Xamarin.Forms Tasks don't match targets - xamarin

I was working fine with in my project ,the once I updated my Xamrain.Forms to 3.0, all of a sudden I got this error :
Has anyone come across this issue? I'm kinda lost here, thanks .

Issue with my project was that, Project.Android and Project.iOS's Nu Get packages Xamarin.Forms's versions were different, so I had to update all Xamarin.Forms library in each project to the same version.
Clean, Build and it solved the issue.

Please ensure that all projects reference the same version of
So make sure that the statement above is correct, clean your solution and just in case restart the Visual Studio after that.
It seems to be a quite popular issue after upgrading to Xamarin Forms 3.0, if the steps above didn't resolve it please consider:
Delete all /bin, /obj and /packages folders within the solution
Check csproj files for duplicated Xamarin Forms references
Re-add Xamarin Forms NuGet packages

this should help:
You need to click RMB on each (Droid, IOS, UWP)-project -> Nuget -> and then update Xamarin Forms for every project to the same version, even "solution".

I would not call it a solution, but uninstalling the app from the device prior to every build was the only way forward I have found.

I tried all of the above to no avail.
What helped me was the following:
Close Visual Studio (for mac in my case)
nuget locals all -list
Delete all nuget cache folders
Restart visual studio and try again.


Switching From VS Mac To VS Windows got "java.exe" exited with code 2

Hello Guys
I got an issue when switching my Xamarin.Forms project from VSMac to VsWindows!
"java.exe" exited with code 2 when deploying.
I already try:
delete bin/ obj/ folders
remove all packages and re-add them
Verify the path (removing special char "!##$%ˆ&*(-_" etc..)
If you got an idea, tell me ;)
If G Clovs solution doesn't work, then:
make sure the netstandard on your mac is exactly the same on your Windows pc.
Make sure you have the same Android SDK downloaded on your Windows - through Tools Menu > SDK manager.
If you are using stable channel for vs for mac updates, then make sure you are not suing the preview of budget packages on your Windows.
Apply the same logic in 3 for preview channel.
To avoid all these issues:
Simply go to vs for mac 2019, change to stable build and update the vs for mac to latest.
Update all android SDK and build tools to say v28
Update all nugget packages for the two projects and build successfully.
Go to vs 2019 and update vs to latest.
Repeat step 2 for vs.
Deselect preview in nugget package manager, and update nugget packages in the two projects.
Build successful.
Try the below steps, it was working for me.
Open Visual Studio in Windows
Open your Solution
Find for "Resource.designer.cs" file in Android Project and delete it
Remove obj and debug folders form PCL and Android project
Clean and Rebuild
Happy Coding :)
Kishore Kumar
With turning third page of google, I didn't find any answer.
But I found the answer by my own.
The issue was comming from the Android.csproj and the Keystore Path.
It was set to my Mac Path even if I had already changed it on
VSWindows AndroidProject => Properties => Signin
So I removed this lines on Android.csproj (edited with third text editor):
On debug & release Part.
Then you can edit them on VS Windows.
Hope I helped someone.
See ya

MSTest cannot find TestAdapter.dll

I'm using the built-in Visual Studio test tools (Test -> Run -> etc in the menu). I just started having a problem where I get the following error when I try to run tests
[3/29/2018 1:39:14 PM Error] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\brubin\AppData\Local\Temp\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions\MSTest.TestAdapter.1.1.18/build/_common/Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.MSTest.TestAdapter.dll
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.Controller.TestPlatformProvider.PerformShadowCopy(IEnumerable'1 testExtensions)
That's followed by some errors that say
Make sure that test discoverer & executors are registered and platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again.
When I look at the folder C:\Users\brubin\AppData\Local\Temp\VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions\MSTest.TestAdapter.1.1.18/build/_common/, there are no files in that folder. However, I haven't knowingly changed anything about my test setup and this was working several days ago, so I don't know why it would have stopped working.
My projects are using the MSTest.TestFramework (MSTest V2) version v1.2 NuGet package.
One thing I noticed that may have caused this problem is that if I go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates, I see that my Microsoft Visual Studio Test Platform was updated a few days ago, on 3/23 (I think that's when I installed a Visual Studio update). However, if that broke something, I have no idea where to look to see what's broken, or how to fix it.
For me, clearing the VisualStudioTestExplorerExtensions folder and restarting Visual Studio (as per this github issue) did the trick. In my case, it contained two folders for different versions of MSTest.TestAdapter, I don't know whether or not that's relevant.
For anyone else who stumbles on this question, the problem was caused because a few of my test projects didn't have the MSTest.TestAdapter NuGet package included. I added the MSTest.TestAdapter package to all of my test projects, and the problem seems to be solved permanently now.
I spent the whole last week trying to solve the same issue. Only yesterday did I realize that running tests from the console is a time saver. Much to my surprise, I've just moved all my project -which was inside a "OneDrive" folder, to a different location. Now, it works like a charm! All my tests run from the Visual Studio IDE. I don't know if moving the files had anything to do with it, but you can give it a try.
Reinstalling all solution's Nuget packages fixed this issue for me.
Please run this command on the package console:
Update-Package -reinstall
then try again, or restart VS, then try again.
Reference: https://ardalis.com/force-nuget-to-reinstall-packages-without-updating/
Its a bug in Visual Studio. Upgrade the Visual Studio to version 15.7.
Yes you need to update "MsTest.TestAdapter" on all testprojects. The easiest way is to rightclick on master solution and click on manage nuget-packages. Then select " installed " tab and see if there is installed TestAdapter on each testprojects. If necessary you can update TestAdapter to newest version. Then restart Visual Studio and it should work.

Unable to load solution after upgrading to Xamarin Studio 6

I recently upgraded Xamarin Studio to the latest version, and now I am unable to load my solution!
Upon opening the solution, the below error is displayed:
I have looked into the logs, and I see the following:
System.InvalidOperationException: Already bound to project
Has anyone seen a similar error, or does anyone have a solution?
This error appear to be associated with the following Xamarin bug report:
If you are able to try the following workaround, it should allow you to open the project.
Back up the solution
Open each .csproj file associated with an extension (such as WatchKit or Today)
Find the section "ProjectTypeGuids"
Remove the key "FEACFBD2-3405-455C-9665-78FE426C6842"
Save the file
Attempt to open solution
This should solve it for iOS
This also appears to impact Android projects which contain bindings. For example:
Given a test project (Test.csproj) with two ProjectTypesGUID: {EFBA0AD7-5A72-4C68-AF49-83D382785DCF} and {10368E6C-D01B-4462-8E8B-01FC667A7035} the project will fail to load. This is because the first ID corresponds to a regular Android project. The second one is for an Android Binding library project. The problem can be solved by removing the {EFBA0AD7-5A72-4C68-AF49-83D382785DCF} GUID from the .csproj
Fixing the issue for Android is similar to above. If the project contains both ProjectTypesGUID: {EFBA0AD7-5A72-4C68-AF49-83D382785DCF} and {10368E6C-D01B-4462-8E8B-01FC667A7035} then do the steps below
Back the solution up
Open the .csproj file
Find the section "ProjectTypeGuids"
Remove the key "EFBA0AD7-5A72-4C68-AF49-83D382785DCF"
Save the file
Attempt to open solution
Hope it helps :)
My xamarin project was made at windows, I copy to Mac. But Couldn't open same error. I solute with doing this. Open solution from windows visual studio. and right click solution then open xxmanager(i don't know english menu name, short cut maybe "o") and check build IOS. and copy to all solutions and project files to MAC. Then retry open solution. good luck
I have been experiencing this issue for hours. It started suddenly when Xamarin.iOS was giving issues due to lack of reference.
I tried the solutions here including removing the guid in Project Build but nothing worked.
To fix this, I realized that Visual Studio for Mac had downloaded an update which I installed and restarted immediately. I then noticed that Visual Studio Xamarin Form iOS component is missing at it states the presence of an update to 12.xxx.
I simply re-downloaded the iOS components (about 550Mb) and I am hoping everything would work fine.

Package Installation Error Microsoft.NetCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform.5.0.0

I just did a fresh install of visual studio community edition.
When I start a new project and choose 'Blank App (Universal Windows)' I get this error during project creation:
Package Installation Error
Could not add all required packages to the project. The following packages failed to install from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NETCoreSDK':
Microsoft.NetCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform.5.0.0: Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'AppTest'
Any ideas what the cause of this error can be?
I installed all the Universal Windows App Development Tools:
- Tools (1.3.2) and Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10586)
- Emulators for Windows 10 Mobile (10.0.10586)
- Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10240).
What am i missing. How can I solve this issue?
Sometimes nuget fails to install the UniversalWindowsPlatform package. Search for "Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform" nuget package and install it.
This is not an answer, I have the exact same issue and I have found other people with the same issue on the web, no one has come up with a solution yet.
This is upon creation of 'any' UWP project type, blank, templated, VB, C#.
This dialog pops up:
I have already found and tried all of the steps mentioned by Jay Zuo. This is actually for a slightly different issue, the dialog is exactly the same apart from the bit, where we have ': Package restore failed.'
They are getting ': Solution is not opened or not saved'
None of the steps on that post help resolve this issue.
I have tried restoring VS, Reinstalling the Windows 10 SDK, resetting VS using the various options to reset user data, environment etc, made sure the path to the SDK files exists.
Nothing has worked and my VS2015 Community is utterly useless right now for working on UWP projects. This is a new Windows 10 / VS install (VS on insider fast PC has no issue at all but I need this one on production build).
I am posting as an answer as I do not have enough points to comment but starting a new thread seems daft as this is the exact same issue, I just want to add more detail to it.
I had the same probem after a clean install of OS/Updates/VS 2015 Update 3 + Xamarin update. I created a Universal 'Blank XAML App (Xamarin Forms Portable)' During creation I received same error.
In the Nuget Package Manager Console pick AppX.UWP, then run:
Install-Package Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform
Restart VS and create a new project, error does not come back.
So after much back and forth between myself and an MS rep on their forums I did actually manage to resolve this.
The forum link is here
I did actually need to reset my VS installation to try and get a clean install.
Then the actual error reared its head. In my case it was Nuget caching corrupt packages (these are not cleaned by a VS reinstall).
The link that helped me resolve it in the end can be found here on Stack Overflow
What helped me was to update the UniversalWindowsPlatform package in nuget to 5.1.0. Then all went smoothly the next time I created UWP project.
Upgrading the package Microsoft.NetCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform.5.2.2 worked for me...
After facing a similar problem with Microsoft.NetCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform.5.2.3. I found a solution which might help someone. I navigated to my ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.Net.CoreUWP,version=1.0.4 and ran the netfx_NETCoreUWP.exe. It did resolve my problem
Just as a reference...
My NugetPackage "'Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform" disappeared from my project references. It showed up as installed in NuGet. I uninstalled and re-installed without success. I restarted Visual Studio and re-installed and the package reappeared :-) !

Namespace not found within the same project according to intellisense, yet project builds

I have a simple ASP.Net MVC project which for some reason has issues with intellisense. It is constantly giving me errors that namespaces local to the project can not be found, even though they do exist and the project will build fine. Here's an example:
It is very frustrating as this results in me having no intellisense available whatsoever. Has any one encountered a problem like this before, and do they know of a solution?
The project itself is an MVC4 website running in VS2013 in W8 under Paralells on a Macbook Air, should that have any effect on the problem.
As stated, I have no error messages to provide as the project builds and runs successfully, but please let me know if more details are required.
I had the same issue. Try removing your project from the solution and then add it again. It worked for me. Looks like a solution file quirk.
UPDATE: this is not a permanent fix as closing and reopening visual studio brings back the issue.
UPDATE 2: while looking to fix another issue where I couldn't change the default namespace of a project (I would get a System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException), I found out that it was related to Xamarin tools for Visual Studio. I proceeded to completely uninstall Xamarin. It fixed my namespace renaming issue as well as the weird type or namespace not found / intellisense issue.
I had this same issue, seems to be something with the solution file and building the project as I could replicate the problem by simply creating a new project building then restarting visual studio.
Anyway I get around it at the moment by deleting the solution file and opening the project using the project file.
For anyone reading this in 2020, a fix that I've found that has worked for me is:
cleaning the solution and unloading the projects that have dependencies such as a web API depending on a data project and an application project (right click on the project in solution explorer and find "Unload Project"),
then reloading and building each project in the order of dependence such that they build successfully (right click on the unloaded project in solution explorer and find "Reload Project").
so in my case my data project does not depend on any other project so I reloaded and built that first, then the application project which depends on the data project and finally the web API project which depended on both data and application.
