How to get Method extensions from gRPC - go

I am using interceptors to perform additional validation based on the optional extensions set on an RPC on incoming and out going RPCs.
Given the following gRPC schema:
extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions {
string my_option = 50006;
service MyService {
rpc Foo (FooRequest) returns (FooResponse) {
option (my_option) = "foo"
How do I go about getting the value of my_option? At first I had thought to get it from the request using this. However, as this is a MethodOptions it doesn't seem that its part of the descriptor. Thoughts?

Found the following answer for those who get here in the future.


Is there known way to add new syntax features to Protobuf?

Protobuf provides service keyword that defines rpc-interface of one application.
I also want to use concept of entity which means that is part of service (one service contains multiple entities). Each entity type has own unique identifier that gives possibility to address different entities in service.
I would like to use proto like this
message UserReq {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;
message RegReq {
uint8 result_code = 1;
message RemoteEntityInterface
MyEntity entity = 1;
message GiveItemResult
uint8 result_code = 1;
service MyService {
rpc RegisterUser (UserReq) returns (RegReq) {}
rpc Login(UserReq) returns (RemoteEntityInterface) {}
entity MyEntity
rpc GiveItem (GiveItemReq) returns (GiveItemResult) {}
As you can see in example, I used unknown for protobuf keyword entity, this keyword means that MyService can return the interface to some remote object (MyEntity) by using Login remote method.
What are the ways to do this? (maybe write plugin or known way to modify source code of protobuf). Or maybe there are more flexible solutions than protobuf?
I also would like to use multiple parameters per one rpc; adding java-like attributes to rpc; service and entity; and data-model for entity (variables/fields) to add real-time replication support from entity to another service.
I think it is very flexible for services in game-development.
The only official way to extend .proto syntax is to define custom options.
For example, you could have something like:
extend google.protobuf.ServiceOptions {
optional bool is_entity = 123456;
service MyEntity
option (is_entity) = true;
rpc GiveItem (GiveItemReq) returns (GiveItemResult) {}
The default code generator will not do anything special with this option, but you can access it from your own code and from a protoc plugin if you write one.

Build proto3 gRPC API with overloaded endpoints

I am fairly new to API building, so this may be a broader question than I originally posed.
I am creating an API in Golang (using protobuf 3 and gRPC) that has two similar endpoints:
GET /project/genres
GET /project/{id}
The problem is that when I run curl localhost:8080/project/genres, the pattern matching results in the /project/{id} endpoint getting called with genres as the id. Is there some simple way around this, or do I have to build something into the server code to call the proper function based on the type?
I also tried flipping the ordering of these definitions, just in case the pattern matching had some order of operations that I didn't know about, but this didn't make a difference.
Here are the definitions in my proto file:
message EmptyRequest { }
message ProjectRequest {
string id = 1;
message GenreResponse {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message ProjectResponse {
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2;
service ProjectService {
rpc GetProject(ProjectRequest) returns (ProjectResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/project/{id}"
rpc GetGenres(EmptyRequest) returns (GenreResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/project/genres"
I was able to specify a check in the url path template to get around this issue:
rpc GetGenres(EmptyRequest) returns (GenreResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/project/{id=genres}"
This seems to have fixed the problem. I don't know if there are other solutions, or if this is the right way to do this, but I'm happy to accept other answers if something better comes in.

How to mock webclient in Kotlin and spring boot for unit tests with mockk framework?

I have the following piece of code in Kotlin (using WebFlux), which I wanna test:
fun checkUser(user: People.User?): Mono<Unit> =
if (user==null) {
} else {
webClient.get().uri {
uriBuilder -> uriBuilder
//... building a URI
.doOnError {
//log something
}.map {
if (!item.isUserValid()) {
throw InvalidUserException()
My unit test so far looks like this:
fun `Returns error when user is invalid`() {
val user = People.User("name", "lastname", "street", "zip code")
However when I run it, it throw the following error:
io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: WebClient(#1).get()
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.defaultAnswer(MockKStub.kt:90)
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.answer(MockKStub.kt:42)
at io.mockk.impl.stub.MockKStub.handleInvocation(MockKStub.kt:263)
at io.mockk.impl.instantiation.JvmMockFactoryHelper$mockHandler$1.invocation(JvmMockFactoryHelper.kt:25)
I guess the error occurs because I havent mocked WebClient(#1).get() but I am not sure how to mock it. So far I have tried:
every { webClient.get() } returns WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec
but it doesnt compile. The error says:
Classifier 'RequestHeadersUriSpec' does not have a companion object, and thus must be initialized here
Someone knows how I can mock WebClient(#1).get()? Thanks in advance
Basically you need something like this:
mock ResponseSpec - mock the body or error in whichever way you need for the respective test case
mock RequestHeadersUriSpec - let the retrieve() method return the ResponseSpec mock
mock WebClient - let the get() method return the RequestHeadersUriSpec mock
Here is a full example:
val response = mockk<WebClient.ResponseSpec>()
val spec = mockk<WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<*>>()
val client = mockk<WebClient>()
every { response.bodyToMono( } returns Mono.just("Hello StackOverflow")
every { spec.retrieve() } returns response
every { client.get() } returns spec
This will correctly print the Hello StackOverflow string.
Though it may be a "historical" question, I actually also had this problem recently.
Just as what Krause mentioned, the full call path of WebClient should be mocked. This means the method stream in every{} block should as the same as WebClient call. In your case, it may be something like
every{webClient.get().uri {???}.retrieve().bodyToMono(???)} returns Mono.just(...)
The next question is something about the error message io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: RequestBodyUriSpec(#3).uri(......). The key to the question is methods with parameters and without parameters are totally different things.
Thus, for target method, a uri(Function<UriBuilder, URI> uriFunction) is called(a lambda expression is used here to instead of Function interface). However, for mock method, a uri() method without any parameter is called. This is why the error message said , "no answer found for ...". Therefore, in order to match the mocked method, the code should be:
every{webClient.get().uri(any<java.util.function.Function<UriBuilder, URI>>()).retrieve().bodyToMono(???)} returns Mono.just(...)
Or, the any() method can be changed to the real URI which should be as the same as the target method.
Similarly, bodyToMono() should also be mocked with the correct parameter, which may be bodyToMono(any<ParameterizedTypeReference<*>>()).
Finally, the mock code may look like:
.uri(any<java.util.function.Function<UriBuilder, URI>>())
return Mono.just(...)

Spring Cloud Contract with Spring AMQP

So I've been trying to use Spring Cloud Contract to test RabbitListener.
So far I have found out that by defining "triggeredBy" in contract, the generated test will call the method provided there and so we will need to provide the actual implementation of what that method do in the TestBase.
Another thing is "outputMessage", where we can verify whether the method call before have correctly resulting on some message body sent to certain exchange.
Source: documentation and sample
My question is, is there any way to produce the input message from the contract, instead of triggering own custom method?
Perhaps something similar like Spring Integration or Spring Cloud Stream example in the documentation:
Contract.make {
name("Book Success")
input {
messageFrom ''
messageHeaders {
header('contentType': 'application/json')
header('otherMessageHeader': '1')
messageBody ([
bookData: someData
outputMessage {
sentTo ''
headers {
header('contentType': 'application/json')
header('otherMessageHeader': '2')
bookResult: true
I couldn't find any examples in their sample project that show how to do this.
Having used spring cloud contract to document and test rest api services, if possible I would like to stay consistent by defining both the input and expected output in contract files for event based services.
Never mind, actually its already supported.
For unknown reason the documentation in "Stub Runner Spring AMQP" does not list the scenario like others previous sample.
Here is how I make it works:
Contract.make {
name("Amqp Contract")
input {
messageFrom ''
messageHeaders {
header('contentType': 'text/plain')
header('amqp_receivedRoutingKey' : 'my.routing.key')
outputMessage {
sentTo ''
headers {
header('contentType': 'text/plain')
header('amqp_receivedRoutingKey' : 'your.routing.key')
This will create a test that will call your listener based on "" and "my.routing.key" triggering the handler method.
It will then capture the message and routing key on your RabbitTemplate call to "".
verify(this.rabbitTemplate, atLeastOnce()).send(eq(destination), routingKeyCaptor.capture(),
messageCaptor.capture(), any(CorrelationData.class));
Both message and routing key then will be asserted.

Can I define a grpc call with a null request or response?

Does the rpc syntax in proto3 allow null requests or responses?
e.g. I want the equivalent of the following:
rpc Logout;
rpc Status returns (Status);
rpc Log (LogData);
Or should I just create a null type?
message Null {};
rpc Logout (Null) returns (Null);
rpc Status (Null) returns (Status);
rpc Log (LogData) returns (Null);
Kenton's comment below is sound advice:
... we as developers are really bad at guessing what we might want in the future. So I recommend being safe by always defining custom params and results types for every method, even if they are empty.
Answering my own question:
Looking through the default proto files, I came across Empty that is exactly like the Null type I suggested above :)
excerpt from that file:
// A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
// empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
// or the response type of an API method. For instance:
// service Foo {
// rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// }
message Empty {
You also can use predefined:
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package MyPackage;
service MyService {
rpc Check(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
you can also use another bool property inside the Reply structure. like this
message Reply {
string result = 1;
bool found = 2;
so if you dont find the result or some error happened you can return from the service class this
return new Reply()
Found = false
