Providing a meaningful default directory name in GIMP Scheme (script-Fu) - scheme

I'm a total newbie to Scheme (about 1 week).
I'm registering a script for which the second parameter is an output directory name - via SF-DIRNAME. How do I supply a meaningful default to the front-end widget that does not use host platform-specific names? Ideally, I'd like it to be '/Users/[username]' - or if possible - the Scheme equivalent of ${PWD}. As an illustration, when you create a new image and hit 'Save' for the first time, the default directory there is '/Users/[username]/Documents' - so it must be possible. How does the widget know what your user home directory is? How can this be referred to in the default field of the registration statement? Finally, it would be really nice if Gimp could 'remember' which output directory was selected last time (within the scope of the lifetime of the Gimp instance) and offer that up as the default on the second and subsequent invocations of the script. I've scoured hundreds of other people's scripts, the Gimp community pages and the Scheme documentation and I've found, literally, nothing on this requirement. Thanks in advance. VV

Gimp uses the GTKFileChooser widget, and there is nothing you can do in your script to make it different from the other instances of GTKFileChooser used in Gimp.
But what you supply as a default name can be a variable, it doesn't need to be a static string, and it can be set by any means available in to your Scheme interpreter at the time of registration (looking for the HOME environment variable, for instance).
Btw, if you are new to this, write your scripts in Python, it is both easier and more powerful.


A new language, how to auto-complete in windows vim?

I'm using Gvim in windows.
Normally, when we type some character then press Ctrl-n, vim will show some tag, but those tags just includes words which have been pre-typed in the current file.
Now, I need it working in a new language, and show the tag which has been defined in other files.
So, I create a new \\.ctags for this new language, and generate tags file by exuberant-ctags.
I can choose a function in current file, then press Ctrl-] to jump to the function definition, but this function was define in the other files. It is working very well.
I don't know how to make it show the tags which are generated by ctags when I type some character.
Please help me. Thanks very much.
My English is poor, I hope you can understand what I said.
CTRL-N is just the default completion (which completes from a variety of sources, including the open buffers and also the tags database). There are many more specialized completions (all starting with CTRL-X), among them tags completion, triggered via CTRL-X CTRL-], see :help i_CTRL-X_CTRL-]. If you've correctly configured the 'tags' option (so your tags database is found) and tags jumps do work, just start using that.
Some languages / filetypes also define a language-specific completion (for language keywords etc.), usually via the 'omnifunc' option and triggered by CTRL-X CTRL-O. You could write such yourself, too.

Change Xcode 5 file template value for ___FULLUSERNAME___

Is it possible to change the value Xcode 5 substitutes for ___FULLUSERNAME___ when expanding file templates? Looks like this was possible in the past via defaults but it now pulls from the system's full username.
My problem is that I have two user accounts, one work and one personal. I like this separation, however, OSX prevents setting the same full username value on both accounts. I was surprised by this restriction since I assumed it was just a UI thing since the underlying account names are obviously different. Alternatively, I would accept an answer that works around this limitation.
I don't want to copy all the standard templates into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File\ Templates/ and do a find a replace with my name since that creates duplicates of every template.
I achieve this by renaming my user name of OS X, check this document by Apple.

Debugging a Scheme program

I am using Festival, a text-to-speech synthesizer, for a project. It has a Scheme scripting language. I'm very new to scheme and hope someone can help. I just want to see the current configuration parameters of Festival. I have a Scheme prompt and can change existing parameters with the following commands:
festival> (Parameter.set 'Horse 3)
festival> (Parameter.get 'Horse)
Now, I'd like to see every parameter at once, instead of just one at a time. Is there a simple Scheme command to do this?
Look at how Parameter is internally represented. If it is an association list, you can just print it. You can also try these free Scheme debuggers:

General Purpose Filter As You Type (aka typeahead, Incremental find, autocomplete) is it out there?

Lately I've become a fanatic that everything I type while working on a computer should be compatible with "DRY". If there's anything I have to type more than once in any context, I want some kind of user-aware auto-complete option to do some of the work for me -- always -- no exceptions.
Having to work under Windows, I've looked at GUI solutions to make this insane goal a reality.
The (almost) optimal solution
If you have a moment, open up Firefox 3.0 and type a few keystrokes into the address bar. You will notice that it performs a kind of Incremental Autocomplete based on space-separated sub-strings of whatever you type. Another place in Firefox that does something similar is the about:config URL.
This is sub-optimal, because I don't want this in Firefox only. I want to use this everywhere.
The Question
Does anyone out there know of a widget or app that does nothing but insanely good incremental auto-complete that can be used as a general purpose "run everywhere" tool? Something that allows the user to: 1) maintain one or more "completion candidate files"; 2) pick one of those files as the source for Firefox 3.0 style completion; 3) return the result (or blank if the user canceled), and do those three things only?
Here's how it should work:
STEP1: user saves or more csv file(s) (or other easy-edit format) somewhere in his hard-drive
STEP2: user creates a Windows Script Host script or a batch file (or whatever) instantiates the FilterAsYouType GUI
STEP3: user runs the script file, and the script file instantiates the GUI, telling it which CSV file to use as the source of all potential completions
STEP4: the user either chooses one of the completions, supplies his own text that is not in the list, or cancels out without supplying anything
STEP5: when the user is done the script saves the result to a variable and does something with it
Here is some pseudo-code for the script:
include "GenericTypeaheadWidget";
var gengui = new GenericTypaheadWidget('c:\docs\favorite_foods.csv');
var fave_food = gengui.get_user_input();
if(fave_food != ''){
alert('you chose '+fave_food+'!');
The rationale
The goal is to just have a way to always be able to do auto-completions from a list of arbitrary items, even if the list is a couple thousand items, and not have to rely on it being built into some IDE or standalone application that only accepts certain kinds of input or has an overly-complicated API relative to the simplicity of this task.
CSV (or text or sqlite database) would provide a way for me to self-generate "candidate lists" or "history logs" and then just use those logs as the source of the possible completions.
The disclaimer
I've tried several GUI "launcher" programs, command-line engines like power-shell and scripting shells, the regular plain old command-line history with varying degrees of satisfaction. The problem with these is they all do extra superfluous stuff like searching directories or built-in commands. I just want nothing but whatever is in the CSV file I happen to be pointing at.
I'm wondering if there is any simple tool that does nothing but what I'm describing above.
UPDATE: It looks like this question is very closely related to Graphical Command Shell, which captures the essential idea presented here.
You should really try Launchy - it's exactly what you're looking for, a "run anything" with intelligent autocompletion. It completely changes the way you interact with a Windows PC.
And it has open source-code, so you can borrow its autocompletion code if you want to roll your own interface.

What are the best practices for building multi-lingual applications on win32?

I have to build a GUI application on Windows Mobile, and would like it to be able user to choose the language she wants, or application to choose the language automatically. I consider using multiple dlls containing just required resources.
1) What is the preferred (default?) way to get the application choose the proper resource language automatically, without user intervention? Any samples?
2) What are my options to allow user / application control what language should it display?
3) If possible, how do I create a dll that would contain multiple language resources and then dynamically choose the language?
For #1, you can use the GetSystemDefaultLangID function to get the language identifier for the machine.
For #2, you could list languages you support and when the user selects one, write the selection into a text file or registry (is there a registry on Windows Mobile?). On startup, use the function in #1 only if there is no selection in the file or registry.
For #3, the way we do it is to have one resource DLL per language, each of which contains the same resource IDs. Once you figure out the language, load the DLL for that language and the rest just works.
Re 1: The previous GetSystemDefuaultLangID suggestion is a good one.
Re 2: You can ask as a first step in your installation. Or you can package different installers for each language.
Re 3:
In theory the DLL method mentioned above sounds great, however in practice it didn't work very well at all for me personally.
A better method is to surround all of the strings in your program with either: Localize or NoLocalize.
MessageBox(Localize("Hello"), Localize("Title"), MB_OK);
RegOpenKey(NoLocalize("\\SOFTWARE\\RegKey"), ...);
Localize is just a function that converts your english text to a the selected language. NoLocalize does nothing.
You want to surround your strings with these values though because you can build a couple of useful scripts in your scripting language of choice.
1) A script that searches for all the Localize(" prefixes and outputs a .ini file with english=otherlangauge name value pairs. If the output .ini file already contains a mapping you don't add it again. You never re-create the ini file completely, your script just adds the missing ones each time you run your script.
2) A script that searches all the strings and makes sure they are surrounded by either Localize(" or NoLocalize(". If not it tells you which strings you still need to localize.
The reason #2 is important is because you need to make sure all of your strings are actually consciously marked as needing localization or not. Otherwise it is absolutely impossible to make sure you have proper localization.
The reason for #1 instead of loading from a DLL is because it takes no work to maintain this solution and you can add new strings that need to be translated on the fly.
You ship the ini files that are output with your program. You also give these ini files to your translators so they can convert the english=otherlanguage pairs. When they send it back to you, you simply replace your checked in .ini file with the one given by your translator. Running your script as mentioned in #1 will re-add any missing translations if any were done while the translator was translating.
