How to Use an HTML editor / Wysiwyg with vuetify - vuetify.js

Just starting to use vuetify - really good stuff.
How can I wire up an HTML editor like quilljs.
I saw this post here;
Ideally.. I would like to use them both in codepen so I can get a designer to work on some bits and piece.

I created an editor for Vuetify based on Tiptap:
It is planned to make it as flexible as possible and develop many plugins for it.
You can support by giving a star to motivate me to develop.


Bootstrap theme for Material-UI

Is there a Material-UI theme that makes controls look like base Bootstrap theme?
I know it's counter-intuitive, google search is full of the reverse examples.
It's certainly possible, here you can see a Material-UI TextField component styled to look like Bootstrap, however I"m not aware of any ready-made themes that offer Bootstrap for Material-UI.

CkEditor - how to change the look

I'm a pretty newbe at html, css, etc. etc.
I just downloaded the CkEditor and it works perfect. I use the inline editor replacing a textarea. Now I would like to change the look a bit
a) I would like to have the editable area with a different background color
b) I would like to have a thin line around the area
How can I do this? As far as I understood I need to manually change that in one of the css files - but where, and what do I need to put in there?
ALso I tried to configure the toolbar using the configuration tool and although I opted for the button "source-code" it won't show up? How can I manually include this in the toolbar?
Sorry, I know that these are very basic questions and I tried to search for answers on the forum (but the only things I found where some years old, and trying to duplicate what was posted didn't work... - guess it changed with the new version of ckeditor).

Draft.js VS CKEditor?

Can we say Draft.JS is an alternative to CKEditor?
I have read about Draft.js and so far what I concluded is that it's written only for React.js where CKEditor on the other hand can be used in PHP, JS and all.
DraftJS has a lot more functionality, but it's also got virtually no community support by comparison so you're basically on your own as far as unlocking that functionality goes.
In my point of view draft.js won't replace the CKEditor. it's completely based on your requirement with the editor.
CKEditor is an stable WYSIWYG editor with advanced plugins.
Draft.js is an REACT based WYSIWYG editor component with the simple editorial behavior.

Column navigation

Is there any module available for column navigation style for eg. joomla main navigation? . I am using joomla 1.7
I think they might be using IceMegaMenu, which I've tried myself and works really well. I personally think that it should be integreted as a standar feature, as it really chenges the way menus act and is 100% compatible (you may even choose to make it work without js, and results are still great).
PS Hoping that this won't be considered spam, you can see the menu in action, as I've implemented it, at my web site. It's a very standard version, without js.
For a complete overveiw of the features you may have a look at the official Demo, it really looks like relies on IceMegaMenu...

Customizing joomla components and modules. Phoca Gallery case

Im developing a site using Joomla, and one of the requirements of the site is that it uses the Phoca Gallery Component and Module. The problems with these is tthat they have a lot of inline CSS styles, which makes them hard to customize. I've solved this removing the style attributes with jQuery, but it doesn't seem like a very good solution.
What could I do to solve this problem?
This is the site:
just update to newest Phoca Gallery, there are used mostly external CSS.
The only way to do this is to do it properly and get your hands dirty. Change the inline styles and add classes to each html element which you can later style via CSS. It's simple enough but time consuming, but if you want to customise the look and avoid jQuery then this is the way forward.
