Tibco sending erroneous data..? - tibco

I am testing Tibco Soap requests. From the image shown below, I am able to see that I am sending the correct XML in encoded form:
But on the receiving server, when the received data is logged, there seems to be extra XML tags whose source I cannot account for, as seen in this image:
Note the duplicate XML, in both encoded and un-encoded formats. What could be the cause of this?

Usually that depends where the text is displayed. string variables containing (serialized) xml data will show xml tags as single chars in the content view (once you click in the field). In source view you will see the xml-encoded version (< instead of <) in order to allow a full source view to contain xml data between xml tags.
They are both the same. Usually BW does not auto-convert strings on plain mappings (except frequent translations or literal CR and LFs).


Is it possible to store the raw data as plain text but have it show as rtf? When it saves to our database it has html tags which we don't want

I want the underlying data to be plain text, but the editing experience to be rtf-like.
The data is later passed to a SharePoint column that does not have rtf support (which I realize is easy to change), but for the sake of argument, I'd like SP to receive it as plain text.
Might be a contradiction but I saw some CKEditor methods and classes that suggested it might be possible. Like with the HtmlDataProcessor class. Any ideas?

JMeter - PDF Conversions Produces Blank PDF's

I know there are similar articles like PDF file conversion in JMeter but they do not answer the actual problem which is "when converting a PDF to a variable/object/property then back to PDF the document whilst the correct number of pages is 'whit on white'= blank.
is there a way to :
Create a runtime variable/object/property from an existing PDF file that can be used in a subsequent action.
Here other actions happen in the Test Plan but they do not
Convert the variable/object/property back to a pdf so that when viewed it does not contain just blanks.
Notes: I do not just wish to just copy a to pdf to pdf.
I have also tried creating a UDV form the pdf using the following posted on here without success too.
${__groovy(vars.putObject("hoping_its_a_pdf"), new File("my_original.pdf"))}
Reading other posts here I have also noticed strange character strings like "%âãÏÓ" when using both putObect and props.put when viewing them post creation but as the article said, most probably page break characters or similar so I have ignored those for now as I assumed it is the conversion and not the reason for the blank content.
Can someone please assist as this is now 4 weeks in and I still have white pdf's.
We cannot state what's wrong with the code which you're copying and pasting from some random sources.
There is not problem with storing the PDF file in JMeter Variables or properties and creating the file back from them.
There are 2 problems the only piece of "code" you're sharing:
Your way of using vars.putObject() function is wrong, it takes 2 parameters: variable name and the object value. See Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article for more information on this and other JMeter API shorthands
Apart from this the function itself is syntactically incorrect, you need to escape any comma in the function with a backslash
So if you change your:
${__groovy(vars.putObject("hoping_its_a_pdf"), new File("my_original.pdf"))}
${__groovy(vars.putObject('hoping_its_a_pdf'\, new File('my_original.pdf')),)}
at least this bit will start working as you expect.

SubscribeOPCNode processor, tag list

I am using SubscribeOPCNode processor to connect with a Kepware server. I have a tag list file, but I cant get it work due to text file format. Which kind of encoding or rules should I follow?? This is the text and it is correct.
Thanks for your support.

Extract data from same title but different xml response

I trying to extract data from xml response using RegEx. But problem is different xml response but same tag. How do i extract both of them.
This is first xml
This is second xml
As u see there are same tag named "AcctId" but contain different data.
In the first case the value you're looking for is under CAAcctId tag
In the second case the value you're looking for is under AcctId tag
just amend your regex to check the previous line and it should start working as you expect.
Also given you're getting XML it might make more sense to go for XPath Extractor which allows executing arbitrary XPath queries to fetch data from XML/XHTML responses, it will be more readable, robust and reliable than trying to parse XML with regular expressions which are sensitive to markup change

Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application

I am confuse that what argument should i pass in CGPDFDictionaryGetString function for "key"?I want to extract text and image from PDF file.
The method you have specified is normally used for extracting a String COS object, and will probably be of little direct use in getting the text off the PDF page. COS objects are stored within the PDF's document catalog tree. You normally acquire a COS object in the tree by using its key value. COS objects can be of several different types (Dictionary, Array, Number, String, Stream etc.) each type is identified with a key that allows it to be identified and retrieved via methods like:
I've never had the need to extract the on-page text myself, but looking over a simple PDF file, the on-page text seems to be in the page's "Contents" stream.
So in your case you probably want to do something like
1) Get the Document Catalog
2) Get the 'Pages' Dictionary
3) Get Page(n) that you are concerned with
4) Get that page's "Contents" stream and parse it for the text.
Images are normally stored under the page's "Resource" dictionary (which resides at the same level as the "Contents" stream.
If you want to get a better understanding of the COS object tree and its structure, you can view it for the currently viewed PDF using Acrobat's "Preflight" utility. Under the Advanced menu: Preflight... | options | Browse Internal PDF structure...
And of course, flipping through the official spec is a good Idea:
Hope that helps!
