When using entity framework Where does this syntax return all records locally before doing the where - linq

db.AdDetails.Where( u => u.OwnerGUID == CurrentUserProviderKey)
I have an adDetails table that has an OwnerGUID field.
I want to pull out only ad details that belong to the currenly logged in user.
My query does not show any where clauses in the SQL when I look at it in the debugger.
Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my statement and if all rows in the table will be brought back then all 10K records put though a where on the webserver?
I am really new to this.

Using the Where extension method will filter down the results.
Queries in Entity Framweork are not executed until you iterate over them. If you do:
var query = db.Where(u => u.OwnerGUID == key);
This does not execute the query. When you do the following:
var list = list.ToList();
foreach( var item in query) { ... }
That is when the query will be executed in SQL. The results should be filtered with your WHERE clause at this point.


.Where in LinQ not working correctly

I have Documents table and Signs table. Document record can be related with many records in Signs table.
Now, I want to get all records of Documents table when document ID appears in Signs table.
Here I get all documents:
var documents = (from c in context.documents select c);
Here I get all my signs and save into List:
var myDocuments = (from s in context.signs where s.UserId== id select s.ID).ToList();
This list contains collection on document ID.
And here, I'm trying to get all documents that exists in myDocuments list:
documents.Where(item => myDocuments.Contains(item.ID));
But, when I do .ToList() allways return all records (in database only exists one compatible record)
What is wrong in LinQ statement?
The problem is that this statement doesn't modify the contents of documents, it merely returns the results (which you're not doing anything with):
documents.Where(item => myDocuments.Contains(item.ID));
documents is still the full list.
Change this line to something like:
var matchingIDDocs = documents.Where(item => myDocuments.Contains(item.ID));
And then use matchingIDDocs in place of "documents" later in your code.

How do I get a Distinct list to work with EF 4.x DBSet Context and the IEqualityComparer?

I have been trying for hours to get a Distinct to work for my code.
I am using EF 4.3, MVC3, Razor and trying to get a list downto product id and name.
When I run the Sql query against the DB, it's fine.
Sql Query is
The only other column in that table is a country code so that's why a standard distinct() isn't working.
I have gone as far as creating an IEqualityComparer
Here is code:
public class DistinctProduct : IEqualityComparer<PRODUCT>
public bool Equals(PRODUCT x, PRODUCT y)
return x.ProductId.Equals(y.ProductId);
public int GetHashCode(PRODUCT obj)
return obj.ProductId.GetHashCode();
here is where I called it.
IEqualityComparer<PRODUCT> customComparer = new DistinctProduct();
IEnumerable<PRODUCT> y = db.PRODUCTs.Distinct(customComparer);
But when it hit's that Last line I get an error out of it stating...
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[MyService.Models.PRODUCT] Distinct[PRODUCT](System.Linq.IQueryable`1[MyService.Models.PRODUCT], System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[MyService.Models.PRODUCT])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Is there any reason you could just not use a distinct like the following?
var distinctProdcts = (from p in db.PRODUCTs
select new {
ProductId = p.ProductId,
Product_Name = p.ProductName
This would remove the country code from the query before you do the distinct.
Entity Framework is trying to translate your query to a SQL query. Obviously it does not know how to translate the IEqualityComparerer. I think the question is whether you want to do the Distinct in the datbase (in which case your client gets only filtered results) or you are OK with bringing all the data to the client and select distinct on the client. If you want the filtering to happen on the database side (which will make your app perform much better) and you want to be able to use different strategies for comparing you can come up with a code that builds distinct criteria on top of your query. If you are fine with bringing your data to the client (note that it can be a lot of data) you should be able just to do (.ToList() will trigger querying the database and materializing results):
IEnumerable<PRODUCT> y = db.PRODUCTs.ToList().Distinct(customComparer);

Linq Contains issue: cannot formulate the equivalent of 'WHERE IN' query

In the table ReservationWorkerPeriods there are records of all workers that are planned to work on a given period on any possible machine.
The additional table WorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite contains columns workerId, MachineId and ConstructionSiteId.
From the table ReservationWorkerPeriods I would like to retrieve just workers who work on selected machine.
In order to retrieve just relevant records from WorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite table I have written the following code:
var relevantWorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite = (from cswm in currentConstructionSiteSchedule.ContrustionSiteWorkerOnMachine
where cswm.MachineId == machineId
select cswm).ToList();
workerOnMachineOnConstructionSite = relevantWorkerOnMachineOnConstructionSite as List<ContrustionSiteWorkerOnMachine>;
These records are also used in the application so I don't want to bypass the above code even if is possible to directly retrieve just workerPeriods for workers who work on selected machine. Anyway I haven't figured out how it is possible to retrieve the relevant workerPeriods once we know which userIDs are relevant.
I have tried the following code:
var userIDs = from w in workerOnMachineOnConstructionSite select new {w.WorkerId};
List<ReservationWorkerPeriods> workerPeriods = currentConstructionSiteSchedule.ReservationWorkerPeriods.ToList();
allocatedWorkers = workerPeriods.Where(wp => userIDs.Contains(wp.WorkerId));
but it seems to be incorrect and don't know how to fix it. Does anyone know what is the problem and how it is possible to retrieve just records which contain userIDs from the list?
Currently, you are constructing an anonymous object on the fly, with one property. You'll want to grab the id directly with (note the missing curly braces):
var userIDs = from w in workerOnMachineOnConstructionSite select w.WorkerId;
Also, in such cases, don't call ToList on it - the variable userIDs just contains the query, not the result. If you use that variable in a further query, the provider can translate it to a single sql query.

Can I do a "Take(x)" on the "Include" entity in a Linq Query?

i've got a really simple linq to entites statement :-
var query = (from q in Users.Include("UserHistory")
select q).Take(20);
works great ... except that, for each user .. the history can be n+1. Some users have 100's of UserHistory records.
So, can I restrict the the number of UserHistory records to .. 10 or 5 or whatever?
Do I need to use projections for this? Can it be done without projections?
You can't do this by using the include, but you can try this:
var query =
from user in Users
select new
history = user.UserHistory.Take(20)
I'm not sure whether EF is able to create one single SQL query of of it.

Linq Containsfunction problem

I use Ria Service domainservice for data query.
In My database, there is a table People with firstname, lastname. Then I use EF/RIA services for data processing.
Then I create a Filter ViewModel to capture user inputs, based it the input, I construct a linq Query to access data.
At server side, the default DomainService query for person is:
public IQueryable<Person> GetPerson()
return this.Context.Person;
At client side, the linq Query for filter is something like(I use Contains function here):
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LastName))
q = q.Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(this.LastName)));
The generated linq query is something like(when debugging,I got it):
MyData.Person[].Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(value(MyViewModel.PersonFilterVM).LastName) || p.Person.LegalLastName.Contains(value(MyViewModel.PersonFilterVM).LastName)))
When I run the app, I put "Smith" for last name for search, but the result is totally irrelevant with "Smith"!
How to fix it?
I'm guessing here as to what your error is so this might not work for you.
In your 2nd code snippet you do the following.
q = q.Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(this.LastName)));
This is where I think your error is. Linq does not evaluate the where clause until you iterate over it. Try changing the line to the following.
qWithData = q.Where(p => (p.LastName.Contains(this.LastName))).ToList();
The .ToList() call will load the query with data.
When you check in the debugger, does value(MyViewModel.PersonFilterVM).LastName evaluate to Smith at the time the query is resolved?
Recall that queries are not resolved until they are enumerated.
