consuming webservice laravel - laravel

I have two projects in laravel, one only with my vision (AppView) and another with the web service (AppWs), in my web service I have the following route
Route project AppWs
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'],function(){
Route::group(['prefix' => 'user'], function(){
Route::group(['prefix' => 'tipoprojeto'], function(){
when I access http://localhost/WebServiceApp/public/api/user/tipoprojeto/
it returns me an array with all the data, until then all right.
in my other project, I have a TypeProjectController controller and I have my index () method (AppView), so how can I retrieve the webservice data to load here?
AppWs responsible for manipulating the data
public function All(){
return $this->ModelTipoProjeto->paginate(5);
AppView responsible for displaying data
Route::resource('/Painel/TipoProjeto', 'Painel\TipoProjetoController');
public function index()
$getData = `http://localhost/WebServiceApp/public/api/user/tipoprojeto/` // <~~
return view('Painel.TipoProjeto.index');
Retrieve the data that the AppWebservice link returns

First of all in order to consume an external service you have to perfrom a http request towards the endpoint where you intend to get the data form.
Your endpoing: http://localhost/WebServiceApp/public/api/user/tipoprojeto/
Install guzzle which is a php curl wrapper to perform http calls.
In your root dir open command line and inject guzzle in your project by firing :
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
Make sure you import guzzle at the top of the controller by adding
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
Then go to your index method and do the following:
public function index(){
// Create a client with a base URI
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => 'http://localhost/WebServiceApp/public/api/user/tipoprojeto/']);
// Send a request to http://localhost/WebServiceApp/public/api/user/tipoprojeto/
$response = $client->request('GET', 'test');
// $response contains the data you are trying to get, you can do whatever u want with that data now. However to get the content add the line
$contents = $response->getBody()->getContents();
$contents contains the data now you can do whatever you want.


change prop based on parameter

In my app (Laravel + InertiaJS + Vue3), I want to refresh some client-side JS variables based on a client-side parameter:
Client has a table of events, each one holding a button with its corresponding event_id.
When pressed, the server receives a request and performs some calculations (dynamically generates an external URL and some parameters). Nothing is persisted to the database.
Hopefully, the generated URL and the parameters are sent-back to the client, and the user is then redirected there (client-side) using a POST form (that is why I can not redirect directly from the server).
What is the best way to do that?
This is what I have so far:
// In my controller
public function __construct()
$this->generator = new URLGenerator();
public function generate(Event $event)
$url = $this->generator->getURL($event);
return redirect()->back();
// My controller
public function index()
return Inertia::render('Events', [
'events' => fn () => new EventResource(
I need to somehow inject the $url variable back to Vue.
Thanks in advance for any help.

How to call resource route Codeigniter 4

Please I need help to enable me know how to map the resource route to http request.
for example am trying to call this url via axios
and i have created the following resource routes to call my api
//$routes->resource('api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', 'UnregisteredPatients::show/$1', ['namespace' => 'Api']);
//$routes->get('api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', 'UnregisteredPatients::show/$1', ['namespace' => 'Api']);
$routes->resource('api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', ['controller' => 'Api/UnregisteredPatients']);
None of these was able to call my api method instead they all called the index() method, whereas I wanted it to call the show($id) method to enable me utilise the $id to fetch data.
public function show($id = null) {
Please I need help
This solves it for me, though I couldn't have a way to capture query parameters but passing the parameter as a segment gives me an AFAIK solution.
$routes->match(['get'], 'api/unregisteredpatients/(:any)', 'Api\UnregisteredPatients::show/$1');

laravel api without respond

I have a issue, after i eliminate cors policy on laravel i sending some json data to check respond. But nothing happens...
I sending request by axios using react.js, i sending json data collected from state.
and now i trying to collect that data by laravel, but that is hardest patch.
already try something like that:
return Response::$content;
or just echo 'test' but nothing comes...
My code is inside controller.
class testRequest extends Controller
public function show(Request $request)
//$data = $request->json()->all();
// $experience = $data->experience;
return Response::$content;
for now i expect to get respond like 'test' but after that i will need to send a link to file path for respond.
the Response::$content is just wrong... the :: operator is used to access static member functions or attributes of the Response class... you should do something like this:
return Response::json(['test' => $content]);
return response()->json(['test' => $content]);
in order to respond with a JSON document.

Laravel 5: Calling routes internally

Is there a way, in Laravel 5, to call routes internally/programmatically from within the application? I've found a lot of tutorials for Laravel 4, but I cannot find the information for version 5.
Using laravel 5.5, this method worked for me:
$req = Request::create('/my/url', 'POST', $params);
$res = app()->handle($req);
$responseBody = $res->getContent();
// or if you want the response to be json format
// $responseBody = json_decode($res->getContent(), true);
*note: maybe you will have issue if the route you're trying to access
has authentication middleware and you're not providing the right credentials.
to avoid this, be sure to set the correct headers required so that the request is processed normally (eg Authorisation bearer ...).
UPDATE: i've tried this method with laravel 8 and it works but if you're using PHP version 8.0 you might need to call opcache_reset(); before this line $req = Request::create('/my/url', 'POST', $params); to avoid an error.
see guzzlehttp/guzzle dosn't work after update php to php 8 for more info
You may try something like this:
// GET Request
$request = Request::create('/some/url/1', 'GET');
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
// POST Request
$request = Request::create('/some/url/1', 'POST', Request::all());
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
You can actually call the controller that associates to that route instead of 'calling' the route internally.
For example:
Route::get('/getUser', 'UserController#getUser');
class UserController extends Controller {
public function getUser($id){
return \App\User::find($id);
Instead of calling /getUser route, you can actually call UserController#getUser instead.
$ctrl = new \App\Http\Controllers\UserController();
This is the same as calling the route internally if that what you mean. Hope that helps
// this code based on laravel 5.8
// I tried to solve this using guzzle first . but i found guzzle cant help me while I
//am using same port. so below is the answer
// you may pass your params and other authentication related data while calling the
//end point
public function profile(){
// '/api/user/1' is my api end please put your one
$req = Request::create('/api/user/1', 'GET',[ // you may pass this without this array
'HTTP_Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-type' => 'application/json'
$res = app()->handle($req);
$responseBody = json_decode($res->getContent()); // convert to json object using
json_decode and used getcontent() for getting content from response
return response()->json(['msg' =>$responseBody ], 200); // return json data with
//status code 200
None of these answers worked for me: they would either not accept query parameters, or could not use the existing app() instance (needed for config & .env vars).
I want to call routes internally because I'm writing console commands to interface with my app's API.
Here's what I did that works well for me:
<?php // We're using Laravel 5.3 here.
namespace App\Console;
use App\MyModel;
use App\MyOtherModel;
use App\Http\Controllers\MyController;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class MyCommand extends Command
protected $signature = 'mycommand
{variable1} : First variable
{variable2} : Another variable';
public function handle()
// Set any required headers. I'm spoofing an AJAX request:
request()->headers->set('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
// Set your query data for the route:
'variable1' => $this->argument('variable1'),
'variable2' => $this->argument('variable2'),
// Instantiate your controller and its dependencies:
$response = (new MyController)->put(new MyModel, new MyOtherModel);
// Do whatever you want with the response:
var_dump($response->getStatusCode()); // 200, 404, etc.
var_dump($response->getContent()); // Entire response body
// See what other fun stuff you can do!:
Your Controller/Route will work exactly as if you had called it using curl. Have fun!

Testing redirect links to external sites

I have a link on a page /my/example/page which links to a laravel route my.route.
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
Route::group(['middleware' => ['Some\Custom\Auth\Middleware:1']], function () {
Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], '/my/route/to/external/controller', 'exampleController#externalLink')->name('my.route');
Link on /my/example/page
This route /my/route/to/external/controller points to this controller method externalLink in the exampleController controller, which returns the url for the href to use
public function externalLink()
return $this->redirect->away('');
My test is
I constantly get the error
when I use the click() testing method.
I can catch this using #expectedException but his doesn't help as I am expecting to see a different page.
I have also tried (not together);
From browser inspection, when the url is clicked I get 302 200
How can I functionally test the button being clicked and redirecting to an external site?
I am struggling with a similar problem right now, and I have just about given up on testing the endpoint directly. Opting for a solution like this...
Test that the link contains proper information in the view:
->seeElement('a', ['href' => route('my.route')]);
Moving the logic in the controller to something you can test directly. The Laravel\Socialite package has some interesting tests that might be helpful if you do this...
class ExternalLinkRedirect {
public function __construct($request){
$this->request = $request;
public function redirect()
return redirect()->away('');
Then test it directly
$route = route('my.route');
$request = \Illuminate\Http\Request::create($route);
$redirector = new ExternalLinkRedirect($request);
$response = $redirector->redirect();
$this->assertEquals('', $response->getTargetUrl());
A simple way is to use the get method instead of visit.
An example:
