Visual studio xsd set connection string to None - visual-studio

I want to set connection string for my DataSet to None, because i use string that i build in run time. So i do not want keep fake string in app.config, just tome make xsd compile. Is there any way to achieve this?
If i set None in designer its still turn it to existing connection string from config.
I use visual studio 2017.

The best way I've found to have the benefits of the XSD designer and be able to change the connection settings for staging and production is as follows: - NOTE: this works in VS 2012 ... think it should also in 2010 - Also, DataSets were created by dragging from the Server Explorer, which saves connection information in the class library app.config and Properties.Settings.settings which is used at design time.
1) For each DataTable, click on the TableAdapter header (below the attributes and above the methods) and look at the properties 2) Change the Connection Modifier to Public 3) Then, the code to access the table should be something like the following (where the class library is named DALib) ...
using DALib;
using System.Web.Configuration;
PriceData.averageSalePriceFDataTable priceTable;
DALib.PriceDataTableAdapters.averageSalePriceFTableAdapter priceAdapter
= new DALib.PriceDataTableAdapters.averageSalePriceFTableAdapter();
= WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;
priceTable = priceAdapter.GetData( ... parameters ...);
This uses the connection string in the class library for design and picks it from Web.config when running.
Hope I understood your problem correctly, let me know.


Visual Studio 2019 - Connected Service Reference - OpenAPI is generating duplicate types

I am trying to generate an OpenApi service reference in Visual Studio 2019. .Net 5.0.
Right clicking project >Add>Connected Services>+ Service References
I am using NetDocs api "".
Result: I get generated c# client code but it is duplicating the types with the errors below.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0102 The type 'v2Client' already contains a definition for '_settings' OpenAPITest C:\Users\dryfus\source\repos\OpenAPITest\obj\v2Client.cs 4941 Active
Error CS0579 Duplicate 'System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode' attribute OpenAPITest C:\Users\dryfus\source\repos\OpenAPITest\obj\v2Client.cs 4936 Active
Error CS0102 The type 'v2Client' already contains a definition for '_baseUrl' OpenAPITest C:\Users\dryfus\source\repos\OpenAPITest\obj\v2Client.cs 4939 Active
Error CS0102 The type 'v2Client' already contains a definition for '_httpClient' OpenAPITest C:\Users\dryfus\source\repos\OpenAPITest\obj\v2Client.cs 4940 Active
Is there a way I can get this to work with the connector way without the duplicates? Or even cli? Any suggestions on why it is creating the duplicates?
I had the same issue, it turns out the code generation didn't like enpoints with an underscore in its operationId. Lucky for me, the service I was consuming was also part of our code, so I could just go to the Swagger configuration in the API side and change the CustomOperationIds setting.
I downloaded and use NSwagStudio to generate the client code and did not have the same issue that the Visual Studio connector had when generating the code.
It is actually caused by this option
MultipleClientsFromOperationId : Multiple clients from the Swagger operation ID in the form '{controller}_{action}'
However, if your classname is set as a static name, it will cause an error like you have.
The correct solution should be change the classname to something like
So it will generate different classes.

How can I replace config file database links in one place in source code? (

I have an ASP.NET/Razor 3 web application which uses a SQL Server database via MS EntityFramework.
If/when I want to change the database connection string, for example to change the password or point to a different database (e.g. test vs. live), the string needs to replaced in about seven places in three different XML config files in the project (app.config, web.config, and app.release.config), which is an error-prone pain.
Worse, the default web server behavior on unhandled exceptions can include displaying sections of the config files to web users, which has in fact resulted in the web server displaying the lines that show the database path and password over the web. Not good.
For both reasons, and because this is not a product for which anyone would ever just edit the config file on the server (any change is pretty much, and may as well be, a build operation), I would much prefer to have the database connection information compiled into the web application and loaded from code rather than a config file, and to be able to do this such that when I want to change the database information, I can do it in one place instead of seven.
How would I achieve this?
The database connection string(s) can be set up centrally in 1 place, in the Global.asax.cs file, as part of the Application State, and then referenced from anywhere else in the project.
Step-1: Define the connection string(s) as static variables in Global.asax.cs:
namespace TestProject
// Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode,
// visit
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static string ConnectionString1;
public static string ConnectionString2;
protected void Application_Start()
#region Build application state for the app-specific items needed by us
ConnectionString1 = "Server=yourserver;Database=yourdb;etc etc";
ConnectionString2 = "Server=yourserver;Database=yourdb;etc etc";
#region Code auto-generated and needed by system - do not change
Step-2: Use the strings from anywhere else in the project:
string cnxStr1 = TestProject.MvcApplication.ConnectionString1;
string cnxStr2 = TestProject.MvcApplication.ConnectionString2;
(Please note that by default, the strings would be accessible only from within the same project. You will need to add references to the project if you need to use the strings from any other project within the same solution.)
The answer above by Krishna is pretty good. For me I would personally prefer to have them as static string in a static class and use it where ever is needed.
If you don't want to put the connection strings in the global file, you can:
Create a separate .config file for connection strings. e.g.
Create a hard-link to this file or the
folder containing this file that's in the same directory as your
other application.config and web.config files.
Set the configSource property on the connectionStrings element in each app.config or
From then on, you only have one place to manage your connection strings that are common between apps.
The reason for the hard link is that configSource must reference a file in the same folder or sub-folder of the folder containing the application config.
Note that changing the connection strings will recycle all your web application pools that use them. For console, desktop, and service apps, you will have to restart for changes to take effect.
For the second problem you describe, you could have a separate connectionStrings.config file for each environment: development, test, production. Using config transforms or some other process, you only have to update the configSource property in each connectionString element to switch environments.

Visual Studio 2008 Question, table adapters connections string issue

I have a data source that I use for creating reports in my programme. I've recently changed the connection string to the table adapters created by the wizard(ConString1), because I wanted to make that connection string available to every other class that needs to use it. So basically. I deleted the application setting created by the wizard(ConString1) and entered in my own application setting(ConString). Once debugging began all the code that still refered to the now non existent connection string(ConString1), I changed to the available one(ConString). That is in the code the debugger picked up. The program works fine.
Now my problem is this, when I select a table adapter and take a look at its properties, the Connection string is still set to the old connection string name, the connection string value itself is given as "Unable to find connection ". This is prohibiting me from adding new tables to my reports.xsd file.
I also keep getting an error when trying to create a new datasource.
Error : Could not load type Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataDesign.SyncDesigner.SyncFacade.SyncManager.
Right-click on the data-set xsd, select "Open With..."
Select "XML (Text) Editor" and click OK.
Modify as needed, and be careful.
Be careful.

Packaging Visual Studio LoadTest Solution

I have a VS 2010 Load test solution that contains quite a web tests and a bunch of Load tests. All of the web tests in this solution are data driven and use a SQL DB as the data source. Also, all of the data sources are set to random access method.
Now, whenever I change the data source or copy this solution to a different machine to test another deployment, I have to manually change the data source for all the web tests. The moment I change the data source, the access method gets reset to "sequential" which is the default setting. Now, I will have to change the access method also manually.
So, Is there a way I can package the VS Load Test solution so that the data source and access methods can be specified as parameters to the deployment package?
Note: Only the data source name changes but not the SQL DB schema for the data driven web tests.
The DataSourceAttribute can get all of it's properties from the configurations file of the application.
Here is a page that tells you how to use configuration files to place the connection string.
Walkthrough: Using a Configuration File to Define a Data Source
As you can see you may place the connection string in the app.config file, in the section <microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools>:
<add name="MyJetDataSource" connectionString="MyJetConn" dataTableName="MyDataTable" dataAccessMethod="Sequential"/>
<add name="MyExcelDataSource" connectionString="MyExcelConn" dataTableName="Sheet1$" dataAccessMethod="Sequential"/>
In code usage of attribute:
The following links are just for reference:
How to: Create a Data-Driven Unit Test : creating data-sriven tests
Working with Load Tests : understanding load tests
DataSourceAttribute Class : docs for the attribute
DataSourceAttribute Constructor (String) : ctor that allows external connection string
DataSourceAttribute.DataSourceSettingName Property
Covert the web tests into coded web tests. In the code you will see the data binding code. Whenever you change the data source you can simply use find and replace all for data source name.
I don't think there is way to include this in deployment package.

Change the connection string in app.config with InstallShield 2011 setup

I'm creating an InstallShield 2011 basic MSI installer project.
I'm trying to change the connection string in my app.config according to the user selections from the database login dialog made in the setup. How can I apply these connection string settings to the connection string entry in the app.config of my windows application I'm trying to install?
XML File Change is the right place to start from. Since changing the connection string is a common task my hope was that there is a best practice to do exactly this task.
-- edit --
There are two main difficulties:
How do I reference a file in InstallShield which will be created on build? The App.config gets copied to MyAppName.config. I don't want to hardwire the application name into the setup at this place again.
The connection string in the config file is used by Entity framework, thus contains more information than given by the database selection from InstallShield. I have to patch an attribute within an element of the config file, if I just want to change the Server and InitialCatalog properties of the connection string. It looks like XML File Change only supports replacing of an entire element or attribute.
As far as I remember, the XML File Changes is designed for this purpose. You can place the user's choice as a property value when defining your XPath and element/attribute values. For me, it was one of the areas of InstallShield which worked quite good and as described.
