I have written a script in Jmeter that simulates 20 users using the application for a ruby on rails web application. After integrating blazemeter with New relic, and after viewing the results, it shows that the test had encountered 4 error. Is there a way to find out where these errors have occured?
Where is it showing up that there were 4 errors?
If it's in BlazeMeter then you can download the JMeter .jtl file at the end of the test by clicking on the orange zip button in the test report (you must wait until the test is over for the zip button to appear).
You can view any requests that returned an error in the .jtl file (the .jtl file is the log file with every request made)
1.Created Jmeter load test scripts
2.Ran JMeter load test script in VSTS
3.Download 'DefaultCLTAttributes .csv' from VSTS load test results
4.Open JMeter 'Summary Report' listener with 'DefaultCLTAttributes .csv'
I got below error message as shown in attached screen shot.Please help me.
I did not see any error on log file.
I did not see column headings on .csv file. Please see attached screen shot
Test 'download a file using Jmeter': On the web page, there is a button 'download' and clicking it downloads the file with .zip extension. When observed under Network tab of Developer tool (F12)>there are two requests: 1 is the application request which gives the response with link (aws-S3...) (if i copy paste this link, can download the zip file) and 2nd request shows the aws-S3..link. When need to perform this download performance testing with 100 users, how to configure in Jmeter. Please guide. below thing have been tried:
Record a script>it records the first request (not the 2nd request of network tab as mentioned above)
When run the script> this shows 200 code with response message as aws-S3..link
Tried Save response to file listener> nothing has been downloaded.
Extract the download link from 1st response using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor
Add put the JMeter Variable generated by the Regular Expression Extractor into "Path" input of the HTTP Request 2
Add Save Responses to a file listener as a child of the HTTP Request 2
See Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for more information on simulating file upload/download events in JMeter web tests.
Login into application
Dashboard page will be loaded
Click on the "User Details" section
Select the file and click on the download button.
Windows POP-UP will prompt and will ask to SAVE the file.
File will start to download on to specified location
Downloading the file is nothing more than HTTP GET method, so given your configure HTTP Request sampler URL to point to the file you want to download:
JMeter will download the file when you run the test and measure the associated time.
You can also use Save Responses to a file listener if you are interested in the remote file content of plan to reuse the downloaded file later on.
More information: Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter
I am trying to record a scenario where, after login, user clicks on a button that takes user to a page which has graphical data.
But just after Login and on click of button, the page keeps on loading continuously, however, manually it responds very fast.
I have confirmed security exception.
In case of any unexpected behaviour the first place you should take a look at is jmeter.log file - it normally contains enough troubleshooting information to figure out the cause.
You can increase log verbosity for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder by adding the next line to user.properties file (located under JMeter's "bin" folder)
JMeter restart will be required to pick the property up.
Few other tips:
Try clearing your browser history (including cache)
Re-install JMeter dummy certificate
If nothing helps - there is an alternative option of recording a JMeter test via JMeter Chrome Extension
I recorded a file uploading scenario and successfully saved in web application
now when i try to run recorded script by updating "send file with request" by some other file. there is no error seems in log but file is not getting upload in web application in case i run recorded script
Please Help!
enter image description here
First of all add View Results Tree listener and inspect "Request" and "Response Data" tabs. JMeter automatically considers requests with response code < 400 as successful so even if file upload didn't happen but browser responded with HTTP Code 200 (OK) - you won't see any errors or failed tests.
Usually ability to upload a file somewhere requires being authenticated (logged in). Try adding HTTP Cookie Manager to your test plan
Sometimes application under test uses dynamic parameters which are generated in runtime. So it won't be possible to record and successfully replay scenario. If you record the same request 2 times, inspect recorded requests and see the differences - it means you'll need to perform "correlation" - process of extracting dynamic parameters from previous response and adding them to next request. The most commonly used test element for this is Regular Expression Extractor.