USRP E312 how to find connected gps antenna - usrp

On the USRP E312, how can I find the connected gps antenna? Will it pop up in dmesg?

You don't "find" it. It's not a device in the linux kernel sense.
It's simply the antenna used by the built-in GPS module to receive GPS; you don't "see" it under linux, just like you don't "see" the Antenna that you attach to your e.g. Wifi card (you see that card, though).
This question reeks very very much of the XY Problem; please feel very invited to ask a new question (please don't do that in the comments!) that describes the actual problem you're trying to solve.


Is it possible to use a joystick with vhdl?

I’m pretty new to coding with vhdl and i just finished making a simple game using a pretty rough vga driver that i made. The last thing now that i need to do is hook up a joystick to be able to control the object in the game( this game is a mini project so i have to present it and using the onboard switches wouldn’t cut it). The problem is that the joystick gives an analog input and i don’t know how to include that in my vhdl program or if its even possible. I’m using a de-10 lite board. I’m sorry if my question is messy and i hope I made it clear for you. Thx in advance.
DE10-Lite is built with MAX 10 fpga which has two on-chip ADCs, and the board has analog buffers to scale 5v analog inputs down to acceptable voltage of 2.5v.
You'll need to instantiate "Modular ADC core" and PLL to clock it.
Depending on your project needs you can instantiate just the ADC control core (it has simple streaming interface), or "standard sequencer with avalon-mm sample storage".
Check with the board's manuals to find which pins are connected to banks with ADC.
Apparently, there's an example project for ADC included with "CD-ROM" that you can download from Terasic site.

Arduino Uno: Running multiple servos

I have a Arduino Uno, and I am pretty new to the Arduino stuff. I am new to circuits also. I am thinking about working on a simple spider robot and making it more complex as I learn about the Arduino. Anyways, yesterday I tried seeing if I could run 10 server motors (small ones) with the Arduino. I linked all the positive wires in parrel and connected it to the 5v on the board. I observed that not all the servers moved like the code says. I looked it up and found out I can't do that or else I might fry it. I did not fry it thank goodness. I then found out that I have to have a separate power supply and connect the servers red wires(positive wire) to the power supplies red wire and connect the ground wires to ground on the Arduino. I found this picture showing this.
I also saw that in another forum someone said something about using a capacitor. So I have some questions still. My first question is do I have to have a capacitor or can I just do what the picture in the link I gave does? It shows the power supply being a 6v NiMH 2800 mAh battery. I looked online I could not find that exact same battery with a charger, but I found this on ebay.
So I thought if I connect 5 of the batteries in series that way the amps is left alone for 2800 mAh and 6v, the exact spec of the battery in the picture. So my second question is will this work? I have this pack from Radio Shack near my house that I got.
There is a problem with this one though and that is it holds 8 and not 5. So my third question is will it still work with only 5 batteries in it? The forth question is how do I connect the wires to this item since it has no wires coming off of it? My fifth question is are these battery packs connected in series since they add the volts? Thank you for reading this and taking your time to clear up my confusion. I will restate the questions down below.
Do I have to have a capacitor or can I just do what the picture in the first link I gave does?
Will this work?
Connecting 5 of the batteries in series that way the amps is left alone for 2800 mAh and 6v, the exact spec of the battery in the picture.
Will it still work with only 5 batteries in the 8 battery holder?
How do I connect the wires to this battery holder since it has no wires coming off of it?
Are these battery packs connected in series since they add the volts?
Again, thank you for reading this long forum question and thank you for your time.

how to take a picture fpga and verilog

I have cyclone II fpga and also ı have a camera attached to it.Fisrtly ı want to take a capture from camera and this capture is passing to fpga and ı want to take this capture from serial port.Can you give me ideas how can do this or are there any example code about this.I am working with verilog .
thanks for help...
You need to research how exactly the camera is hooked up to your FPGA and how exactly you need to communicate with it. Once you understand this protocol and it's connections, you'll be 90% of the way towards understanding what you need to do, or at least will be better able to ask more specific, intelligent questions. =)
For example, there is a chance that you are working with a camera over a bus called Camera Link. If so, you will need to read up on the protocol (e.g. starting with, and then determine if you are going to write a custom interface yourself in an HDL (like Verilog) or if you are going to try to obtain and use an existing design from a 3rd party.
Once you know how to get images, then you need to do the same discovery to figure out how you are going to send these images to your PC. Do you already know all about RS-232 and UARTs (or USB, or whatever you are using)? If not, you will need to learn enough to either implement these interfaces, or at least to interface with existing designs that you have obtained elsewhere.
In sort -- you really need to do more research before anyone can help you with any specific advice. =)

Image Processing on a micro-controller

I'm interested in starting a hobbyist project, where I do some image processing by interfacing HW and SW. I am quite a newbie to this. I know how to do some basic image processing in Matlab using the existing image processing commands.
I personally enjoy working with HW and wanted to a combination of HW/SW to be able to do this. I've read articles on people using FPGAs and just basic FPGAs/micro-controllers to go about doing this.
Here is my question: can someone recommend languages I should consider that will help me with interfacing on a PC? I image, the SW part would essentially be a GUI and is place-holder for all the processing that is done on the HW. Also in-terms of selecting the HW and realistically considering what I could do on the HW, could I get a few recommendations on that too?
Any recommendations will be appreciated!
EDIT: I read a few of the other posts saying requirements are directly related to knowing what kind of image processing one is doing. Well initially, I want to do finger print recognition. So filtering and locating unique markers in the image etc.
It all depends on what you are familiar with, how you plan on doing the interface between FPGA and PC, and generally the scale of what you want to do. Examples could be:
A fast system could for instance consist of a Xilinx SP605
board, using the PCI Express interface to quickly transfer image
data between PC and FPGA. For this, you'd need to write a device
driver (in C), and a user-space application (I've done this in
A more realistic hobbyist system could be a Xilinx SP601
board, using Ethernet to transfer data - you'd then just have to
write a simple protocol (possibly using raw sockets (no TCP/UDP) to
make the FPGA side Ethernet simpler), which can be done in basically
any language offering network access (there's a Xilinx reference
design for the SP605 demonstrating this).
The simplest and cheapest solution would be an FPGA board with a
serial connection - you probably wouldn't be able to do any
"serious" image processing with this, but it should be enough for
very simple proof-of-concept stuff, although the smaller FPGA devices used o these boards typically do not have much on-board memory available.
But again, it all depends on what you actually want to do.

Advice for interfacing strain gauges to PC

I'm using an arduino to excitate and amplify strain gauges on a rod - the resulting voltage will be picked up by the analog inputs available on the arduino. I need to plot the 'torque' taken by that rod with respect to time on a graph, and the easiest way I see to do this is using the Processing language, as the basic arduino environment does not provide for graphical display.
Any tips on where to start? I only have prior experience with MATLAB, and a bit with Java.
EDIT: I should add a specific question - how do I assign a variable in Processing to the physical values read on the arduino (varying voltage through analog)?
Since you have experience with MATLAB, consider using the ArduinoIO API provided by The MathWorks. Basically lets you interface your Arduino to MATLAB - all the pin I/O features are available. So let MATLAB do the work plotting, etc, for you and just use your Arduino to collect your data.
I can personally vouch for how useful this API is. It's powering my master's thesis (building Arduino-powered vehicles and doing control on them).
