Can't access localhost from computer running on same network - windows

I'm working on two computers on the same network. Computer A has an app working on localhost:4444. However, I can't access it from the browser of Computer B.
Here is my situation:
I pinged it's IP and I'm getting successful responses.
I've tried accessing through the browser: http://192.168.X.X:4444
I'm currently sharing files across both computers via the same network successfully.
Can anyone please help me make this work?

Is port 4444 on Computer A accessible from another computer?
Maybe this helps:
(I am posting a reply since I cannot comment...)


Access local website from another computer in the same network

I recently wrote a web using Flask, and made the host='', port=5000.
I can access the web with or localhost:5000 or IP), but I can only do this with the computer that runs the codes.
How can I access the website from another PC in the same LAN? I have tried all the method I can find online. But none of them worked.
I'm running the code on windows 10. Please help!
Maybe Windows Defender Firewall or antivirus is blocking connection from outside. Try disabling it (or, better configure it to allow connections only to your service).
To access the website from another PC only works with your IPv4 adress.
So only would work.
But it looks like the port 5000 is blocked. Maybe it's blocked by a virus protection.
Try a port like 80 or 8080.

how to Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network?

I have a WI-FI & LAN network at office. I have all my files on my desktop computer ( and want to access local host over there from another computer (
My xampp version is v3.2.2 and windows 7 64 bit.
On my desktop I can access localhost through the normal http://localhost. Apache is running on port 80 as usual.
Exactly what do I have to do to achieve this? There is documentation on the net but they either don't work me or are too old and confusing to understand.
Any ideas as to what changes to make it possible? Please give me step by step instructions.
User should have access of your localhost, you can check this by sharing the folder and check on other machine that folder is accessible or not, If it is accessible then that user easily can access your local host by using the http:/IPAddress, If not contact to IT department they will help to achieve this by removing some restriction on network.

Putty error : Unable to open connection to hostname : Host does not exist

I am using Putty to ssh into some of the servers that I work on. I am able to connect all others except the one. Although I was able to connect to it before. Whenever I try connecting to it, it always give me error:
Unable to open connection on myhost: Host does not exist
My firewall is off and I have even re-installed putty but that did not fix it. When I tried connecting to the same server using putty on some other windows system, I was able to do so. I searched regarding this on Internet but did not find much relevant.
I am running putty on Windows 7.
What can be the possible issue?
As I understand you have three computers involved. At the same time one connection is working and the other one fails. So we can exclude that the ssh daemon on your linux box is hanging.
In lack of knowing their real names I will call your computers linuxbox (this is the computer you want to ssh into), win7ok (that is the computer that you are able to ssh from using putty) and win7fail (that obviously is the computer you can't connect from).
Please do a tracert from both Win7 computers:
tracert linuxbox.your.domain
tracert linuxbox
Add the results to your question as it will help us find out what is happening.
Perhaps it is also a good idea to determine the ip address of the linuxbox from win7ok:
ping linuxbox
nslookup linuxbox
Then try to connect from win7fail by using the ip address of the target computer, perhaps it is only a DNS problem (which might be as nmap is failing too).
To make all of this easier to understand for us please provide the real names of the computers as you use them in putty.
For me the problem was with the Url of the reposity. Check remote URL. It must start with, not https://.
I used nslookup and then used the ip address it gave me to connect and it worked
I had a similar problem with GitExtensions. The solution was to remove the https url and replace it with git#gitlab....
I just went through this. I have a Cisco VPN I need to use to get through to the Linux machine I wanted to login to and check.
No Putty session would get through using the machines name.
An nslookup on the windows machine yielded the correct address.
I too connected right in via the ip address.
I tried to Google the error and it failed, so I suspected the wireless.
Disconnected and reconnected my WiFi and all was good.
I did it fast enough that open connections stayed open.
And new connections refering to DNS names worked fine.
Seems like maybe some cached DNS addresses were stale.
Your DNS cache stores the locations (IP addresses) of web servers that contain web pages which you have recently viewed. If the location of the web server changes before the entry in your DNS cache updates, you can no longer access the site.
Following CLI command will do the trick:
ipconfig /flushdns

Access to Web Host Denied

I can't seem to access the website of my web host, as well as the websites that are hosted there when I use my desktop (Mac OS X). However it works when I access my host and my websites using my iPhone. And I can view all other websites irrespective of my desktop or smartphone.
It just happened, seemingly out of the blue. I booted my Mac and wanted to check my Emails, but there was no connection.
The alert says:
There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account “Fabrizio Fracassi” or try again. The server returned the error: The connection to the server “” on port 110 timed out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks for your time!

I am not able to host my own Web site

I have a high speed cable internet connection at home. I have D-link router, and I connect 2 computers, one is a desktop running Windows XP, the other is a laptop running Windows 7. I am perfectly able to use internet on both computers.
Now I want to host my personal web site from my home computer. I have already built the site that is running on my home network. Now I want to make it accessible from internet. I did all the procedures to open the appropriate ports on my router, allow incoming connections, and port forwarding setup, using the router's guide : .
However I am still not able to see my web site from public internet.
When I try to go to my site using my local IP address ( or computer name, the site is loaded on other home computer, but when I try the same using my public IP address (found with "what is my ip" on google search), I get "Page cannot be loaded" error.
Can someone please help me telling what I am doing wrong, and how the problem can be fixed?
Thanks in advance.
Are you attempting to hit your WAN IPaddress from inside your house, aka, on the lan that the WAN would hit? It could be NAT Reflection/lack thereof getting in your way. Make sure you're trying to hit your WAN IP from a network outside of your local network. If you have a phone, turn off wifi, and use your phone.
Besides that, you've listed all of the basic steps necessary. Should the above not be the problem, I would start by checking your PCs firewall. In particular on Windows 7 checking to make sure you click real hard on that "public networks" button. Then just try and ping port 80, not load the webpage. If you can't ping, it suggests configuration issues with your router/connection. If you can, there's just some configuration that's effed up with your webserver.
