I want to add an mp3 soundtrack to an already open keynote presentation using applescript. The soundtrack should start on the first slide, and loop as long as the presentation is running.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Note: A similar question was asked 6-7 years ago, which had more parts to it. Keynote has gone through significant updates since then, and I am only interested in ability to add the soundtrack.
No need for any AppleScript.
Open up your slideshow
Select "Document" (Top right corner of the keynote)
Drop your soundtrack in
Select "Loop"
Quite often when showing a slide deck in PowerPoint, there is not time enough to show all animations on each slide. Is there a way to show all animations in their final state? I have googled without any success, so my final hope is that someone has done a VB script for this. (Or even better - if there is built-in functionality for this that I have not found...)
Note: I do not want to skip to next slide, just show the slide as it would be shown right before stepping to next slide.
What I do with my presenteations is I use the clicks or spaces or whatever to make each animation/next move happen, so if you can use that as a feature maybe it will help.
I simply press the button many times and the animations start and end quickly for the next one to take place.
I'm pretty new to Applescript (literally just started today), but I can not find out how to just play an album without having to create a playlist with only one album and play that playlist. Essentially I've figured out how to search for what I want and play something, but I can only play one song at a time.
tell application "iTunes"
set search_results to (search playlist "Library" for "Monument Valley (Original Soundtrack)")
repeat with i in search_results
play i
end repeat
end tell
If I do this, it runs through every song until it hits the last one and the last one is played. I believe you can use next track in order to add something to the "Up Next", but I haven't gotten it to work. Is there a way to actually do this or do I have to succumb to playing a playlist?
Sadly, the iTunes AppleScript dictionary has no "terminology" for the Up Next queue. Even Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes, the iTunes scripting authority, has no scripts for Up Next. The next track command is just to "advance to the next track in the current playlist"— equivalent to pressing the "next" button. It seems the only way to script Up Next would be to use GUI scripting, meaning you would tell AppleScript which buttons in the Graphical User Interface to click instead of using an API. This can be quite difficult, so I think you'll have better luck if you just succumb to using playlists. Fortunately, the iTunes dictionary does include plenty of controls for creating and manipulating playlists.
I want to be able to change the default Playback start option from On Click to Automatically, and move the audio horn icon from the middle of the slide to the lower right, and make sure that Timings is selected.
I can only create the container...can't figure out how to get VB to record my actions?
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks :) joan
You can't record macros any longer. The recorder went away several versions ago (2003 was the last one that had it). And it probably wouldn't have recorded any of the animation stuff in any case.
I am a beginner so please take it easy. First some history, I am trying to modify a flash movie (not created by me) that has 4 images in it.
I have to now add 2 more images (pic5.png and pic6.jpg) to the "slideshow" as shown in the attachment, I have added the 2 images to the library. The problem I am having (as I understand, I may be incorrect) is that _root.count = 4 causes the movie to jump back to the first image after it displays the 4th one which does not display the 5th & 6th image.
My question, how do I edit the value of _root.count to 6, so that it will show all the 6 images. Additionally how do I create a hyperlink on each image.
Please can someone guide me.
Many thanks.
Looking at your screen shot, Layer 2 (which contains the slideshow movieclip) is locked. If you unlock the layer by clicking on the padlock icon you should then be able to edit the script.
To edit the script double-click on the script in the Movie Explorer panel and the Actions panel should open. You can edit the script here.
The second part of your question - how to create a hyperlink - is very broad and there are many different ways to approach it. The most elegant approach would depend on how your project was structured.
The simplest way might be to define a variable to hold the path to the current image and add another onClipEvent handler.
So in the existing onLoad you would add…
this.path_to_image = http://your-domain.com/images/your-first-big-image.jpg;
Then add the new event handler
getURL (this.path_to_image);
You would then have to update the path_to_image variable whenever the image changed.
slideshow.path_to_image = http://your-domain.com/images/your-next-big-image.jpg;
I looked high and low for information on how to handle drag n drop to the dock in OSX. The drag n drop documentation (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DragandDrop/DragandDrop.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000069) I found all deal with dragging from view to view. If anyone can point me to some code samples, that would be excellent.
I'm writing my app using the PyObjC bride, but Cocoa examples would be equally welcome :-)
Well, looks like I asked too soon. Here is a great tutorial that shows how one does it:
Basically, just set your controller to be the delegate of NSApplication and implement the openFile method.
Here's a similar question from a couple weeks ago. My answer covered dragging files, which is what you're talking about; the other answer covers dragging data, such as images and bits of text (not image files or text files, but bare data).
http://lethain.com/entry/2008/aug/06/cocoa-drag-and-drop-text-into-the-dock-icon/ covers dragging and dropping text into a dock icon with pyobjc. You can adapt this into other files reasonably easily.
Here is a newer article for Xcode 4
Here is an example project "DockDrop".