how to use aws public ips with elixir - amazon-ec2

Have 2 iex shells running on different servers in EC2 but when I try to connect from one to the other I get this error:
Node.connect :them#ip-172-30-<--snip-->
** (ArithmeticError) bad argument in arithmetic expression
It looks like elixir doesn't like that the hostname has dashes in it. How can I change the hostname without breaking the routing between the EC2 instances?

The error was caused by atom literal can not contain dash.
You can try :a-b-c and :"a-b-c" in iex.
So you should use Node.connect :"them#ip-172-30-<--snip-->".
Besides, you can use --name NAME instead of --sname NAME to name a node.
sname option makes and assigns a short name with your hostname.
You can name the node with --name like iex --name "them#thisismyhost.


AWS EC2 and AMI tags with spaces using CLI

I try to create an instance using CLI, first like described in the doc (, Example 4):
aws ec2 run-instances ... --tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val}]' 'ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val}]'
and it works well. The problem starts when I try to move whole tag-specifications in a separate bash variable, I need it because in fact there are many tags and they are built during the script run. So I do, but first use :
tags="--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val}]' 'ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val}]'"
aws ec2 run-instances ... $tags
and it fails:
Error parsing parameter '--tag-specifications': Expected: '=', received: ''' for input:
If I remove single quotes then it works:
tags="--tag-specifications ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val_no_spaces}] ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val_no_spaces}]" # just works.
Despite it works, it's not good to me because if the values have spaces it stops working again:
tags="--tag-specifications ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val with spaces}] ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val with spaces}]"
Error parsing parameter '--tag-specifications': Expected: ',', received: 'EOF' for input:
I tried to wrap val into \", \' - neither works to me.
The same behavior is if you run very similar command aws ec2 create-image.
So, how can I add tags with spaces in the value and having them in a separate variable?
I had the same problem with aws cli. I solved it using arrays. In your case I would do the following:
'ResourceType=volume,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=val with spaces}]'
aws ec2 run-instances ... "${tags[#]}"

gcloud cli failing to add record when contents start with dash

I'm working with the LetsEncrypt dns-01 challenge system which entails dynamically creating a TXT record in Google Cloud DNS with specific content, so LE can assert proof of ownership for generating a wildcard certificate (so I can't use http-01). The problem is sometimes LE tells me to create a TXT record that starts with a "-", for example -E_DFDFHJKF1783FSHDJ. I cannot get the gcloud cli to properly accept this data no matter what I do.
gcloud dns record-sets transaction start --zone=myzone
gcloud dns record-sets transaction add "-E_ASDFSDF" --ttl=30 --zone=myzone --name=test --type=TXT
gcloud dns record-sets transaction remove "-A_DSFKHSDF" --ttl=30 --zone=myzone --name=test2 --type=TXT
If you run those commands and inspect the resulting transaction.yaml you can see whether it properly contains the right string. If it did it correct, you should see something like:
- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet
name: test.
ttl: 30
type: TXT
I am executing this via Node's child_process, but I have the issue even if I execute it directly from bash, so Node isn't really meaningful issue at the moment. I've tried echoing the value in. I've tried setting an environment variable and using that in the string.
No matter what I do I get an error like the following:
ERROR: (gcloud.dns.record-sets.transaction.add) unrecognized arguments: -E_ASDFSDF
It turns out some characters need to be escaped in the CLI. I can confirm that the following works:
gcloud dns --project=myprojectid record-sets transaction add "\-test123" --ttl=300 --type=TXT --zone=myzoneid

gcloud dns managed-zones list along with record-sets count format

In the output of gcloud dns managed-zones list ,I want to show the name of dnsName, creationTime, name, networkName, visibility and the count of recrod-sets in each hosted-zone.
I used below command to get two output in two commands
#get hosted-zone and other values
gcloud dns managed-zones list --format='table(dnsName, creationTime:sort=1, name, privateVisibilityConfig.networks.networkUrl.basename(), visibility)'
#get record-sets for a hostedzone
gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=$zoneName |awk 'NR>1{print}'|wc -l
I think I can get this in a shell script by getting a list of hosted zone and then printing two output together.
But is there a better way to do in a single gcloud command ?
IIRC (!?), you'll need to issue both gcloud commands as each provides distinct data.
To your point, you should be able to easily combine the combine the commands using a shell script and iterating over each zone from managed-zones list, to issue record-sets list --zone=${i}.
If you'd like help, please include dummy data from the 2 commands and I'll draft something for you.

AWS CLI Script to add security groups

I've a script that I'm using to run authorize-security-group-ingress AWS CLI command.
IP =
CIDR = 32
Variable = sudo aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-xxxxxx --ip-permissions FromPort=10,ToPort=23,IpProtocol=tcp,IpRanges='[{CidrIp=$((IP / 32))}]'
But I get an error CIDR block $((IP / 32)) is malformed. I tried changing the $((IP / 32)) block to $IP/32 , ($(IP) / $(CIDR)) but I still seem to get the same error. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? The main issue is converting to a valid IP CIDR.
You could do as Siddarth mentioned. Or, fix your query. The issue with your code is that you are using a single-quote (') instead of double-quotes (") for IpRanges. As per this SO question, Single quotes won't interpolate anything, but double quotes will.
Once you replace it, your script will fail again because $((...)) is an arithmetic expansion. Remove the (()) in your script and it should work fine.
Final solution:
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id sg-xxxxxx --ip-permissions FromPort=10,ToPort=23,IpProtocol=tcp,IpRanges="[{CidrIp=$IP/$CIDR}]"
Have you tried it like this
'[{"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges": [{"CidrIp": ""}]}]'
Replacing your line of code with this worked for me.

Why does Vagrant truncate hostname

I'm setting the hostname in my VagrantFile like so:
config.vm.hostname = "demo.puppet"
However this ends up with a host name of just demo:
vagrant#demo:~$ hostname
It seems that Vagrant will truncate at the first ., is this expected behaviour as plenty of examples on the web seem to have hostnames with . in them.
It doesn't have anything to do with Vagrant. A hostname cannot contain anything but a-z, 0-9, and dash (-). When you set that hostname, you are setting your hostname as "demo" in the domain "puppet". You should use "demo-puppet" instead.
As a side note, I've started making a habit of including the hostname of the Vagrant host in my VM hostnames. It can come in handy later, for instance when deploying a build, you can include the hostname from which it was deployed. A line like this: config.vm.hostname = "myapp-vagrant-#{hostname[0..-2]}" in your Vagrantfile will do the trick, setting the hostname (in my case) to "myapp-vagrant-nhoover-osx".
