In ApplePay.js, need to display an error message on the paysheet - applepay

Trying to implement ApplePay for Web using ApplePay.js. If the user enters an invalid shipping address, I'd like to highlight an error on the paysheet so that the user has a chance to correct the issue. I see there is an ApplePayError class here:, however I have no idea how to utilize this class. I've tried this with no luck:
var err = new ApplePayError("shippingContactInvalid", "postalAddress", "Address is invalid");
Is this even right? It doesn't display any error on the paysheet so I think it's wrong but I don't know how to do this and I can't seem to find any information about it's usage. Can someone point me in the right direction here?

Ensure version 3 of Apple Pay js api is being used to create the ApplePaySession.
Then pass a result object with status and errors into a 'completion' method:
var err = new ApplePayError("shippingContactInvalid", "postalAddress", "Address is invalid");
status: ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE,
errors: [ err ]


How to get query sys_id of current.sys_id Service Portal (ServiceNow)

I have a question regarding a small issue that I'm having. I've created a widget that will live on the Service Portal to allow an admin to Accept or Reject requests.
The data for the widget is pulling from the Approvals (approval_approver) table. Under my GlideRecord, I have a query that checks for the state as requested. (Ex. addQuery('state', 'requested'))
To narrow down the search, I tried entering addQuery('sys_id', current.sys_id). When I use this query, my script breaks and I get an error on the Service Portal end.
Here's a sample of the GlideRecord script I've written to Accept.
[//Accept Request
if(input && input.action=="acceptApproval") {
var inRec1 = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_approver');
inRec1.addQuery('state', 'requested');
//inRec1.get('sys_id', current.sys_id);
if( {
inRec1.setValue('state', 'Approved');
inRec1.setValue('approver', gs.getUserID());
gs.addInfoMessage("Accept Approval Processed");
I've research the web, tried using $sp.getParameter() as a work-around and no change.
I would really appreciate any help or insight on what I can do different to get script to work and filter the right records.
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking how to get the sysId of the sysapproval_approver record from the client-side in a widget.
Unless you have defined current elsewhere in your server script, current is undefined. Secondly, $sp.getParameter() is used to retrieve URL parameters. So unless you've included the sysId as a URL parameter, that will not get you what you are looking for.
One pattern that I've used is to pass an object to the client after the initial query that gets the list of requests.
When you're ready to send input to the server from the client, you can add relevant information to the input object. See the simplified example below. For the sake of brevity, the code below does not include error handling.
// Client-side function
approveRequest = function(sysId) {
action: "requestApproval",
sysId: sysId
.then(function(response) {
console.log("Request approved");
// Server-side
var requestGr = new GlideRecord();
requestGr.query(); // Retrieve initial list of requests to display in the template
data.requests = []; // Add array of requests to data object to be passed to the client via the controller
while( {
"number": requestsGr.getValue("number");
"state" : requestsGr.getValue("state");
"sysId" : requestsGr.getValue("sys_id");
if(input && input.action=="acceptApproval") {
var sysapprovalGr = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_approver');
if(sysapprovalGr.get(input.sysId)) {
sysapprovalGr.setValue('state', 'Approved');
sysapprovalGr.setValue('approver', gs.getUserID());
gs.addInfoMessage("Accept Approval Processed");

How to change Web Api Core unauthorized behavior

The default ASP.NET Web Api Core behaviour for unauthorized request is to send 401/403 error with empty content. I'd like to change it by specifying some kind of Json response specifying the error.
But I struggle to find a right place where I can introduce these changes. Official documentation is of no help (read it all). I had a guess that may be I could catch UnathorizedException in my exception filter / middleware but it didn't work out (I guess it gets handled at authorization level or even not thrown at all).
So my question is how can I customize response behavior in case of unauthorized request.
With .Net Core 3 (or may be earlier as well) you can write a middleware to check if the context.Response has a status of 40x and then return a custom object. Below is roughly how I did it:
if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
var result = new MyStandardApiResponseDto
Error = new MyErrorDto
Title = "Unauthorized",
Messages = new List<string> { "You are not authorized to access the resource. Please login again." },
Result = null
await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));

Getting Parse Objects via pointers

I am trying to get a Reservation object which contains a pointer to Restaurant.
In Parse Cloud code, i am able to get the restaurants objects associated with Reservations via query.include('Restaurant') in log just before response.success. However, the Restaurants reverted back to pointer when i receive the response on client app.
I tried reverted JSSDK version to 1.4.2 & 1.6.7 as suggested in some answers, but it doesn't work for me.
Parse.Cloud.define('getreservationsforuser', function(request, response) {
var user = request.user
var query = new Parse.Query('Reservations')
query.equalTo('User', user)
success : function(results) {
error : function (error) {
response :
You can't directly send the pointer objects back from cloud code even though you have included it. You need to manually copy the content of that pointer object to a javascript object. Like below:
var restaurant = {}
restaurant["id"] =;
restaurant["createdAt"] = YOUR_POINTER_OBJECT.createdAt;
restaurant["custom_field"] = YOUR_POINTER_OBJECT.get("custom_field");
ps: in your code you seem do nothing else other than directly send the response back. I think parse REST api might be a better choice in that case.
It turned out that my code implementation was correct.

Error Message in CloudCode - parse update?

My Cloud Code below was working fine until recently. Now I'm getting an error message (see below) but don't know why. My guess is Parse updated some of their API, but I do not know for sure. Also, I'm not a JavaScript person and therefore are hoping for some insight. Does somebody have a hint for me?
Parse.Cloud.define("setUserAnswersForQuestionIds", function(request, response) {
//the following line creates the error
var userId = request.user.get("userId"),
endpointURL = constants.apiURL2 + userId + "/preferences";
Here is the error message
"code": 141,
"error": "TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of null\n at vivanda_api.js:241:29"
You're sending the request from a non-active user session: i.e. no one is logged in, thus request.user is null.

Error updating/posting to Twitter

I tried with this code to post on the wall (Twitter) of a user
if (credentials.ConsumerKey == null || credentials.ConsumerSecret == null)
credentials.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"];
credentials.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"];
auth = new MvcAuthorizer
Credentials = credentials
if (!auth.IsAuthorized)
Uri specialUri = new Uri(Request.Url.ToString());
return auth.BeginAuthorization(specialUri);
twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth);
Probleme : the first test goes well, I posted on the wall the second test shows this error:
Error while querying Twitter.
someone can help me to solve this problem
LINQ to Twitter throws a TwitterQueryException when detecting an error from Twitter. You can look at the Response property of the TwitterQueryException instance to see the message that Twitter is sending back. Another way to get a complete view of the query and Twitter's response is to use Fiddler2 to view the HTTP traffic and see what Twitter's response is.
In your case, I'm looking at the fact that you said the first post worked, but the second one doesn't. This might be caused by posting a duplicate message, which Twitter doesn't allow. If you look at any of the LINQ to Twitter demos that post a message, you'll notice that they contain a DateTime, which practically guarantees that the text of each message will be different. So, In your case, you could try this:
twitterCtx.UpdateStatus("Welcome - " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
You're welcome to provide more info by posting the contents of the Response property from the TwitterQueryException. Also, for more info, I've begun a FAQ at
