Is PESDK compatible with React 16.2? - photoeditorsdk

I am using React 16.2 and am running into issues when integrating PESDK
ERROR in ./~/photoeditorsdk/js/PhotoEditorSDK.UI.DesktopUI.Controls.Adjustments.min.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'photoeditorsdk/PhotoEditorSDK.UI.DesktopUI.Core'
When pretty much following the example from the demo repo
I also tried to clone the demo repo, and update it to React 16.2 and the latest PESDK version (4.3.0) and got the same issue
Is this compatible with React 16.2, and if not, do you have plans to support this in the near future?

The SDK is compatible with React 16.2.
The error you encounter is fixed in v4.3.1 that we released today.
Also take a look at our react demo integration at


How can I solve this error when using react-native and react-native-ble-plx on iOS?

I am trying to develop an iOS (and Android) app using react-native and react-native-ble-plx. It works perfectly on Android, but I constantly get the same error on iOS. I have even started a brand new react-native project from scratch in an effort to narrow it down to the lowest common denominator, and this issue happens each time I try to run it after adding and linking the react-native-ble-plx package.
I've tried clearing caches and rebooting
I've tried rolling back to previous versions
I've tried embedding the 3rd party package to the embedded binaries, but I'm unsure what to add (I don't see a .framework file)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've already invested about 40 hours trying to figure this out, and I'm stumped.
I'm new to iOS development, so I'm not sure what information is would help, but here are the versions to several things:
OS: maxOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6
Xcode: Version 9.4.1 (9F2000)
Swift: Version 4.1.2 (swiftlang-902.0.54 clang-902.0.39.2)
react: Version 16.4.1
react-native: Version 0.56.0
react-native-ble-plx: Version 0.9.1
npm: Version: 6.2.0
Yarn: Version 1.7.0
Carthage: Version 0.30.1
In case anybody else was as stumped as I was, maybe this will help.
I submitted this to another site, and was graciously helped by another user there. He created this repo, which works perfectly.
I haven't taken the time to figure out what I did wrong just yet (time crunch), but hopefully this will help others.

Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/firebase/messaging/FirebaseMessagingService

I'm struggling to solve the following issue:
Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/firebase/messaging/FirebaseMessagingService
Here is my Log:
Im using Xamarin Forms with Microsoft.AppCenter.Push 1.8.0, Android API 27
I have researched and applied possible solutions (double/triple checked):
Deleted Bin/Obj folders
Enabled Multi-Dex
Updated Google Play Services
Issue comes when I try to configure the AppCenter Push:
AppCenter.Start(AppConfig.AppCenterAndroidKey, typeof(Analytics), typeof(Crashes), typeof(Push));
Update 1 : Downgraded the Microsoft AppCenter and Push to 1.7 and it is working for me.

nativescript-angular/application cannot find module

am developing an app using nativescript and angular2 with angular2seed advanced. while developing this app face a problem ie,while giving
import {nativeScriptBootstrap} from "nativescriptangular/application";
Cannot find module 'nativescript-angular/application'.am new to this how can i solve this issue.Thanks in advance.
"nativescript-angular": "0.6.0",
Your nativescript-angular package version is a bit old - a lot of things has been deprecated and a number of breaking changes were introduced in the latest versions of Angular-2 so you should use the latest nativescript-angular version (currently 1.1.2) which is up to date with the latest versions of Angular-2 as well.
With the new versions the bootstrapping of NativeScript app is done with these imports:
import { platformNativeScriptDynamic, NativeScriptModule } from "nativescript-angular/platform";\
For example take a look at this sample application or the advanced-seed nativescript app

"Expected a type" errors using GeoFire with Firebase 3.2.1

I'm getting some errors after updating from Firebase 2.5.1. It seems to me that GeoFire has lost some critical components, and being a beginner I am immediately lost. Has anyone seen this issue yet?
Below is a screenshot of my list of errors.
To add a little more info, here are the lines where the errors are occurring in GFQuery.h:
- (FirebaseHandle)observeEventType:(GFEventType)eventType withBlock:(GFQueryResultBlock)block;
- (FirebaseHandle)observeReadyWithBlock:(GFReadyBlock)block;
- (void)removeObserverWithFirebaseHandle:(FirebaseHandle)handle;
The current geofire version is not compatible with Firebase 3 the team is currently working in a compatible version
You can follow the issue here

Playground in Swift won't use Firebase

As u probably all might know Firebase made a Version jump and I am trying to get my setup working with the Xcode Playground.
There is a reference how to implement Firebase in Playground with older versions of Cocoapods and Ruby but that won't really work for me swift playground for experimenting with firebase. Even though Firebase implementation in the Project itself works fine and i can import my Firebase it won't work on a Playground any more.
Does somebody know how to add a working setup with a Playground and Firebase?
Software in use:
Cocoapods: 2.6.4
Pod: 1.0
Xcode: 7.3.1
Firebase: 3.2.0
Any help or clues here for me?
I created a Framework and then imported into my Playground. Make sure you properly target the framework in the Podfile:
target 'YourApp' do
pod 'Firebase/Core'
target 'YourAppFramework' do
Once you build the framework then import:
import AppFramework
import FirebaseCore
Most things will work, except for Auth related functions.
