
log.error("couldn't process "+MyEvent.class+" message : ", exp);
Looking at the way you have configured things, it is pretty obvious that you have enabled dynamic scaling of consumers.
There was a threading issue that I submitted a fix for which caused number of consumers to drop to zero. This was happening while consumers were scaling down.
By the looks of it, you have been a victim of that problem. The fix has been back-ported I believe and can be seen here
Try using the latest version and see whether you get the same problem.
