How to get the new MST from the old one if one edge in the graph changes its weight? - algorithm

We know the original graph and the original MST. Now we change an edge's weight in the graph. Beside the Prim and the Kruskal, is there any way we can generate the new MST from the old one?

Here's how I would do it:
If the changed edge is in the original MST:
If its weight was reduced, then of course it must be in the new MST.
If its weight was increased, then delete it from the original MST and look for the lowest-weight edge that connects the two subtrees that remain (this could select the original edge again). This can be done efficiently in a Kruskal-like way by building up a disjoint-set data structure to hold the two subtrees, and sorting the remaining edges by weight: select the first one with endpoints in different sets. If you know a way of quickly deleting an edge from a disjoint-set data structure, and you built the original MST using Kruskal's algorithm, then you can avoid recomputing them here.
If its weight was increased, then of course it will remain outside the MST.
If its weight was reduced, add it to the original MST. This will create a cycle. Scan the cycle, looking for the heaviest edge (this could select the original edge again). Delete this edge. If you will be performing many edge mutations, cycle-finding may be sped up by calculating all-pairs shortest paths using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. You can then find all edges in the cycle by initially leaving the new edge out, and looking for the shortest path in the MST between its two endpoints (there will be exactly one such path).

Besides linear-time algorithm, proposed by j_random_hacker, you can find a sub-linear algorithm in this book: "Handbook of Data Structures and Applications" (Chapter 36) or in these papers: Dynamic graphs, Maintaining Minimum Spanning Trees in Dynamic Graphs.

You can change the problem a little while the result is same.
Get the structure of the original MST, run DFS from each vertice and
you can get the maximum weighted edge in the tree-path between each
vertice-pair. The complexity of this step is O(N ^ 2)
Instead of changing one edge's weight to w, we can assume we are
adding a new edge (u,v) into the original MST whose weight is w. The
adding edge would make a loop on the tree and we should cut one edge
on the loop to generate a new MST. It's obviously that we can only
compare the adding edge with the maximum edge in the path(a,b), The
complexity of this step is O(1)


Necessary to MST edges in a graph

Given a G(V,E) weighted(on edges) graph i need to find the number of edges that belong in every MST as well as the number of the edges that belong in at least one but not all and the ones that belong in none.
The graph is given as input in the following form(example):
3 3
1 2 1
1 3 1
2 3 2
First 3 is the number of nodes,second 3 is the number of edges.The following three lines are the edges where first number is where they start,second is where they end and third is the value.
I've thought about running kruskal once to find an MST and then for each edge belonging in G check in(linear?) time if it can be replace an edge in this MST without altering it's overall weight.If it can't it belongs in none.If it can it belongs in one but not all.I can also mark the edges in the first MST(maybe with a second value 1 or 0)and in the end check how many of them could not be replaced.These are the ones belonging in every possible MST. This algorithm is probably O(V^2) and i am not quite sure how to write it in C++.My questions are,could we somehow reduce it's complexity? If i add an edge to the MST how can i check(and implement in C++) if the cycle formed contains an edge that has less weight?
You can do this by adding some extra work to Kruskal's algorithm.
In Kruskal's algorithm, edges with the same weight can be in any order, and the order in which they are actually checked determines which MST you get out of all possible MSTs. For every MST, there is a sort-consistent order of the edges that will produce that tree.
No matter what sort-consistent order is used, the state of the union-find structure will be the same between weights.
If there is only one edge of a specific weight, then it is in every MST if Kruskal's algorithm selects it, because it would be selected with any sort-consistent edge order, and otherwise it is in no MSTs.
If there are multiple edges with the same weight, and Kruskal's algorithm would select at least one of them, then you can pause Kruskal's at that point and make a new (small) graph with just those edges that connect different sets, using the sets that they connect as vertices.
All of those edges are in at least one MST, because Kruskal's might pick them first. Any of those edges that are bridges in the new graph are in every MST, because Kruskal's would select them no matter what. See:
So, modify Kruskal's algorithm as follows:
When Kruskal's would select an edge, before doing the union, gather and process ALL the non-redundant edges with the same weight.
Make a small graph with those edges using the find() sets they connect as vertices
Use Tarjan's algorithm or equivalent (see the link) to find all the bridges in the graph. Those edges are in ALL MSTs.
The remaining edges in the small graph are in some, but not all, MSTs.
perform all the unions for edges in the small graph and move on to the next weight.
Since bridge-finding can be done in linear time, and every edge is in at most one small graph, the whole algorithm is still O(|V| + |E| log |E|).

Linear algorithm to make edge weights unique

I have a weighted graph, and I want to compute a new weighting function for the graph, such that the edge weights are distinct, and every MST in the new graph corresponds to an MST in the old graph.
I can't find a feasible algorithm. I doubled all the weights, but that won't make them distinct. I also tried doubling the weights and adding different constants to edges with the same weights, but that doesn't feel right, either.
The new graph will have only 1 MST, since all edges are distinct.
Very simple: we multiply all weights by a factor K large enough to ensure that our small changes cannot affect the validity of an MST. I'll go overboard on this one:
K = max(<sum of all graph weights>,
<quantity of edges>)
+ 1
Number the N edges in any order, 0 through N-1. To each edge weight, add the edge number. It's trivial to show that
the edge weights are now unique (new difference between different weights is larger than the changes);
any MST in the new graph maps directly to a corresponding MST in the
old one (each new path sum is K times the old one, plus a quantity smaller than K -- the comparison (less or greater than) on any two paths cannot be affected).
Yes, this is overkill: you can restrict the value of K quite a bit. However, making it that large reduces the correctness proofs to lemmas a junior-high algebra student can follow.
We definitely cannot guarantee that all of the MSTs in the old graph are MSTs in the new graph; a counterexample is the complete graph on three vertices where all edges have equal weights. So I assume that you do not require the construction to give all MSTs, as that is not possible in the general case.
Can we always make it so that the new graph's MSTs are a subset of the old graph's? This would be easy if we could construct a graph without a MST. Of course, that doesn't make any sense and is impossible, since all graphs have at least one MST. Is it possible to change edge weights so that only one of the old graph's MSTs is an MST for the new graph? I propose that this is possible in general.
Determine some MST of the old graph.
Construct a new graph with the same edges and vertices, but with weights assigned as follows:
if the edge in the new graph belongs to the MST determined in step 1, give it a unique weight between 1 and n, the number of edges in the graph.
otherwise, give the edge in the new graph a unique weight greater than or equal to n^2, the square of the number of edges in the graph.
Without proof, it seems like this should guarantee that only the nominated MST from the old graph is an MST of the new graph, and therefore every MST in the new graph (there is just the one) is an MST in the old graph.
Now, one could ask whether we can do the deed with additional restrictions:
Can you do it if you only want to change the values of edges that are not unique in the old graph?
Can you do it if you want to keep relative weights the same for edges which were unique in the old graph?
One could even pose optimization problems:
What is the minimum number of edge weights that must be changed to guarantee it?
What is the weighting with minimum distance (according to some metric) from the old weighting that guarantees it?
What is the weighting that minimizes the average change while also guaranteeing it?
I am hesitant to attempt these, what I believe to be much more difficult, problems.

Is there an O(|V|) algorithm for adding a new node to a minimum spanning tree, given the old minimum spanning tree from a graph?

I know that it can be updated in O(|V| + |E|) by using a DFS, but is it possible to update in O(|V|)?
Edit: If this isn't possible, how exactly would an O(|V| + |E|) algorithm work?
Updating Minimum Spanning Tree(MST) of a graph is not limited to connecting the new vertex to the existing MST. It should also be validated that the edges used in the initial MST are still the cheapest possible way to connect all the vertices. In some cases, vk may be such a node that it could overhaul the entire existing MST of a graph G. The new vertex and the edges that come along with it may form a cheaper way to connect the vertices of the graph, and consequently, some(or all) edges in the initial MST may become not the cheapest.
One such case can be constructed rather easily. Consider the initial graph G=(V={1,2,3}, E={(1, 2), (2, 3), (1, 3)}) in which each edge has the weight of 100. Then introduce a vertex 4, and edges from 4 to each other vertices, each with weight 1. The initial MST of G would have any two of the elements of E, but after the addition of the new node, the MST would be formed by entirely different edges.
Perhaps a clever data structure may yield you a better time complexity than O(|E|), but the need to check the validity(i.e. whether they are still the cheapest way of connecting all the vertices) of each edge of the initial MST as well as the newly added edges implies a time complexity dependent on the size of |E|. It is a valid idea that an initial MST may provide useful information that could help extend it to cover a new vertex with lesser time complexity. However, the definition of MST relies heavily on the graph itself, and updating the graph can possibly invalidate all of the initial MST, rendering the information it indicates regarding the graph useless. As a result, although I haven't exactly provided a mathematical proof here, I do not think there is an O(|V|) algorithm to update an MST when a new node(and edges to it) is added to a graph.

Minimum vertex cover

I am trying to get a vertex cover for an "almost" tree with 50,000 vertices. The graph is generated as a tree with random edges added in making it "almost" a tree.
I used the approximation method where you marry two vertices, add them to the cover and remove them from the graph, then move on to another set of vertices. After that I tried to reduce the number of vertices by removing the vertices that have all of their neighbors inside the vertex cover.
My question is how would I make the vertex cover even smaller? I'm trying to go as low as I can.
Here's an idea, but I have no idea if it is an improvement in practice:
From "Any connected graph decomposes into a tree of biconnected components called the block-cut tree of the graph." Furthermore, you can compute such a decomposition in linear time.
I suggest that when you marry and remove two vertices you do this only for two vertices within the same biconnected component. When you have run out of vertices to merge you will have a set of trees not connected with each other. The vertex cover problem on trees is tractable via dynamic programming: for each node compute the cost of the best answer if that node is added to the cover and if that node is not added to the cover. You can compute the answers for a node given the best answers for its children.
Another way - for all I know better - would be to compute the minimum spanning tree of the graph and to use dynamic programming to compute the best vertex cover for that tree, neglecting the links outside the tree, remove the covered links from the graph, and then continue by marrying vertices as before.
I think I prefer the minimum spanning tree one. In producing the minimum spanning tree you are deleting a small number of links. A tree with N nodes had N-1 links, so even if you don't get back the original tree you get back one with as many links as it. A vertex cover for the complete graph is also a vertex cover for the minimum spanning tree so if the correct answer for the full graph has V vertices there is an answer for the minimum spanning tree with at most V vertices. If there were k random edges added to the tree there are k edges (not necessarily the same) that need to be added to turn the minimum spanning tree into the full graph. You can certainly make sure these new edges are covered with at most k vertices. So if the optimum answer has V vertices you will obtain an answer with at most V+k vertices.
Here's an attempt at an exact answer which is tractable when only a small number of links are added, or when they don't change the inter-node distances very much.
Find a minimum spanning tree, and divide edges into "tree edges" and "added edges", where the tree edges form a minimum spanning tree, and the added edges were not chosen for this. They may not be the edges actually added during construction but that doesn't matter. All trees on N nodes have N-1 edges so we have the same number of added edges as were used during creation, even if not the same edges.
Now pretend you can peek at the answer in the back of the book just enough to see, for one vertex from each added edge, whether that vertex was part of the best vertex cover. If it was, you can remove that vertex and its links from the problem. If not, the other vertex must be so you can remove it and its links from the problem.
You now have to find a minimum vertex cover for a tree or a number of disconnected trees, and we know how to do this - see my other answer for a bit more handwaving.
If you can't peek at the back of the book for an answer, and there are k added edges, try all 2^k possible answers that might have been in the back of the book and find the best. If you are lucky then added link A is in a different subtree from added link B. In that case you can confine the two calculations needed for the two possibilities for added link A (or B) to the dynamic programming calculations for the relevant subtree so you have only doubled the work instead of quadrupled it. In general, if your k added edges are in k different subtrees that don't interfere with each other, the cost is multiplied by 2 instead of 2^k.
Minimum vertex cover is an NP complete algorithm, which means that you can not solve it in a reasonable time even for something like 100 vertices (not to mention 50k).
For a tree there is a polynomial time greedy algorithm which is based on DFS, but the fact that you have "random edges added" screws everything up and makes this algorithm useless.
Wikipedia has an article about approximation algorithm, claims that it reaches factor 2 and claims that no better algorithm is know, which makes it quit unlikely that you will find one.

Recursive minimal spanning tree algorithms

Is this a right algorithm for finding minimal spanning tree.
Divide Graph into 2 equally connected parts. Find its minimal spanning trees. Connect them using the smallest edge that connects them. I am trying to get counterexample of this algorithm, but can't.
Consider a four-node graph, connected in a square, with the left edge having cost 10 and all other edges having cost 1. If you divide the graph into left and right for your recursive step, you will end up with a spanning tree of cost 12, instead of cost 3.
MST is not well-adapted to "divide-and-conquer" algorithms. The closest thing is probably the Reverse-Delete algorithm; whenever you fail to remove an edge (because it would disconnect the graph), you can think of the remaining steps as executing recursively on the two sides of that edge.
You have described a divide and conquer algorithm which will not work when determining an MST. Sneftel provided a good counter-example and recursively dividing the graph into two connected parts would be extremely costly.
Instead, a good approach to finding an MST would be to use a greedy algorithm such as Prim's algorithm. We know a greedy algorithm will work because this problem exhibits optimal substructure. For this algorithm, you will want to represent your graph as an adjacency list. First, start at an arbitrary node and add it to a visited list. Add all edges from this node into a min-heap. Include the cheapest edge in your MST and add the connecting node to your visited list. From that node add all edges to your min-heap and then select the cheapest edge to a node that has yet to be visited. Continue doing so until all nodes are visited. Once that is done you have your MST.
You can use other data structures to store the graph and the visited edges, but the ones I have outlined above will maximize the runtime. If we analyze the run-time with these data structures we can see that the runtime is O(E log V) which is the time to update the cost of the elements and maintaining your heap after an edge has been removed. More specifically O(log V) to fix the heap and that is done E number of times.
I also found this quick 2-minute video that outlines Prim's algorithm with an example: Prim's Algorithm in 2 Minutes
I hope this information is helpful!
