Laravel Eloquent - How do I select columns of the updated row? - laravel-5

I'm trying to update a single row,
using this query,
$update_row = PayRecord::where('date_from',$date_from)
what I want to do is to get the id of the updated row, without creating another query to get the id,
$get_updated_row_id = PayRecord::where('date_from',$date_from)
Thank You,

Remove extra -> from where clause.
This may useful to you.
$update_row = PayRecord::where('date_from',$date_from)
$update_row->id; // to get the id


Laravel eloquent with relation data (Eager Loading)

I have two database tables items and measurement_units - item has measurement unit.
Now the problem is I want to select a particular column from items and some column from measurement_unit. I want to use Eager loading
$items_with_mu = Item::with("measurement_unit")->select(["item_name", "item_stock"])->first();
When accessing measurement_unit. It returns null. Without the select function it returns data(measurement_unit).
can anyone help me and sorry for my English.
Try this
Item::with(['measurement_unit' => function($q) {
$q->select('id','unit_column'); //specified measurement_unit column
If your laravel version is >=5.5 then you can write in a single line
You have to select the primary column of the main model like below.
items_with_mu = Item::with("measurement_unit")->select(["item_name", "item_stock", "primary_key"])->first();

Find max value of a column in laravel

The problem started because I have a table (Clientes), in which the primary key is not auto-incremental. I want to select the max value stored in a column database.
Like this select, but with eloquent ORM (Laravel):
How can I do this?
I tried:
I prefer not to make a simple raw SELECT MAX(ID) FROM Clientes
I cannot make it.
Thanks all!
The correct syntax is:
Laravel makes this very easy, in your case you would use
$maxValue = Cliente::max('id');
But you can also retrieve the newest record from the table, which will be the highest value as well
$newestCliente = Cliente::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); // gets the whole row
$maxValue = $newestCliente->id;
or for just the value
$maxValue = Cliente::orderBy('id', 'desc')->value('id'); // gets only the id
Or, if you have a created_at column with the date you could get the value like this
$maxValue = Cliente::latest()->value('id');
Relevant Laravel Documentation:
$maxValue = DB::table('Clientes')->max('id');
Cliente::where('column_name', $your_Valu)->max('id') // You get any max column
We can use the following code :
$min_id = DB::table('table_name')->max('id');

Not getting all the table data while executing the laravel query

Link for table
link for expected result, after group by 'receiver_user_id' and recent time
I have used the laravel query:-
$sub = BaseMessagesHistory::select('messages_history.*')->orderBy('created_at','DESC');
$chats = DB::table(DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub"))
->select('receiver_user_id',DB::raw('max(created_at) as recent_time'))
I am getting only "recent_time" and "receiver_user_id"
Expectation:- I need whole data from table not only "recent_time" and "receiver_user_id"
So can you please help me out
It will return you only those columns which you mentioned in the select().
In your query, you mentioned only receriver_user_id and recent_time.
->select('receiver_user_id',DB::raw('max(created_at) as recent_time'))
You need to add all those columns in select() which you need.
Or try this ->select('sub.*',DB::raw('max(created_at) as recent_time'))
Hope this helps. Ask in case of doubt.

Laravel query builder - Select elements unique or null on specific column

I have a model Form for table forms. There is a column called guid which can be null, or contain some sort of grouping random hash.
I need to select all forms that have column guid either null or unique in current search. In other words, for repeating guid values in current search I select only first occurence of every guid hash.
I tried:
$results = App\Form::where(... some where clauses .. ).groupBy('guid')
and it's almost ok, but for all rows, where guid == NULL it groups them and selects only one (and I need all of them).
How can I get the unique or null rows either by building proper SQL query or filtering the results in PHP?
Note: I need my $results to be an Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder instance
I fount out that SQL version of query I need is:
SELECT * FROM `forms` WHERE .... GROUP BY IFNULL(guid, id)
What would be equivallent query for Laravel's database query builder?
UPDATE: Using DB::raw
App\Form::where(... conditions ...)
->groupBy(DB::raw("IFNULL('guid', 'id')"));
Or the another way could be:
You can also use whereNotNull, whereNull & at last merge both the collections using merge() like this:
First get the results where guid is grouped by (excluding null guid's here):
$unique_guid_without_null = App\Form::whereNotNull('guid')->groupBy('guid')->get();
Now, get the results where guid is null:
$all_guid_with_null = App\Form::whereNull('guid')->get();
and at last merge both the collections using merge() method:
$filtered_collection = $unique_guid_without_null->merge($all_guid_with_null);
Hope this helps!
For your edited question, you can use raw() as;
->groupBy(DB::raw("IFNULL('guid', 'id')"))
So your final query will be as:
$results = App\Form::where(... some where clauses .. )
->groupBy(DB::raw("IFNULL('guid', 'id')"));
By above query, your $results will be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder.

Select one column with where clause Eloquent

Im using Eloquent. But I'm having trouble understanding Eloquent syntax. I have been searching, and trying this cheat sheet:, but no luck.
How do i perform this SQL query?
SELECT user_id FROM notes WHERE note_id = 1
If you want a single record then use
and for more than one record use
If 'note_id' is the primary key on your model, you can simply use:
Otherwise, you can use any number of syntaxes:
Note::where('note_id', 1)->first()->user_id;
Note::select('user_id')->where('note_id', 1)->first();
// or get() will give you multiple results if there are multiple
Also note, in any of these examples, you can also just assign the entire object to a variable and just grab the user_id attribute when needed later.
$note = Note::find(1);
// $user_id = $note->user_id;
