Laravel Query Result Issue: query is returning empty array even there is data exist into database - laravel-5

I am working on laravel 5.4. I am trying to get data from database using below query:
$obj = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('A')
->join('B', 'A.Intake', '=', 'B.Id')
->join('C', 'B.StreamId', '=', 'C.StreamId')
->select(\Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::raw('DISTINCT(C.StreamId) As StreamId'))
->where('A.YearId', $yearId);
$streamIds = $obj->get()->toArray();
The above query is returning empty results. I have also debug the query generated by laravel. Below is the raw query generating by laravel on the basis of above conditions:
select DISTINCT(C.StreamId) As StreamId from A
inner join B on A.Intake = B.CentreStreamId
inner join C on B.StreamId = C.StreamId
where A.YearId = '12'
When I run the above raw query directly in my database, then it returns me some records. But when I try to get records in laravel then it returns me empty results.
I am not able to get the issue with the above query. Can someone please tell me why it is returning empty results set? If there is any issue with above query builder syntax then please correct my query.
Thanks in Advance.


why when i select all data is showing but when i use find or where data not showing even if i check with dd

some make me confusing in laravel when i use all() data is showing but when i select find or where data not showing when i use dd function in laravel
//$regency = Regency::find(1101);
//$regency = Regency::where('number','=',$prov_id);
$regency = DB::table('regencies')->where('province_id', $prov_id);
i try use eloquent and query builder but still same result.
those is result in dd if i using query builder, but why when i use select all data is showing
What you are showing is the Query Builder you need to execute it with ->get() to get the Collection.
You have to get the data from the query builder in order to receive the results as a collection of objects
// $regency = Regency::findOrFail(1101);
// $regency = Regency::where('number', $prov_id)->get();
$regency = DB::table('regencies')->where('province_id', $prov_id)->get();
Writing a query builder just produces the SQL query but doesn't actually execute/run it
Hope this helps

Not getting all the table data while executing the laravel query

Link for table
link for expected result, after group by 'receiver_user_id' and recent time
I have used the laravel query:-
$sub = BaseMessagesHistory::select('messages_history.*')->orderBy('created_at','DESC');
$chats = DB::table(DB::raw("({$sub->toSql()}) as sub"))
->select('receiver_user_id',DB::raw('max(created_at) as recent_time'))
I am getting only "recent_time" and "receiver_user_id"
Expectation:- I need whole data from table not only "recent_time" and "receiver_user_id"
So can you please help me out
It will return you only those columns which you mentioned in the select().
In your query, you mentioned only receriver_user_id and recent_time.
->select('receiver_user_id',DB::raw('max(created_at) as recent_time'))
You need to add all those columns in select() which you need.
Or try this ->select('sub.*',DB::raw('max(created_at) as recent_time'))
Hope this helps. Ask in case of doubt.

no results if setting more than 2 parameters to the querybuilder - laravel-doctrine/orm + Lumen + oracle

I am facing a strange problem trying to execute a simple request using laravel-doctrine/orm v1.2.5 on Lumen v5.2.7. with an Oracle database.
When I create a query with the query builder containing more than 2 parameters, I get no results, even though I am expecting a result set.
$conn = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection();
$queryBuilder = $conn->createQueryBuilder();
->where('SYNCHS.CLIENT_ID = :clientId')
->andWhere('SYNCHS.TOP_CLIENT_ID = :topClientId')
->andWhere('SYNCHS.ID = :synchId');
$queryBuilder->setParameter('clientId', $clientId)
->setParameter('topClientId', $topClientId)
->setParameter('synchId', $synchId);
echo $queryBuilder->getSQL();
$stmt = $queryBuilder->execute();
$results = $stmt->fetchAll();
If I comment any one of the where/addwhere clause, I end up with the expected result set, but if I have more than 2 parameters bound in the query, it returns nothing (of course it should return something with the passed parameters).
For every scenari:
I can see all my parameters are bound in the query builder var_dump($queryBuilder->getParameters());
Copy paste of the echo $queryBuilder->getSQL(); in Toad (oracle) setting the parameters with the values displayed by the var_dump($queryBuilder->getParameters()); give me 1 row (expected result). So I am sure that my query is correct.
I've looked for hours on google but no relevant result appeared for this problem. Thanks

Using Laravel's toSql on queries using 'with' clause

I'm working in Laravel and I'm interested in checking the SQL statements generated by a Eloquent query that includes a with() statement. For some reason I'm getting only the main query. For example, when I run
class Child extends EloquentVersioned {
public function childRequests()
return $this->hasMany('ChildRequest');
$childQuery = Child::orderBy('last_name')->orderBy('first_name')->with( 'childRequests');
return $childQuery->toSql();
I get back:
select `children`.* from `children` order by `last_name` asc, `first_name` asc
How do I get back the SQL for the with('childRequests') query?
Actually, when using with then Laravel uses another query for that so you are not getting that query output but if you use DB::getQueryLog() then you'll get all the query logs and to get your log you may run the actual query, for example:
Child::orderBy('last_name')->orderBy('first_name')->with( 'childRequests')->get();
Now try this:
dd(DB::getQueryLog()); // an array of all queries
You'll get an output of your queries and you may find the last query using:
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
dd(end($queries)); // only last query
If you get no results on DB::getQueryLog() then the Query Logger may be disabled at all and you have to use DB::enableQueryLog() before.

When using entity framework Where does this syntax return all records locally before doing the where

db.AdDetails.Where( u => u.OwnerGUID == CurrentUserProviderKey)
I have an adDetails table that has an OwnerGUID field.
I want to pull out only ad details that belong to the currenly logged in user.
My query does not show any where clauses in the SQL when I look at it in the debugger.
Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my statement and if all rows in the table will be brought back then all 10K records put though a where on the webserver?
I am really new to this.
Using the Where extension method will filter down the results.
Queries in Entity Framweork are not executed until you iterate over them. If you do:
var query = db.Where(u => u.OwnerGUID == key);
This does not execute the query. When you do the following:
var list = list.ToList();
foreach( var item in query) { ... }
That is when the query will be executed in SQL. The results should be filtered with your WHERE clause at this point.
