Jmeter 3.2 Report Generation issue - jmeter

I am trying to generate an HTML report from Jmeter where the input is in a .CSV file.
I am not getting an error but the HTML file is not being generated.

Ensure you follow pre requisites described in reference documentation and read this tutorial by one of JMeter developers :
Most common mistakes :
very short test of few seconds to 5 minutes
checking generate parent sampler


While using JMeter's Html Assertion I m getting an error failure message - html assertion: can't parse argument number

Getting Error Failure msg: html assertion can't parse argument number
Http Request:
It's sounds like a bug in JMeter you should report it via JMeter Bugzilla
In the meantime if you need to use HTML Assertion you can downgrade to JMeter 5.3
I faced the same issue,
Just increase the warning threshold, in my case, more than 60 worked well.
And if you also want to see the warnings, create a text file, and add path in File name as shown in the screen shot below:
You will get all the warnings listed in the txt file that you have created. and at the end of file it will tell you how many warnings are there, just set warning threshold more than that.
Hope it works.

Jmeter 3.1 : Why sampler error not showing summary

I am working on the JMeter 3.1 report module. I observed one problem while working on this. I have created four transaction controller and each transaction controller has some samples.
One of the sample is failing in one transaction controller. When I check the summary report it's showing 100% success status, Its not showing the errors.
Please find the attached screenshots with two type report. one report is showing errors and another one not showing error.
Please suggest, I am doing anything wrong or do I need to change any property values.

Jmeter: File upload Issues while Jmeter scripting

I have a scenario wherein I have to upload a .txt file which inserts records in database, for a batch job operation further. I am using Jmeter scripting to automate this flow. I think I have followed all the rules needed to upload a file but still I face this error:
Response code: 500
Response message: Internal Server Error
Here are the details of scripting the file upload
and the html code showing the paramter name for the input type "file"
<input type="file" size ="40" name="filename" class="textinputgroup_input" title="Use Browse button to select the file.">
I am not sure where I have made the mistake. I have properly used the request attributes in the HTTP sampler as per the Fiddler.
I will not be able to record due to some firewall restrictions
Your config looks good, just make sure that:
File exists under the ${filepath}
${filepath} should contain either full path to the txt file being uploaded or the file needs to live in JMeter's "bin" folder
In case if it doesn't help, check jmeter.log and/or server-side log file to get some clues regarding what's wrong. It may be something like missing header or whatever. As a last resort try comparing the requests which are being sent by JMeter and real browser with a sniffer tool like Wireshark to detect the differences and apply the appropriate JMeter configuration so requests would be identical.
See Performance testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more detailed instructions.

Don't report missing "Embedded Resources" as error in jMeter

In a sample, I checked "Retrieve all Embedded Resources" but now my sample reports an error if a linked resource is missing (HTTP status 404 from the server).
Can I tell my sample to retrieve the embedded resources but to ignore missing or problematic linked resources ? (so I can stop the unit only if a real functional problem occurs, and not when an image is missing)
One possibility is to edit ./bin/ and set httpsampler.ignore_failed_embedded_resources=true as fixed by Bug 44301.
You can work it around using JMeter Assertions
Add a Response Assertion as a child of the sampler which produces 404 code
Configure it as follows:
Apply to: check Main sample and sub-samples
Response fields to test: check Ignore status
In this case erroneous statuses of mail sampler and its children will be ignored.
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in 3 Easy Steps for more information on pass/fail criteria definition via Assertions

Blazemeter integrated with New Relic

I have written a script in Jmeter that simulates 20 users using the application for a ruby on rails web application. After integrating blazemeter with New relic, and after viewing the results, it shows that the test had encountered 4 error. Is there a way to find out where these errors have occured?
Where is it showing up that there were 4 errors?
If it's in BlazeMeter then you can download the JMeter .jtl file at the end of the test by clicking on the orange zip button in the test report (you must wait until the test is over for the zip button to appear).
You can view any requests that returned an error in the .jtl file (the .jtl file is the log file with every request made)
