Can't compile the project. Missing so many files - aspnetboilerplate

I just download a ASP.NET mvc 5 + angularjs template version. But i can't build the project. I have updated all VS, Nuget, .Net core, and all to newest version but still no luck. I also try to reinstall all packages but errors are still exists.
Any suggestion ?

navigate to the solution folder in command prompt and run dotnet restore

I decide to go for .NET Core version, since it is newest tech. And i can compile it normally, by running "dotnet restore" on the solution folder.

Please update TypeScript and then Build. I hope it will resolve.
If not then please delete package folder and rebuild the solution.
if you are using VS 2015 then download TS from here.


Xamarin.Forms Tasks don't match targets

I was working fine with in my project ,the once I updated my Xamrain.Forms to 3.0, all of a sudden I got this error :
Has anyone come across this issue? I'm kinda lost here, thanks .
Issue with my project was that, Project.Android and Project.iOS's Nu Get packages Xamarin.Forms's versions were different, so I had to update all Xamarin.Forms library in each project to the same version.
Clean, Build and it solved the issue.
Please ensure that all projects reference the same version of
So make sure that the statement above is correct, clean your solution and just in case restart the Visual Studio after that.
It seems to be a quite popular issue after upgrading to Xamarin Forms 3.0, if the steps above didn't resolve it please consider:
Delete all /bin, /obj and /packages folders within the solution
Check csproj files for duplicated Xamarin Forms references
Re-add Xamarin Forms NuGet packages
this should help:
You need to click RMB on each (Droid, IOS, UWP)-project -> Nuget -> and then update Xamarin Forms for every project to the same version, even "solution".
I would not call it a solution, but uninstalling the app from the device prior to every build was the only way forward I have found.
I tried all of the above to no avail.
What helped me was the following:
Close Visual Studio (for mac in my case)
nuget locals all -list
Delete all nuget cache folders
Restart visual studio and try again.

Error while adding NuGet Package

I am getting the following exception while adding NuGet package to project. I am using the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 Pro.
try going to VS settings -> NuGet settings -> clear the NuGet cache, close Visual Studio, and delete all obj and bin folders in solutions .
Error while adding NuGet Package
AFAIK, It seems an issue which needs to be fixed from Xamarin team and someone already reported it:
You can track this thread to get future updates for this issue.
Here are some of the workarounds already mentioned in that thread:
Update the packages with the option -IgnoreDependencies in the Package Manager Console (It works for me):
Update-Package -IgnoreDependencies
Update Visual Studio to latest version and running as Administrator
Some of the files in the packages folder were set to read-only. Try to cleare the read-only flag from all files in the packages folder.
Hope this helps.
I tried a lot of ways to solve this problem. But unfortunately cleaning the cache, project, rebuilding didn't help. The only thing I didn't try is to re-install Visual Studio or Windows.
I've got to launch project in Visual Studio for Mac and update/add all the necessary Nuget packages from there. On the Mac, the process was successful. I know this might not be an option if you don't have device, but it definitely works.

Could not compile YAF.NET v2.2.2 source code in visual studio 2013

I took latest code from this url.
Go to the url
Click on "Source Package" of the first block
The version the release is YAF.NET v2.2.2.
Unzip YAFNET-2.2.2.Zip folder
Open the solution using Visual studio 2013 (my one is ultimate version)
Build the solution you will get lots of error
I could not fix this. Can any one please help.
Thanks in advance
What errors are you getting?
I guess you need to Restore all the Packages via Nuget.
Yes. You are right. I need to restore all the packages from neget however it was not doing automatically. I have solve the problem getting package folder from github. and it is working fine now.

Publish website without roslyn

I am trying to create web application using Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.5.1.
When I publish the website, visual studio create folder named roslyn.
I know it's used to compile code on the fly, but unfortunately my hosting provider doesn't allow me to execute the compiler on their server.
How to publish the website without roslyn like previous version of Visual Studio?
I got this error when trying to acces my website.
It seems IIS trying to execute roslyn\csc.exe but my user account doesn't have permission to do that. With previous version of Visual Studio, this error doesn't show up.
I've just faced the same problem. When you create a new web project, two nuget packages automatically added to your project. If you remove them, your problem should be solved. Package names are: "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform" and "Microsoft.Net.Compilers".
I had the same issue. Followed the steps from here. Basically:
Uninstall the package
Uninstall-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform <Your Web API project name>
In your publish profile settings, uncheck "Allow precompiled site to be updatable". You can find this under Settings > Precompile during publishing > configure
After searching the same issued I face, I just came here. I read the above answer which is right.
I give the answer, because of Here is the good article to explain :
Why the publish code have this exe as well as development environment ?
What is the benefit and how to remove?
This is also the very good article, about the history of this exe
After countless effort....and according to this website.
I find that you can use /p:UseWPP_CopyWebApplication=true /p:PipelineDependsOnBuild=false in MSBuild to transform web.config, this also include the roslyn compiler in the build. The output is same as what you get by publishing in Visual Studio into file system
There is an open bug on the roslyn repository about this issue.
In my case all I had to do was to downgrade the dll Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform from version 1.0.6 to 1.0.5.
I have had the same issue in Sept2016 when I took over an existing ASP.NET program. I found that there were multiple versions of the two compiler packages mentioned by Kemal installed in different projects of the solution.
So firstly I updated to get them the same. VS doesn't tell you that updates are available in this scenario (or maybe I missed them ?)
I then had to restart VS2015 for the packages to clean up properly.

Using Nuget on VS2015 RC Tools for Apache Cordova

Bit of a newbie to VS2015RC with Cordova but I have a query regarding how to use Nuget to add dependencies like say Jquery, Angular etc.
If you add the dependencies or packages using Nuget then they are added to the root of the Project (Not in the www folder). Of course you can just move the files but this plays havoc with some of the Source Control we are using and also you have to remember to move it back again to the root if you want to "Upgrade" the dependency or package with Nuget again.
Is there a way of getting Nuget to install the files in the correct
sub-folder? or...
Is there another way to add the dependencies /
packages (Npm etc?) and is there a tutorial around for that?
Thanks in advance for the help.
The way I understood it, the directory structure was changed in the RC. I chalked the wrong directory up to the nuget configs not being updated yet. I expect the gold release to have that fixed.
