How do I add song to iTunes' "Up Next" with Applescript - applescript

I'm pretty new to Applescript (literally just started today), but I can not find out how to just play an album without having to create a playlist with only one album and play that playlist. Essentially I've figured out how to search for what I want and play something, but I can only play one song at a time.
tell application "iTunes"
set search_results to (search playlist "Library" for "Monument Valley (Original Soundtrack)")
repeat with i in search_results
play i
end repeat
end tell
If I do this, it runs through every song until it hits the last one and the last one is played. I believe you can use next track in order to add something to the "Up Next", but I haven't gotten it to work. Is there a way to actually do this or do I have to succumb to playing a playlist?

Sadly, the iTunes AppleScript dictionary has no "terminology" for the Up Next queue. Even Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes, the iTunes scripting authority, has no scripts for Up Next. The next track command is just to "advance to the next track in the current playlist"— equivalent to pressing the "next" button. It seems the only way to script Up Next would be to use GUI scripting, meaning you would tell AppleScript which buttons in the Graphical User Interface to click instead of using an API. This can be quite difficult, so I think you'll have better luck if you just succumb to using playlists. Fortunately, the iTunes dictionary does include plenty of controls for creating and manipulating playlists.


Deselecting a file from a selection in Finder via AppleScript

I've been searching everywhere for around 6 hours to find a way to deselect file items from a previously selected array of items in Finder via AppleScript via Automator with a Quick Action. I've seen deselect all items, I've seen add items to a selection/list for process, but not remove items from a selection...
The goal: I usually have to process a lot of images and get them approved by supervisors before providing them on our servers for use. All of which come in a set of a transparent PNG and an opaque JPG. I only need to upload the JPG files over for approval. So, let's say I have 30 images. 15 of which are JPGs, 15 of which are PNGs. I would love to be able to select all 30 images, and deselect the 15 of which are PNGs (via the script), left with a selection of all the JPGs.
There are other ways to achieve this, but it would be exceptionally helpful if I could just select the images, run the script, and then move them over for upload (website upload). That appears to be the fastest (by hand) way to go about achieving the end result.
What I know: The selection property. Through my research, I've seen the selection property called in a small amount of different ways, but am unsure how to properly manipulate it. I've tried converting the selection to a string and splitting that by detecting a word to split from (like "Macintosh HD") allowing them to be manipulated in a list, and then potentially removing them from a selection...? I'm also very unsure how to just properly manipulate a property as-is...
I've also attempted to just use the given files via input through Automator AppleScript. But alas, that still leads to knowing how to remove/deselect a file from the current selection.
Anybody know how to achieve this?
I appreciate all the time spend and information in advance. Thank you.
There are two approaches you can use for this, one in pure AppleScript, the other using Automator actions.
The pure AppleScript solution is take the selection as a list of files, copy the JPG files to another list, and set the selection to that new list, like so:
set new_selection_list to {}
tell application "Finder"
set selection_list to selection
repeat with this_item in selection_list
if name extension of this_item is "jpg" then
copy this_item to end of new_selection_list
end if
end repeat
set selection to new_selection_list
end tell
Of course, if you're passing these files in through the input variable in automator, you'd use that rather than testing the selection again, but the principle still stands.
Alternately, you can set up your workflow with a Filter Finder Items action, like so:
I'd recommend the second approach. It's likely significantly faster, and takes less programming.
Although not really deselecting items per se, the Finder has a reveal command that will show the specified items. One approach would be to edit the list of selected items, and then reveal the result.
Note that the sorting of selected items varies depending on whether it is from an Automator action (sorted by name) or a Finder tell statement (the order selected), and items mixed from multiple folders (as can happen in an Automator workflow), will result in multiple Finder windows.
The following Automator Quick Action example will remove the first two items from the input items and reveal the rest of the items in the Finder window:
Workflow receives current files or folders in
Run AppleScript:
on run {input, parameters}
set newSelection to input
if (count input) > 2 then -- guard for following statement(s)
set newSelection to items 3 thru -1 of input -- or whatever keep/remove criteria
end if
tell application "Finder" to reveal newSelection
return newSelection
end run

Change video player position with AppleScript?

I have got a problem and I really don’t know how to solve it: I would like to change the player position of this / this video while it is opened in the background (so that another tab or application can be active at the same time). I can’t find anything helpful in the sourcecode and GUI scripting is not an option.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: I came up with an idea: I changed the user agent to iOS 10 (iPhone) although I’m not sure if this makes the whole thing easier.
You can do this with AppleScript and JavaScript if the video player is using the HTML5 video tag. Like you said, changing your user agent to an iOS device increases your chances of being served this instead of a flash player.
First, you need to search for the correct window by URL. Then, the script will run some Javascript in the window to update the time of the video. Change the properties to fit your usage. If the page has multiple video tags, you can change the [0] to which one by order on the DOM, or target by ID instead.
property checkURL : ""
property changeTime : 90
tell application "Safari"
set theTab to first tab of window 1 whose URL contains checkURL
do JavaScript "document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].currentTime = " & changeTime in theTab
end tell
on error
display dialog "That site is not loaded"
end try

Detect order of applications, windows, tabs

I'm using AppleScript to find all tabs in multiple browsers (testing on Safari first) with certain criteria in it's title and give it to stdout for another script.
So I have the basic information I need;
window id
tab index
tab name
tab visible
So from this point I know which of my Safari screens are matching my criteria and I log their window id and their tab index. Besides that with tab visible I can know which is the foremost one.
Now I still have one issue. I really want to be able to know which window and tab was the last one active. Even if I can only know the window id that was used last by the user it would automatically mean that inside that window the tab with visible true is the last one.
But there is one more thing. If the visible tab is not meeting my criteria, then I would still need to know the order of the last active one too.
So what I'm looking for is an counter/order value of the last active windows and tabs. I can't find something in the documentation that could give me that counter. For example; the TAB-logic in OS X knows which apps were last used. I was wondering if that logic would be available as some kind of system variable and then also on it's window/tab sub level.
My code (slimmed down does this):
tell application "Safari"
repeat with win in winlist
repeat with t in tablets
# t.index
# t.visible
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
And so I'm looking for something that emulates win.lastUsedOrderIndex and t.lastUsedOrderIndex.
The simple answer is that if you do not find the properties you need in the application's dictionary, then you are out of luck. Window and Document lists in AppleScript are normally in a front-to-back ordering, since they are based on the orderedWindows and orderedDocuments NSArrays. Tabs in a browser are probably ordered left-to-right or right-to-left, based on the language localization, but I would be surprised if any browser had a reason to return tabs ordered by when they were "last used", whatever that means.

applescript - how to access the clipboard as an iTunes track or file track object

I'm trying to dev a custom paste script for iTunes. After 'copy'' of some playlist tracks, the user should call the script in stead of standard paste, to paste the tracks into another playlist. The script will do some extra stuff apart from pasting the tracks.
Question: To paste the clipboard as tracks an iTunes playlist I need to find the clipboard contents as Track class objects, not the file names, furl's or whatever.
clipboard info
says it has the following in the clipboard:
{Unicode text, 776},
{string, 388},
{«class itun», 4036},
{«class furl», 118},
{«class ut16», 778}
Now, the class furl objects might point me to the files, but that still doesn't get me an iTunes "File Track" or a "Track".
Is there anyone who can shed some light on what the class "itun" things are which are on the clipboard? (Tried for a day to find out myself, but didn't get anywhere) And, whether itun class objects might be usable to get to the copied-to-the-clipboard tracks?
I don't know how to do what you're asking using the clipboard. But why use the clipboard at all? If someone wants to "copy" the tracks this assumes that they have first selected the tracks. And if they have the tracks selected then there is no need to perform the copy step. A simple applescript can get the selection from iTunes so why not just use that approach? You get the selection as tracks and then do whatever you need in the rest of the applescript.
tell application "iTunes"
set selectedTracks to the selection
-- do whatever else you need
end tell

How do I move first responder with applescript?

I want to address the following annoyance with iTunes: After I have searched for a track (by pressing cmd+opt+f to move to the search field) I want to be able to play the first track in the songs list. Ideally I would like cmd+enter to start playing the first track in the song list and also move the focus to the song list. For example I enter 'Highway 61' in the search box, press cmd+enter and 'Like a Rolling Stone' starts playing.
My initial idea is for an applescript that moves the focus from the search field to the song list, selects the first song and plays it.
Here's what I have:
tell application "iTunes"
set first responder of (window 1) to outline "songs"
end tell
When I try to run this script Applescript Editor throws a syntax error "Expected class name found identifier" and highlights responder. This script follows the same form as many of the applescripts I've found on the web. What am I doing wrong?
Aside/rant: Applescript is the most frustrating and confusing technology I've ever had the stupidity to inflict upon myself. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
Applescript's syntax is idiosyncratic, but it's not bad in the sense that you have a uniform scripting language for GUI. This was (and still is) something amazing. The strange sytanx is also not that strange once you go through Apple's language definition which can be found here.
That said, you need to open the AppleScript Dictionary of each app to see what kind of nouns and verbs are defined.
Think of an app as a library of classes and methods from the point of view of the AppleScript. Of course you can't call a method which is not defined in a library, right?
Launch AppleScript Editor, go File→Open Dictionary, and choose iTunes. You soon find that there's no such noun as first responder is defined.
The point is, the app usually only exposes its internal object structure, not every element of the UI. But usually that's enough.
If what you want to do cannot be done using the proper Applescript interface an app exposes, as a last resort, you can directly manipulate the UI elements, using a helper app called "System Events".
So, go File→Open Dictionary again, and this time choose "System Events", and check the content of "Processes Suite." It allows you to manipulate the UI. For example, to get the list of all UI elements, use
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "iTunes"
get UI elements of window 1
end tell
end tell
Have fun! Applescript looked horrible to me for a while, but it's not a bad thing once I learned I need to always refer to the dictionary.
Mac OS X Automation is a great source of tutorials.
If I understand correctly, you don't need an AppleScript to do that. Just press the Tab key to move the focus between elements. In my case, for example, pressing Tab moves the focus from the search box to the left-side selection bar then to the main list of songs then back to the search box again.
EDIT Addressing your further refinement of the question: you can get from searching to playing with two key strokes - TAB to move the focus out of the search box to the song list, then SPACE to play the first track in the selection. You can also use the arrow keys to pick a different selection.
Just for fun, though, here's one way you could do the whole sequence in AppleScript:
tell application "iTunes"
play first item of (search first library playlist for "Highway 61")
end tell
AFAIK, iTunes doesn't implement the command set first responder of. Applescript studio implements such command.
