How to put a message back in the queue using latest SpringBoot and ActiveMQ classic - spring-boot

I am designing a simple system where the flow is going to be like this:
Message Producer Microservice --> Active MQ --> Message Consumer Microservice --> Mongo DB
I need to design a queuing strategy in a way so that if MongoDB is down, I should not lose the message (because Message consumer will dequeue the message).
My consumer is written like this:
#JmsListener(destination = "Consumer.myconsumer.VirtualTopic.Tracking")
public void onReceiveFromQueueConsumer2(TrackingRequest trackingRequest) {
log.debug("Received tracking request from the queue by consumer 2");
How do you provide client acknowledgement?

You can use client acknowledge mode from your "Message Consumer Microservice." Since you're using a Spring JmsListener you can define the listener container using the containerFactory and then you can set the mode you want on your listener container using sessionAcknowledgeMode. See the Spring documentation for more details on what ack mode you might want to use here.
From the perspective of the ActiveMQ client you can configure redelivery semantics however you like in case of a failure. See the ActiveMQ documentation for more about that.

Alright, so I was able to solve this dilemma, here is what your config should be like (thanks to Justin for his valuable inputs):
public ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
public JmsTemplate jmsTemplate() {
JmsTemplate template = new JmsTemplate();
return template;
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory listenerCF = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return listenerCF;
public RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy() {
RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy = new RedeliveryPolicy();
redeliveryPolicy.setRedeliveryDelay(600000L); //keep trying every 10 minutes
redeliveryPolicy.setMaximumRedeliveries(-1); //Keep trying till its successfully inserted
return redeliveryPolicy;


RabbitMQ streams with Spring Boot

Im trying to utilise RabbitMQ streams (as of 3.9+) with Spring boot's org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-amqp starter.
First I started the RabbitMQ docker compose by
image: rabbitmq:management
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
and then run the bash script to enable stream plugin:
docker exec docker_rabbitmq_1 rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stream
By declaring the queue
Queue queue2() {
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("x-queue-type", "stream");
return new Queue("test3-queue",true, false, false, args);
I configure the queue as stream and the broker says in logs
2021-09-22 21:06:46.400520+00:00 [warn] <0.1090.0> rabbit_stream_coordinator: started writer __test3-queue_1632344806396284388 on rabbit#1115e1f022e2 in 1
This should be enough config to start using Rabbit's new feature Streams with the given queue.
When I send message to the rabbitTemplate
template.convertAndSend("test3-stream", request.getMessage());
all my listeners
#RabbitListener(id = "listener1", queues = "#{queue2}")
public void listen1(String in) {"AMQP listener 1: {}", in);
#RabbitListener(id = "listener2", queues = "#{queue2}")
public void listen2(String in) {"AMQP listener 2: {}", in);
#RabbitListener(id = "listener3", queues = "#{queue2}")
public void listen3(String in) {"AMQP listener 3: {}", in);
receive the message and print its log. According the doc, referencing the queue by SpEL receives the queue configured with x-queue-type: stream.
As SB uses the amqp starter with the amqp client 0.9.1, it should work, but id does not:
But when I add new listener, old messages are not being processed with it.
Is it even possible to use the #RabbitListener with the new Streams feature or Im too early with using the append-only log with Rabbit broker?
Should I use Kafka instead just because Spring has not yet implemented support for RabbitMQ streams?
Rabbit comes with its own Java library handling the stream events, which works well but it is missing the simplicity of the Spring underlying heavy lifting..
I've got a bit further by configuring the RabbitListenerContainerFactory with customizer:
RabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory(
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
factory.setContainerCustomizer(c -> {
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>(c.getConsumerArguments());
args.put("x-stream-offset", "first");
return factory;
Which causes the new listener to read the messages from the beginning (offset 0). The odd is that ALL listeners now read from offset 0.
I guess its because the consumers (listeners) do not have the name set correctly?

Spring JMS & Solace - Receive multiple messages per transacted session

How can I configure my Spring listener to receive multiple JMS messages per session from Solace? My current JMS configuration is as follows:
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory listenerContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, #Value("${jms.max-listeners}") Integer maxListeners) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setConcurrency("1-" + maxListeners);
return factory;
#JmsListener(containerFactory = "listenerContainerFactory", destination = "${}")
public void receive(String messages) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
The payloads need to be single messages, however I'd like to consume many of them in each transaction so that I'm able to batch persist to my persistent store.
Typically this is done with the Solace Native API, but I'd like to abstract our JMS implementation with Spring because it alleviates the nasty boiler plate that comes alongside that API.

Change Active MQ RedeliveryPolicy for the embedded ActiveMQ in Sprint Boot

How to change the redelivery policy for the embedded ActiveMQ when using with Spring Boot? I tried specifying FixedBackOff on the DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory but it didn't help. Below is code I am using to initialize the jms factory bean. I have a message consumer processing incoming messages on a queue. During processing because of unavailable resource, I throw a checked exception. I am hoping to have the message redelivered for processing after a fixed interval.
Spring Boot : 1.5.7.Release
Java : 1.7
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> publishFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory =
new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setBackOff(new FixedBackOff(5000, 5));
// This provides all boot's default to this factory, including the message converter
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
// You could still override some of Boot's default if necessary.
factory.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
public void handleError(Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Error occured in JMS transaction.", t);
return factory;
Consumer Code:
#JmsListener(destination = "PublishQueue", containerFactory = "publishFactory")
public void receiveMessage(PublishData publishData) {"Processing incoming message on publish queue with transaction id: " + publishData.getTransactionId());
PublishUser user = new PublishUser();
LOG.trace("Trying to enroll in the publish lock queue for user: " + user);
PublishLockQueue lockQueue = publishLockQueueService.createLock(user);
if (lockQueue == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create lock for publish");
LOG.trace("Publish lock queue obtained with lock queue id: " + lockQueue.getId());
try {
LOG.trace("Acquired publish lock.");
catch (PublishLockQueueServiceException pex) {
throw new RuntimeException(pex);
try {
publishService.publish(publishData, lockQueue.getId());
LOG.trace("Completed publish of changes.");
finally {
LOG.trace("Trying to release lock to publish.");
}"Publish has been completed for transaction id: " + publishData.getTransactionId());
#claus answerd: i tested it to work:
Its the consumer, you need to use transacted acknowledge mode to let the consumer rollback on exception and let ActiveMQ be able to re-deliver the message to the same consumer or another consumer if you have multiple consumers running. You can however configure redelivery options on the ActiveMQ such as backoff etc. The error handler above is just a noop listener which cannot do very much other than logging

Why is Spring JMS creating a JMS connection every second when connecting to an ActiveMQ Broker?

I've created a Spring JMS application using version 4.1.2.RELEASE, which is connected to a broker that is running ActiveMQ 5.11.0. The problem that I'm seeing is as follows. In the logs, I notice that every second, I'm seeing a connection being created as such.
2017-06-21 13:10:21,046 | level=INFO | thread=ActiveMQ Task-1 | class=org.apache.activemq.transport.failover.FailoverTransport | Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616
I know that it is creating a new ActiveMQ connection each time, because it says successfully "connected" and not "reconnected" as shown in the code located here:
I don't have a caching connection factory set for my consumer, but I'm wondering if the following is the culprit when it comes to why I'm seeing constant connections being created.
The following post states that consumers should not be cached, but I wonder if that applies to caching the connection + session. If the connection is cached, but the session is not, then I wonder if that creates a problem.
Why DefaultMessageListenerContainer should not use CachingConnectionFactory?
The following are the configurations that I'm using in my application. I am hoping that it is something that I've misconfigured, and would appreciate any insights that anyone has to offer.
Spring Configurations
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory() throws Throwable {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
public CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory(){
CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory(connectionFactory());
return cachingConnectionFactory;
public ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory(){
RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy = new RedeliveryPolicy();
ActiveMQConnectionFactory activeMQ = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("admin", "admin", "tcp://localhost:61616");
return activeMQ;
public JmsMessagingTemplate jmsMessagingTemplate(){
ActiveMQTopic activeMQ = new ActiveMQTopic("topic.out");
JmsMessagingTemplate jmsMessagingTemplate = new JmsMessagingTemplate(cachingConnectionFactory());
return jmsMessagingTemplate;
protected ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy prefetchPolicy(){
ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy prefetchPolicy = new ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy();
int prefetchValue = 1000;
return prefetchPolicy;
The issue was indeed the following code.
The moment that I removed it, the rapid connection creation stopped.

Springboot JMS LIstener ActiveMQ is very slow

Im having a SpringBoot application which consume my custom serializable message from ActiveMQ Queue. So far it is worked, however, the consume rate is very poor, only 1 - 20 msg/sec.
#JmsListener(destination = "${channel.consumer.destination}", concurrency="${channel.consumer.maxConcurrency}")
public void receive(IMessage message) {
The above is my channel consumer class's snippet, it has a processor instance (injected, autowired and inside it i have #Async service, so i can assume the main thread will be released as soon as message entering #Async method) and also it uses springboot activemq default conn factory which i set from application properties
# ACTIVEMQ (ActiveMQProperties) tcp://localhost:61616?keepAlive=true
Few things worth to inform:
1. I run everything (Eclipse, ActiveMQ, MYSQL) in my local laptop
2. Before this, i also tried using custom connection factory (default AMQ, pooling, and caching) equipped with custom threadpool task executor, but still getting same result. Below is a snapshot performance capture which i took and updating every 1 sec
3. I also notive in JVM Monitor that the used heap keep incrementing
I want to know:
1. Is there something wrong/missing from my steps?I can't even touch hundreds in my message rate
2. Annotated #JmsListener method will execute process async or sync?
3. If possible and supported, how to use traditional sync receive() with SpringBoot properly and ellegantly?
Thank You
I'm just checking something similar. I have defined DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory in my JMSConfiguration class (Spring configuration) like this:
public DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory jmsListenerContainerFactory(CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
// settings made based on
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory(){
protected void initializeContainer(DefaultMessageListenerContainer container) {
factory.setDestinationResolver(new BeanFactoryDestinationResolver(beanFactory));
return factory;
As you can see, I took those values from It's from 2010 but I could not find anything newer / better so far.
I have also defined Spring's CachingConnectionFactory Bean as a ConnectionFactory:
public CachingConnectionFactory buildCachingConnectionFactory(#Value("${activemq.url}") String brokerUrl) {
// settings based on
ActiveMQConnectionFactory activeMQConnectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory();
CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory(activeMQConnectionFactory);
return cachingConnectionFactory;
This setting will help JmsTemplate with sending.
So my answer to you is set the values of your connection pool like described in the link. Also I guess you can delete because (based on documentation) in case you specify custom broker URL, "in-memory" property is ignored.
Let me know if this helped.
