Customize build and release role in maven - maven

I have a Non-Java Maven project. By default the deploy goal generates a JAR file, however I would like to generate a zip file instead that should be published to nexus at a later phase.
If I create the zip file manually and place it in the target folder, Maven is not publishing it to nexus, it only publishes the JAR file automatically created.
So my question is: Is there any way to upload to nexus all the content of the target folder? If not, how do I tell Maven not to create a jar file and create a custom zip instead?

Maven has the deploy:deploy-file goal which can be configured in your pom.xml It can be used to upload arbitrary files, including zips.
You can avoid the creation of a jar if you change <packaging> to pom.


Upload multiple jar files to maven repository (e.g. Archiva)

In one of our project we are planning to generate multiple jar files (basically libraries, which contain no dependencies) .
We would like to upload these jar files to local maven repository (Archiva looks good, we are also open to other options) so other developers can simply use them.
(Single jar file deploy works great)
PS: We are using maven.
Thanks in advance.
When you build your jar files with Maven, you simply call mvn deploy (having a correct settings.xml) and the jar goes into your Maven repository.
If you have jars not built with Maven, you can use mvn deploy:deploy-file to upload them.

Maven goal to move file to another directory

I need to move the war generated to some other directory with maven goal.
I know how to move it to another location by adding configuration in pom.xml but i need to do it with a goal.
Which i can run directly without using pom.xml
like: mvn jboss-as:deploy-only deploys jboss with war generated without including any plugin specific configuration in POM.
Their are some restrictions to plugins which can be used in pom. So need to use Maven Goal only

Maven deploy plugin keep the file name when uploading

I am using maven deploy plugin to upload a file inside bamboo deployment stage. I am uploading the file without pom file. When I upload the file to Nexus, the file name is changing completely. Its appending with project name, version number and build number. I want to keep the filename as it is. Any one know how to do this?
mvn deploy:deploy-file
A maven managed repository, such as that provided by Nexus et al, is set up in a way that is intended for deployed products to be returned to a maven build process that has them declared as dependencies.
It is not intended to be a generic file server.
If you have Nexus 3.0 or newer then you have access to so called "raw" repositories that you can set up any way you like.
However you would not use mvn deploy:deploy-file to add files to it. Instead you would follow the instructions in Uploading Files to Hosted Raw Repositories.

Maven update contents of an EAR file

I have an EAR file which I want to update. I do this in Ant by unzipping the EAR and then the JAR, replacing a few files and then repackaging it.
I am trying the same with Maven but with little success and it is also confusing.
So far I have done
1) installing the EAR file in the local maven repository
2) unpack it
3) Replace the file I need
Now I am not sure how to get back the new EAR file. Everything is in the repository.
From my understanding, the EAR plugin packs everything in the ejb, war folders and spits out the ear. But since I directly got the EAR file, I do not have any project per se.
Any suggestions on this?
Also is there a good tutorial on Maven?
You should probably perform the following steps, using a "blank" Maven project and assuming the EAR file is already inside a repository (pushed by another project/tool):
use the dependency:unpack mojo to get and unpack (inside the /target/ folder of your project) the EAR
modify the contents
use the assembly plugin to repack that EAR file
Then do what you need to do with that new EAR file.
A "blank" Maven project would mean that it will not act as a usual project (compile sources, package output...), but rather serve to manipulate existing artifacts through specific plugins.

How to make Maven deploy src/main/resources?

I have a Maven project. It is successfully deploying the jar file. I also want it to deploy the contents of src/main/resources.
mvn deploy does not deploy the resources.
How can I make it do that?
I read about using the copy file task and other workaround methods, but I want to use Maven's default behavior for deploying, which I thought would include the resources.
The folder src/main/resources contains resources which will be packaged into the jar file which means in other words it is already deployed within the created jar file.
