Given undirecred connected graph with edges of costs either x or y (where x is less than y and both are positive integers) find MST in O(V+E)
The idea involves using two DFS runs and collapsing nodes of lower weight into supernode (after first DFS run), but I'm not entirely certain. Any help is appreciated. I have seen such solution hinted in several answers, but couldn't find an explanation of it anywhere.
I think that your intuition is correct that an MST of an undirected connected graph can be found with a running time of O(V+E). There is an algorithm called Kruskal's which can compute the MST of an undirected graph in O(V+Eα(V)), α(V) is the inverse of Ackermann's function which is very slow growing. The way that Kruskal's algorithm reaches O(V+Eα(V)) is by using the union-find data structure. Union-find is a data structure that tracks elements that have been partitioned into disjoint subsets. When an element is searched (find(x)) in this data structure the tree is compressed so that each node's pointer between the root and X is switched from its parent to the root of the tree. The union(x,y) function uses find to determine if the nodes belong to the same subset compressing the trees in the process if they are separate trees then they are combined. The tree with the lower rank (height of the tree) is moved to point to the root of the larger rank tree.
Kruskal's uses the union-find data structure to check if vertices are connected yet. In general Kruskal's works by adding all the vertices into the union-find data structure then continuously adding the lowest edge assuming they are sorted in increasing order. When adding the lowest edge check if the vertices are connected, if not add that edge and perform a union between the two vertices.
Is this a right algorithm for finding minimal spanning tree.
Divide Graph into 2 equally connected parts. Find its minimal spanning trees. Connect them using the smallest edge that connects them. I am trying to get counterexample of this algorithm, but can't.
Consider a four-node graph, connected in a square, with the left edge having cost 10 and all other edges having cost 1. If you divide the graph into left and right for your recursive step, you will end up with a spanning tree of cost 12, instead of cost 3.
MST is not well-adapted to "divide-and-conquer" algorithms. The closest thing is probably the Reverse-Delete algorithm; whenever you fail to remove an edge (because it would disconnect the graph), you can think of the remaining steps as executing recursively on the two sides of that edge.
You have described a divide and conquer algorithm which will not work when determining an MST. Sneftel provided a good counter-example and recursively dividing the graph into two connected parts would be extremely costly.
Instead, a good approach to finding an MST would be to use a greedy algorithm such as Prim's algorithm. We know a greedy algorithm will work because this problem exhibits optimal substructure. For this algorithm, you will want to represent your graph as an adjacency list. First, start at an arbitrary node and add it to a visited list. Add all edges from this node into a min-heap. Include the cheapest edge in your MST and add the connecting node to your visited list. From that node add all edges to your min-heap and then select the cheapest edge to a node that has yet to be visited. Continue doing so until all nodes are visited. Once that is done you have your MST.
You can use other data structures to store the graph and the visited edges, but the ones I have outlined above will maximize the runtime. If we analyze the run-time with these data structures we can see that the runtime is O(E log V) which is the time to update the cost of the elements and maintaining your heap after an edge has been removed. More specifically O(log V) to fix the heap and that is done E number of times.
I also found this quick 2-minute video that outlines Prim's algorithm with an example: Prim's Algorithm in 2 Minutes
I hope this information is helpful!
I have a minimum spanning tree (MST) from a given graph. I am trying to compute the unique sub-path (which should be part of the MST, not the graph) for any two vertices but I am having trouble finding an efficient way of doing it.
So far, I have used Kruskal's algorithm (using Disjoint Data structure) to calculate the MST (for example: 10 vertices A to J).. But now I want to calculate the sub-path between C to E.. or J to C (assuming the graph is undirected).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If you want just one of these paths, doing a DFS on your tree is probably the easiest solution, depending on how you store your tree. If it's a proper graph, then doing a DFS is easy, however, if you only store parent pointers, it might be easier to find the least common ancestor of the two nodes.
To do so you can walk from both nodes u,v to the root r and then compare the r->u and r->v paths. The first node where they differ is the least common ancestor.
With linear preprocessing you can answer least common ancestor queries in constant time. If you want to find the paths between pairs of nodes often, you might want to consider implementing that data structure. This paper explains it quite nicely, I think.
I have to create a solution for a weighted undirected graph, passing through all the nodes, with a total minimum cost. Several paths, with no defined starting nodes, should end up and meet at one intersecting node. The number of the paths, and the number of the nodes included in a path are not pre-determined. The nodes can be passed more than once.
What kind of problem am I dealing with, possible algorithms as solution?
I suppose it should be a variation of a Minimum spanning tree (meaning using the intersection node as a starting point for the paths in stead of ending point)
It's called Minimum Cost Hamiltonian Circuit problem.
Here you can read more about it.
It is a tree you are looking for and the problem is Minimum Spanning Tree-- MST: building a tree that spans all the nodes in graph and the cost of edges on the tree is minimum possible. It is a polynomial problem. Prim and Kruskal each have well-known algorithms for the solution.
See's_algorithm for Kruskal's algorithm.
Note: the problem is NP-complete when the tree is supposed to span a given proper subset of nodes instead of all nodes in the graph. This time it is known as the Steiner Minimal Tree problem.
We know the original graph and the original MST. Now we change an edge's weight in the graph. Beside the Prim and the Kruskal, is there any way we can generate the new MST from the old one?
Here's how I would do it:
If the changed edge is in the original MST:
If its weight was reduced, then of course it must be in the new MST.
If its weight was increased, then delete it from the original MST and look for the lowest-weight edge that connects the two subtrees that remain (this could select the original edge again). This can be done efficiently in a Kruskal-like way by building up a disjoint-set data structure to hold the two subtrees, and sorting the remaining edges by weight: select the first one with endpoints in different sets. If you know a way of quickly deleting an edge from a disjoint-set data structure, and you built the original MST using Kruskal's algorithm, then you can avoid recomputing them here.
If its weight was increased, then of course it will remain outside the MST.
If its weight was reduced, add it to the original MST. This will create a cycle. Scan the cycle, looking for the heaviest edge (this could select the original edge again). Delete this edge. If you will be performing many edge mutations, cycle-finding may be sped up by calculating all-pairs shortest paths using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. You can then find all edges in the cycle by initially leaving the new edge out, and looking for the shortest path in the MST between its two endpoints (there will be exactly one such path).
Besides linear-time algorithm, proposed by j_random_hacker, you can find a sub-linear algorithm in this book: "Handbook of Data Structures and Applications" (Chapter 36) or in these papers: Dynamic graphs, Maintaining Minimum Spanning Trees in Dynamic Graphs.
You can change the problem a little while the result is same.
Get the structure of the original MST, run DFS from each vertice and
you can get the maximum weighted edge in the tree-path between each
vertice-pair. The complexity of this step is O(N ^ 2)
Instead of changing one edge's weight to w, we can assume we are
adding a new edge (u,v) into the original MST whose weight is w. The
adding edge would make a loop on the tree and we should cut one edge
on the loop to generate a new MST. It's obviously that we can only
compare the adding edge with the maximum edge in the path(a,b), The
complexity of this step is O(1)
Yes this is homework. I was wondering if someone could explain the process of Sollin's (or Borůvka's) algorithm for determining a minimum spanning tree. Also if you could explain how to determine the number of iterations in the worst case, that would be great.
On a top level, the algorithm works as follows:
Maintain that you have a number of spanning trees for some subgraphs. Initially, every vertex of the graph is a m.s.t. with no edges.
In each iteration, for each of your spanning trees, find a cheapest edge connecting it to another spanning tree. (This is a simplification.)
The worst case in terms of iterations is that you always merge pairs of trees. In that case, the number of trees you have will halve in each iteration, so the number of iterations is logarithmic in the number of nodes.
Also note that there is a special trick involved in choosing the edges to add: if you were not careful, you might introduce a circle when tree A connects to tree B, tree B connects to tree C and tree C connects to tree A. (This can only happen if all three edges chosen have the same weight. The trick is to have an arbitrary but fixed tie-breaker, like a fixed order of the edges.)
So there, that's my back-of-index-card overview.
I'm using the layman's terminology.
First select a vertex
Check all the edges from that vertex and select one with the minimum
Do this for all the vertices ( some edges may be selected more than
You will get connected components.
From these connected components select one edge with minimum weight.
Your spanning tree with minimum weight will be formed